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Cosmology radiation transport GEAR-RT

Stan Verhoeve requested to merge GEARRT_Stan_project_cosmology into master

First steps towards a cosmological treatment of radiative transfer with GEAR-RT


  • Added cosmological timestep in rt_part_dt()
  • Added function to write (comoving) photon energy densities to hdf5 in rt_io.h
  • Changed Gizmo scale-factor exponent for mass from 1.f to 0.f

Examples added:

  • Cosmo_Advection_1D: Test that the propagation speed of photons is correct. Also tests that the physical energy density is diluted with correct scale factor
  • Cosmo_Advection_2D: Test that the propagation speed of photons is correct. Also tests that the physical energy density is diluted with correct scale factor
  • Cosmo_uniform_box_3D: Test that comoving and physical energy + energy density scale correctly with scale factor
  • Cosmo_StromgrenSphere_3D: Test that the front of the radiation sphere propagates with c

Merge request reports
