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Schmidt law for the star formation rate

Sylvia Ploeckinger requested to merge SchmidtLaw into master

Adding the option to use a Schmidt law for star formation within the EAGLE star formation module.

The code defaults to the pressure law with no extra parameter necessary in the yaml file. In order to use the Schmidt law, add the first or both lines to the yaml file:

  SF_model:                     SchmidtLaw     # (Optional) If set to "SchmidtLaw", the SFR is calculated using a Schmidt law, defaults to the pressure law
  star_formation_efficiency:         0.01      # (Optional) If a Schmidt law is used, this regulates the star formation efficiency per free-fall time (defaults to 0.01)

Mostly copied over from @folkert's work for COLIBRE with smaller adaptations. I also made sure that the IsolatedGalaxy_feedback example runs out of the box again (download the new cooling tables and minor changes to the python script that tests the SFH). The condition for star formation remains untouched, the only part that is affected is the calculation of the star formation rate.

The code is compiling and running for both the EAGLE pressure law and the Schmidt law (tested with IsolatedGalaxy_feedback).

Merge request reports
