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Adaptive softening for the gas

Matthieu Schaller requested to merge adaptive_softening into master

Implements adaptive softening for the gas when using the Wendland-C2 kernel (i.e. the kernel used in the gravity solver). Equations taken straight from but with the terms altered for the Wendland kernel.


  • Add new config option to activate the adaptive softening (--with-adaptive-softening),
  • The gravity scheme uses the gas'h as epsilon
  • A min and max can be applied via the gravity section of the parameter file.
  • The gravity loops and initial comms are taking place after the hydro ghost.
  • The hydro scheme (SPH only) includes extra momentum terms accounting for the change in softening.
  • the "baryon softening" constants given in the parameter files then only apply to stars and BHs.


  • Same for the other hydro schemes.
  • Document the new behaviour in the RTD.
  • Update the unit tests and tools.c

Closes #879 (closed).

Edited by Matthieu Schaller

Merge request reports
