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Make grackle verbose only for rank 0 in MPI runs

Darwin requested to merge darwin/fix_grackle_mpi_verbosity into master

This MR restricts Grackle verbosity to rank 0 only.

In the previous version, Grackle prints initialization details on all ranks, leading to excessive log output in MPI runs. Specifically, at the beginning of the run, every rank prints:

The Grackle Version 3.3.dev1
Git Branch   main
Git Revision 2fc2dddd72545f27b68c8b52c859eccc76814356

Initializing grackle data.
Initializing Cloudy cooling: Primordial.
cloudy_table_file: CloudyData_UVB=HM2012_high_density.h5.
Cloudy cooling grid rank: 3.
Cloudy cooling grid dimensions: 42 26 161.
Parameter1: -10 to 10 (42 steps).
Parameter2: 0 to 15 (26 steps).
Temperature: 1 to 9 (161 steps).
Reading Cloudy Cooling dataset.
Reading Cloudy MMW dataset.
Initializing Cloudy cooling: Metals.
cloudy_table_file: CloudyData_UVB=HM2012_high_density.h5.
Cloudy cooling grid rank: 3.
Cloudy cooling grid dimensions: 42 26 161.
Parameter1: -10 to 10 (42 steps).
Parameter2: 0 to 15 (26 steps).
Temperature: 1 to 9 (161 steps).
Reading Cloudy Cooling dataset.
Grackle run-time parameters:
use_grackle                       = 1
with_radiative_cooling            = 1
primordial_chemistry              = 0
dust_chemistry                    = 0
metal_cooling                     = 1
UVbackground                      = 0
grackle_data_file                 = CloudyData_UVB=HM2012_high_density.h5
cmb_temperature_floor             = 1
Gamma                             = 1.66667
h2_on_dust                        = 0
use_dust_density_field            = 0
dust_recombination_cooling        = -1
photoelectric_heating             = 0
photoelectric_heating_rate        = 8.5e-26
use_isrf_field                    = 0
interstellar_radiation_field      = 1.7
use_volumetric_heating_rate       = 0
use_specific_heating_rate         = 0
three_body_rate                   = 0
cie_cooling                       = 0
h2_optical_depth_approximation    = 0
ih2co                             = 1
ipiht                             = 1
HydrogenFractionByMass            = 0.715768
DeuteriumToHydrogenRatio          = 6.8e-05
SolarMetalFractionByMass          = 0.01295
local_dust_to_gas_ratio           = 0.009387
CaseBRecombination                = 1
NumberOfTemperatureBins           = 600
TemperatureStart                  = 1
TemperatureEnd                    = 1e+09
NumberOfDustTemperatureBins       = 250
DustTemperatureStart              = 1
DustTemperatureEnd                = 1500
Compton_xray_heating              = 0
LWbackground_sawtooth_suppression = 0
LWbackground_intensity            = 0
UVbackground_redshift_on          = -99999
UVbackground_redshift_off         = -99999
UVbackground_redshift_fullon      = -99999
UVbackground_redshift_drop        = -99999
cloudy_electron_fraction_factor   = 0.00915396
use_radiative_transfer            = 0
radiative_transfer_coupled_rate_solver = 0
radiative_transfer_intermediate_step = 0
radiative_transfer_hydrogen_only  = 0
self_shielding_method             = 0
H2_self_shielding                 = 0
H2_custom_shielding               = 0
h2_charge_exchange_rate           = 1
h2_dust_rate                      = 1
h2_h_cooling_rate                 = 1
collisional_excitation_rates      = 1
collisional_ionisation_rates      = 1
recombination_cooling_rates       = 1
bremsstrahlung_cooling_rates      = 1
max_iterations                    = 10000
exit_after_iterations_exceeded    = 0
omp_nthreads                      = 0
OpenMP: off

This behaviour is not an issue for non-MPI runs, but in large MPI jobs with thousands of ranks, the log file becomes cluttered with redundant information.

With this change, only rank 0 will print Grackle’s initialization messages, keeping logs cleaner and more readable.

Merge request reports
