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More flexible energy scaling function

Yannick Bahé requested to merge new-fth into master

Merge request to add the option for different energy scaling functions. Three options are now available, set by the parameter EAGLEFeedback:SNII_energy_fraction_function:

  • EAGLE: as in the original EAGLE simulations. This gives iso-fth contours that are diagonal lines in the log-Z vs. log-n plane.
  • Separable: a transition from fE_min to fE_max that is separable in density and metallicity. This gives "boxy" iso-fth contours which curve upwards relative to the EAGLE scaling.
  • Independent: a model where the energy scalings with metallicity and density are fully independent of each other. This creates a "four-box" pattern, with constant f_th towards each of the corners of the log-Z/log-n diagram and smooth transitions between them. This model has an additional parameter, EAGLEFeedback:SNII_energy_fraction_delta_E_n, which sets the maximum energy difference between low and high density at fixed metallicity.

The change only applies to the EAGLE_thermal model, the EAGLE_kinetic model is not changed @jborrow, please also have a look and check whether you can spot any issues.

Merge request reports
