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Add a description and a scale-factor exponent to each individual array written to the snapshots.

Matthieu Schaller requested to merge snapshot_meta_data into master

@lhausammann @jkeger @jborrow

I am working on expanding a bit the meta-data of the fields in the snapshots. One thing which is currently incorrect is the scale-factor exponent. In some cases, it cannot be deduced from the units themselves so it has to be a value provided by the person implementing that scheme. While I am at it, I am also adding a description of the field. This allows us to go beyond just the name.

As you can see, I expand the io_make_output_field() macro to take two more arguments:

  • The scale-factor exponent required to convert that field to physical units.
  • A string for the description.

It is a bit of a pain to adapt all the schemes so I wanted to gather your opinion on this before going ahead.

(Note that SWIFT does not do any conversion from internal units to physical. The scale-factor exponent given there is only to inform the user about what to do if they want to do it themselves.) In the case of planetary-SPH, only the description makes sense I suppose. :)

Also fixes #593 (closed).

Edited by Matthieu Schaller

Merge request reports
