Seg Fault when no particles in cells with hydro + grav
Version : 0.5.0
Revision: v0.5.0-879-g56d1a511-dirty, Branch: master, Date: 2017-07-20 15:47:37 +0100
Webpage :
Config. options: '--with-metis=/ssoft/spack/lafnetscha/opt/spack/x86_E5v2_IntelIB/intel-16.0.3/metis-5.1.0-l5aiij6wjuifmuzdwtuh3f2qrnbsjk3d --enable-debug=yes'
Compiler: ICC, Version: 16.0.20160415
CFLAGS : '-g -O0 -I/ssoft/spack/lafnetscha/opt/spack/x86_E5v2_IntelIB/intel-16.0.3/metis-5.1.0-l5aiij6wjuifmuzdwtuh3f2qrnbsjk3d/include -I/home/lhausamm/local/include -L/home/lhausamm/local/lib -debug inline-debug-info -O3 -ansi_alias -xCORE-AVX-I -w2 -Wunused-variable -Werror'
HDF5 library version: 1.8.16
FFTW library version: 3.x (details not available)
[00000.0] main: CPU frequency used for tick conversion: 2600054218 Hz
[00000.0] main: Running on: deneb1
[00000.0] main: sizeof(part) is 128 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(xpart) is 64 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(spart) is 64 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(gpart) is 96 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(multipole) is 152 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(grav_tensor) is 280 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(task) is 64 bytes.
[00000.0] main: sizeof(cell) is 544 bytes.
[00000.0] main: Reading runtime parameters from file 'params.yml'
[00000.0] main: Reading ICs from file 'agora.hdf5'
[00000.0] read_ic_single: IC and internal units match. No conversion needed.
[00000.0] read_ic_single: Ngas: 100000
[00000.1] main: Reading initial conditions took 55.934 ms.
[00000.1] main: Read 100000 gas particles, 0 star particles and 312500 gparts from the ICs.
[00000.1] main: space_init took 14.810 ms.
[00000.1] main: space dimensions are [ 1235.882 1235.882 1235.882 ].
[00000.1] main: space is periodic.
[00000.1] main: highest-level cell dimensions are [ 12 12 12 ].
[00000.1] main: 100000 parts in 1728 cells.
[00000.1] main: 312500 gparts in 1728 cells.
[00000.1] main: 0 sparts in 1728 cells.
[00000.1] main: maximum depth is 0.
[00000.1] engine_init: no processor affinity used
[00000.1] engine_policy: engine policies are [ steal keep numa_affinity hydro self_gravity ]
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Equation of state: Ideal gas.
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Adiabatic index gamma: 1.666667.
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic scheme: Gadget-2 version of SPH (Springel 2005) in 3D.
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic kernel: Cubic spline (M4) with eta=1.234800 (48.00 neighbours).
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic tolerance in h: 0.00010 (+/- 0.0144 neighbours).
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic integration: CFL parameter: 0.1000.
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Hydrodynamic integration: Max change of volume: 1.40 (max|dlog(h)/dt|=0.112157).
[00000.1] hydro_props_print: Maximal smoothing length allowed: 10.0000
[00000.1] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity scheme: FMM-MM with m-poles of order 4
[00000.1] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity time integration: eta=0.0250
[00000.1] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity opening angle: theta=0.7000
[00000.1] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity softening: epsilon=0.3000 (Plummer equivalent: 0.1000)
[00000.1] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity MM smoothing-scale: a_smooth=1.250000
[00000.1] gravity_props_print: Self-gravity MM cut-off: r_cut=4.500000
[00000.1] engine_init: Absolute minimal timestep size: 9.714451e-17
[00000.1] engine_init: Minimal timestep size (on time-line): 6.675720e-06
[00000.1] engine_init: Maximal timestep size (on time-line): 6.835938e-03
[New Thread 0x7ffff1545700 (LWP 5713)]
[00000.1] main: engine_init took 2.243 ms.
[00000.1] main: Running on 100000 gas particles, 0 star particles and 212500 DM particles (312500 gravity particles)
[00000.1] main: from t=0.000e+00 until t=1.400e+01 with 1 threads and 1 queues (dt_min=1.000e-05, dt_max=1.000e-02)...
[00000.1] engine_init_particles: Computing initial gas densities.
Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x000000000042d69f in scheduler_splittask_hydro (t=0xe, s=0x7fffffff9790) at scheduler.c:214
214 ci->count * sid_scale[sid] < space_subsize_pair / cj->count &&