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Three fixes to the PHANTOM SPH scheme

Matthieu Schaller requested to merge fix_phantom into master

Fixes #803 (closed).

This introduces three changes to phantom SPH:

  • The du/dt term diffusion was incorrect as it used rho_i twice instead of both rho_i and rho_j.
  • The dh/dt term now uses the same definition as SPHENIX
  • The signal velocity did not use the new function introduced for MHD reasons.

That first point fixes the symmetry test but not sure why we did not catch it before.

The second point fixes the issue #803 (closed). However, what is strange is that we have two different definitions of this term between SPHENIX and minimal (say). The former one does not include the f_ij terms, the latter one does. This term is not super important but it's still a weird difference.

Edited by Matthieu Schaller

Merge request reports