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Implementation of radiation injection with SPHM1RT

Tsang Keung Chan requested to merge SPHM1RT_injection into master

The MR goal is to incorporate radiation injection into the SPHM1RT module. It uses star_basic to inject radiation to the neighbourhood gas particle according to the star kernel. The following shows that it works well in the 2D injection cases (examples/RadiativeTransferTests/StromgrenSphere_2D/



However, there are some to-dos:

  1. the unit of flux (in the output) in GEAR-RT and SPHM1RT does not agree yet.

  2. the interpolation for the diffusion is not working (removed: it does not help much anyway).

  3. 3D case has not been checked yet. (done: 3D one is working)



  1. add documentation for SPHM1RT in the doc folder (done)
Edited by Matthieu Schaller

Merge request reports