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Improve task level plot

Mladen Ivkovic requested to merge improve-task-level-plot into master

Following modifications have been added:

  • new colormap
  • grid
  • labels are rotated by 90 degrees now
  • fix a small bug where the highest level has not been plotted

For comparison, here's the default output of the current version of the script:


And here is the modified version:


Additionally, I added the -c and -d flags.

  • -c: counts on how many levels each task operates, and writes it in brackets on the task name label
  • -d: if a task has the same number of counts for multiple levels, displace the counts by a tiny amount to make them visible.

Here's an example output: Screenshot_from_2020-10-30_21-16-24 Now we can for example see that there is more than one level of grav_down_in with 8 tasks calls.

Merge request reports