HLLC problem
I was trying to debug an accuracy problem and suddenly the HLLC accuracy check triggered.
If I run testRiemannHLLC
float WL[5] = {6.15986764e-01, 5.11161661e+00, -8.96122360e+00, -6.84385729e+00, 9.99994218e-01};
float WR[5] = {2.83895761e-01, 7.79911280e+00, -7.49063063e+00, 9.95598030e+00, 1.48651823e-01};
I get
[15488.3] check_riemann_symmetry: Flux solver asymmetric: [1.012e+00,1.197e+01,-9.695e-01,-1.243e+01,1.495e+02] == [-1.012e+00,-1.197e+01,9.695e-01,1.243e+01,-1.495e+02]
[15488.3] testRiemannHLLC.c:check_riemann_symmetry():82: Asymmetry in flux solution!
This is with the latest master
and configured simply with ./configure