#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Usage: process_plot_tasks.py TIME-RANGE [--files FILES] [--weights] [--nproc NPROC] where NPROC is the number of parallel processes to use to process task info files and TIME-RANGE is the range (in ms) for the horizontal axis in the task plots (a value of 0 means the task data is used to determine the range). This script will process task info input files named "thread_info-step.dat" that can be produced by configuring SWIFT with '--enable-task-debugging' and running SWIFT with the '-y INTERVAL' option. The script produces the following output: - task plots ("stepr") for each input file - "index.html": an overview of all task plots - step pages ("stepr.html") with statistical information about the tasks for a specific step. These can be opened by clicking on a task plot on the overview page. By default, all thread_info*.dat files in the current working directory are processed. The optional FILES argument allows more fine-grained control over which files get included. Note that this script acts as a wrapper for 'plot_tasks.py' and 'analyse_tasks.py'; these scripts still expect some files to be present in the current working directory. The optional argument --weights will process the task info files in reverse order of their size. This significantly improves load-balancing when using a large number of processes for an inhomogeneous set of input files, but can also lead to a large memory usage, since NPROC large files will be loaded into memory simultaneously. Note that this script is a Python version of an earlier bash script by Peter Draper. This file is part of SWIFT. Copyright (C) 2016 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk) (C) 2022 Bert Vandenbroucke (bert.vandenbroucke@gmail.com) All Rights Reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import subprocess import argparse import glob import re import sys import os import numpy as np # location of this script # used to find other scripts we need to run script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) # parse command line arguments argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument( "time_range", type=float, help="Time range to use for the horizontal axis (in ms)." ) argparser.add_argument( "--files", "-f", default=None, nargs="+", help="Files to process (default: all thread_info-step*.dat files in the current directory).", ) argparser.add_argument( "--nproc", "-j", default=1, type=int, help="Number of parallel processes to use." ) argparser.add_argument( "--weights", "-w", action="store_true", help="Use file sizes as weights to determine task order.", ) args = argparser.parse_args() nproc = args.nproc trange = args.time_range # function used to extract the step counter from a thread_info-step*.dat file def getcount(filename): return int(re.findall("\d+", filename)[0]) # sort the files based on the step number # also do this if a list of files was provided files = args.files if files is None: files = sorted(glob.glob("thread_info-step*.dat"), key=getcount) else: files = sorted(files, key=getcount) # create a list of step numbers matching the files nfile = len(files) steps = np.zeros(nfile, dtype=np.int32) for ifile in range(nfile): steps[ifile] = getcount(files[ifile]) # create all the analysis commands we want to run without actually running them cmds = [] weights = [] for ifile in range(nfile): outname = "step{0}r".format(steps[ifile]) weight = os.path.getsize(files[ifile]) cmd = "{0}/plot_tasks.py --expand 1 --limit {1} {2} {3}".format( script_dir, trange, files[ifile], outname ) cmds.append(cmd) # plot_task commands are more expensive than their analyse_tasks # counterpart because they also need to write large image files weights.append(2 * weight) outname = "step{0}r.stats".format(steps[ifile]) cmd = "{0}/analyse_tasks.py --html {1} > {2}".format( script_dir, files[ifile], outname ) cmds.append(cmd) weights.append(weight) if args.weights: # sort the commands according to their weight # long/expensive commands will be launched first, to achieve maximum overlap # with shorter commands weights = np.array(weights) order = np.argsort(weights)[::-1] cmds = np.array(cmds)[order] # now run all commands in parallel using the requested number of processes print("Done generating analysis commands, running them in parallel...") # first, send off 'nproc' processes icmd = 0 dfs = [None] * nproc while icmd < len(cmds) and icmd < nproc: cmd = cmds[icmd] print("Starting {0} in slot {1}".format(cmd, icmd)) dfs[icmd] = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) icmd += 1 # now keep spawning more processes until all commands have been submitted while icmd < len(cmds): # loop over the running processes for iproc in range(nproc): # if a process finished, replace it with a new command if not dfs[iproc].poll() is None: print("Slot {0} finished".format(iproc)) cmd = cmds[icmd] print("Starting {0} in slot {1}".format(cmd, iproc)) dfs[iproc] = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) icmd += 1 # we are out of commands, exit the for-loop (and the while-loop) if icmd == len(cmds): break # now wait for the remaining processes # we don't care that the processes will not finish in list order, since we # have to wait for the slowest one anyway for iproc in range(nproc): if not dfs[iproc] is None: dfs[iproc].wait() print("Slot {0} finished".format(iproc)) print("Done processing files. Creating web pages...") # generate web pages # note that we don't bother adding newlines, since those are ignored by the # browser anyway htmltag = '' index_file = open("index.html", "w") index_file.write(htmltag) index_file.write("SWIFT task graphs") index_file.write("

SWIFT task graphs

") for ifile in range(nfile): step = steps[ifile] index_file.write("

Step {0}

".format(step)) index_file.write(''.format(step)) index_file.write(''.format(step)) step_file = open("step{0}r.html".format(step), "w") step_file.write(htmltag) step_file.write("") step_file.write(''.format(step)) step_file.write('
    with open("step{0}r.stats".format(step), "r") as stats_file:
") step_file.close() index_file.write("") index_file.close() print("Done.")