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  • Josh Borrow's avatar
    Removed legacy sphinx modules · 3a5a6876
    Josh Borrow authored
    Removed some tags that were causing compilation issues
    Moved old RTD around.
    Added rtd-specific gitignore
    Added 'new' RTD system
    Added tempaltes of how to add new items to the documentation
    Added HydroSchemes information
    Added information from the onboarding guide into the online documentation, as well as adding the makefile
    Add Equation of State documentation
    Added the onboarding guide stuff
    Added initial conditions section
    Add eos documentation
    Removed git marks
    added minor change to the particle type table to make it fully consistent with SWIFT
    Implemented Matthieu's changes
    Updated information about minimalsph
    removed statement about balsara switch
    Add Cooling doc
    Add cooling and update structure
    Minor tidy up
    Renamed section