import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") from pylab import * # tex stuff # rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Palatino']}) params = { "axes.labelsize": 14, "text.fontsize": 14, "legend.fontsize": 14, "xtick.labelsize": 14, "ytick.labelsize": 14, "text.usetex": True, "figure.figsize": (9, 6), "figure.subplot.left": 0.08, # the left side of the subplots of the figure "figure.subplot.right": 0.95, # the right side of the subplots of the figure "figure.subplot.bottom": 0.1, # the bottom of the subplots of the figure "": 0.93, # the top of the subplots of the figure "figure.subplot.wspace": 0.2, # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots "figure.subplot.hspace": 0.2, # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots "lines.markersize": 4, #'axes.formatter.limits' : (, 0), } rcParams.update(params) rc("font", family="serif") import sys import math import os epsilon = 1.0 h = 2.8 * epsilon r_s = 20.0 r_c = 4.5 * r_s r = arange(0.1, 2500, 1 / 1000.0) numElem = size(r) f = zeros(numElem) f_wanted = zeros(numElem) fac = zeros(numElem) f2 = zeros(numElem) fac2 = zeros(numElem) kernel = zeros(numElem) for i in range(numElem): if r[i] >= r_c: f[i] = 0.0 f_wanted[i] = 1.0 / r[i] ** 3 elif r[i] >= h: f[i] = 1.0 / r[i] ** 3 f_wanted[i] = 1.0 / r[i] ** 3 else: u = r[i] / h if u < 0.5: f[i] = (10.666666666667 + u * u * (32.0 * u - 38.4)) / h ** 3 f_wanted[i] = (10.666666666667 + u * u * (32.0 * u - 38.4)) / h ** 3 else: f[i] = ( 21.333333333333 - 48.0 * u + 38.4 * u * u - 10.666666666667 * u * u * u - 0.066666666667 / (u * u * u) ) / h ** 3 f_wanted[i] = ( 21.333333333333 - 48.0 * u + 38.4 * u * u - 10.666666666667 * u * u * u - 0.066666666667 / (u * u * u) ) / h ** 3 fac[i] = math.erfc(r[i] / (2.0 * r_s)) + (r[i] / (r_s * sqrt(math.pi))) * exp( -r[i] * r[i] / (4 * r_s * r_s) ) fac2[i] = math.erf(r[i] / (2.0 * r_s)) - (r[i] / (r_s * sqrt(math.pi))) * exp( -r[i] * r[i] / (4 * r_s * r_s) ) f[i] = f[i] * fac[i] f2[i] = (1.0 / r[i] ** 3) * fac2[i] for i in range(numElem): u = r[i] / h if u < 0.5: kernel[i] = (10.666666666667 + u * u * (32.0 * u - 38.4)) / h ** 3 else: kernel[i] = ( 21.333333333333 - 48.0 * u + 38.4 * u * u - 10.666666666667 * u * u * u - 0.066666666667 / (u * u * u) ) / h ** 3 figure() loglog(r / h, 1 / r ** 3, "b-", label="Newton's law") loglog(r / h, kernel, "r-", label="Softening kernel") loglog(r / h, fac / r ** 3, "g-", label="Unsoftend tree force") loglog(r / h, f2, "m-", label="Mesh force") loglog(r / h, f, "c--", label="Total tree force", linewidth=3) loglog(r / h, f + f2, "k--", label="Total force", linewidth=3) plot([1, 1], [1e-10, 1e10], "k--") text(0.85, 5e-9, "$h_c=2.8\epsilon$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom") plot([epsilon / h, epsilon / h], [1e-10, 1e10], "k--") text( 0.85 * epsilon / h, 5e-9, "$\epsilon$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom", ) plot([r_s / h, r_s / h], [1e-10, 1e10], "k--") text(0.85 * r_s / h, 5e-4, "$r_s$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom") plot([r_c / h, r_c / h], [1e-10, 1e10], "k--") text( 0.85 * r_c / h, 5e-4, "$r_c=4.5r_s$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom" ) legend(loc="upper right", ncol=2) grid() xlim(1e-1, 200) xlabel("$r/h_c$") xticks([0.1, 1, 10, 100], ["$0.1$", "$1$", "$10$", "$100$"]) ylim(4e-10, 1e2) ylabel("Acceleration") savefig("force.png") figure() semilogx(r / r_s, (f + f2) / f_wanted - 1, "r-", label="$error$", linewidth=2) plot([1, 1], [-1e10, 1e10], "k--") text(0.85 * 1, 0.011, "$r_s$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom") plot([r_c / r_s, r_c / r_s], [-1e10, 1e10], "k--") text( 0.85 * r_c / r_s, 0.011, "$r_c=4.5r_s$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom", ) grid() xlim(1e-1, 200) xlabel("$r/r_s$") xticks([0.1, 1, 10, 100], ["$0.1$", "$1$", "$10$", "$100$"]) ylim(-0.025, 0.025) yticks([-0.02, -0.01, 0.0, 0.01, 0.02], ["$-2\%$", "$-1\%$", "$0\%$", "$1\%$", "$2\%$"]) savefig("error.png") figure() loglog(r / r_s, fac, "b-", label="$f_{LR}$", linewidth=2) loglog(r / r_s, 1 - fac, "r-", label="$1-f_{LR}$", linewidth=2) grid() xlim(0.05, 30) ylim(1e-3, 2) xlabel("$r/r_s$") xticks([0.1, 1, 10], ["$0.1$", "$1$", "$10$"]) yticks([0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1], ["$10^{-3}$", "$10^{-2}$", "$10^{-1}$", "$1$"]) legend(loc="lower left") plot([1, 1], [1e-10, 1e10], "k--") text(0.85 * 1, 2e-3, "$r_s$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom") plot([r_c / r_s, r_c / r_s], [1e-10, 1e10], "k--") text( 0.85 * r_c / r_s, 2e-3, "$r_c=4.5r_s$", rotation="vertical", fontsize=14, va="bottom", ) savefig("correction.png")