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Superficial removal of rogue new lines in cosmology debug check

William Roper requested to merge petty_new_line_removal into master

When running with debugging checks and cosmology a couple of the lines have new lines on the end for no reason.


[0003] [00005.3] cosmology_init_tables: Max fractional error in a to age of universe round trip =   3.94332378e-05

[0003] [00005.3] cosmology_init_tables: Max fractional error in a to comoving distance round trip =   2.44793077e-08

[0001] [00006.4] cosmology_init_tables: Max fractional error in a to age of universe round trip =   3.94332378e-05

After seeing them for the 300th time I couldn't take it anymore.

Merge request reports