task tic can be after toc
During re-partitioning we occasionally see:
[0001] [00015.9] partition.c:repart_edge_metis():463: Bad task weight (-2147483648).
Checking the values of tic and toc shows that these can time reversed, for instance I can see:
t->toc = 487903733871255
t->tic = 487903781581590
This is easily reproduced by forcing a large number of re-partitions and running a SodShock test like:
mpirun -np 2 ../swift_mpi -s -t 6 -v 1 sodShock.yml
Current master at: 6d9f54ae, using modules swift/c4/intel/intelmpi/5.1.2
on cosma-e
. Configured using ./configure --with-metis