* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2017 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
#if defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) && \
defined(WITH_CSDS) /* Are we on a sensible platform? */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* Local headers. */
#include "csds/src/csds_logfile_writer.h"
#include "swift.h"
void test_log_parts(struct csds_writer *log) {
struct csds_logfile_writer *d = &log->logfile;
struct engine e;
struct cosmology cosmo;
e.cosmology = &cosmo;
cosmo.a_factor_hydro_accel = 1;
cosmo.a_factor_grav_accel = 1;
/* Write several copies of a part to the logfile. */
struct part p;
struct xpart xp;
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct part));
bzero(&xp, sizeof(struct xpart));
p.x[0] = 1.0;
p.v[0] = 0.1;
xp.csds_data.last_offset = 0;
/* Write the full part. */
csds_log_part(log, &p, &xp, &e, /* log_all */ 1, csds_flag_none,
/* flag_data */ 0);
printf("Wrote part at offset %#016zx.\n", xp.csds_data.last_offset);
/* Write only the position. */
p.x[0] = 2.0;
p.v[0] = 0.;
csds_log_part(log, &p, &xp, &e, /* log_all */ 0, csds_flag_none,
/* flag_data */ 0);
printf("Wrote part at offset %#016zx.\n", xp.csds_data.last_offset);
/* Write the position and velocity. */
p.x[0] = 3.0;
p.v[0] = 0.3;
csds_log_part(log, &p, &xp, &e, /* log_all */ 0, csds_flag_none,
/* flag_data */ 0);
printf("Wrote part at offset %#016zx.\n", xp.csds_data.last_offset);
/* Recover the last part from the logfile. */
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct part));
size_t offset = xp.csds_data.last_offset;
size_t offset_old = offset;
unsigned int mask = csds_read_part(log, &p, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered part at offset %#016zx with mask %#04x: p.x[0]=%e, "
offset_old, mask, p.x[0], p.v[0]);
if (p.x[0] != 3.0 || p.v[0] != 0.3f) {
printf("FAIL: could not read position and velocity of stored particle.\n");
/* Recover the second part from the logfile (only position). */
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct part));
offset_old = offset;
mask = csds_read_part(log, &p, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered part at offset %#016zx with mask %#04x: p.x[0]=%e, "
offset_old, mask, p.x[0], p.v[0]);
if (p.x[0] != 2.0 || p.v[0] != 0.0) {
printf("FAIL: could not read position and velocity of stored particle.\n");
/* Recover the first part from the logfile. */
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct part));
offset_old = offset;
mask = csds_read_part(log, &p, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered part at offset %#016zx with mask %#04x: p.x[0]=%e, "
offset_old, mask, p.x[0], p.v[0]);
if (p.x[0] != 1.0 || p.v[0] != 0.1f) {
printf("FAIL: could not read position and velocity of stored particle.\n");
void test_log_gparts(struct csds_writer *log) {
struct csds_logfile_writer *d = &log->logfile;
struct engine e;
/* Write several copies of a part to the logfile. */
struct gpart p;
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct gpart));
p.x[0] = 1.0;
p.v_full[0] = 0.1;
p.type = swift_type_dark_matter;
p.csds_data.last_offset = 0;
/* Write the full part. */
csds_log_gpart(log, &p, &e, /* log_all */ 1, csds_flag_none,
/* flag_data */ 0);
printf("Wrote gpart at offset %#016zx.\n", p.csds_data.last_offset);
/* Write only the position. */
p.x[0] = 2.0;
p.v_full[0] = 0.;
csds_log_gpart(log, &p, &e, /* log_all */ 0, csds_flag_none,
/* flag_data */ 0);
printf("Wrote gpart at offset %#016zx.\n", p.csds_data.last_offset);
/* Write the position and velocity. */
p.x[0] = 3.0;
p.v_full[0] = 0.3;
csds_log_gpart(log, &p, &e, /* log_all */ 0, csds_flag_none,
/* flag_data */ 0);
printf("Wrote gpart at offset %#016zx.\n", p.csds_data.last_offset);
/* Recover the last part from the logfile. */
size_t offset = p.csds_data.last_offset;
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct gpart));
size_t offset_old = offset;
int mask = csds_read_gpart(log, &p, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered gpart at offset %#016zx with mask %#04x: p.x[0]=%e, "
offset_old, mask, p.x[0], p.v_full[0]);
if (p.x[0] != 3.0 || p.v_full[0] != 0.3f) {
printf("FAIL: could not read position and velocity of stored gpart.\n");
/* Recover the second part from the logfile. */
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct gpart));
offset_old = offset;
mask = csds_read_gpart(log, &p, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered gpart at offset %#016zx with mask %#04x: p.x[0]=%e, "
offset_old, mask, p.x[0], p.v_full[0]);
if (p.x[0] != 2.0 || p.v_full[0] != 0.0) {
printf("FAIL: could not read position and velocity of stored gpart.\n");
/* Recover the first part from the logfile. */
bzero(&p, sizeof(struct gpart));
offset_old = offset;
mask = csds_read_gpart(log, &p, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered gpart at offset %#016zx with mask %#04x: p.x[0]=%e, "
offset_old, mask, p.x[0], p.v_full[0]);
if (p.x[0] != 1.0 || p.v_full[0] != 0.1f) {
printf("FAIL: could not read position and velocity of stored gpart.\n");
void test_log_timestamps(struct csds_writer *log) {
struct csds_logfile_writer *d = &log->logfile;
/* The timestamp to log. */
integertime_t t = 10;
double time = 0.1;
/* Start with an offset at the end of the logfile. */
size_t offset = d->count;
/* Log three consecutive timestamps. */
csds_log_timestamp(log, t, time, &offset);
printf("Logged timestamp %020llu at offset %#016zx.\n", t, offset);
t += 10;
time = 0.2;
csds_log_timestamp(log, t, time, &offset);
printf("Logged timestamp %020llu at offset %#016zx.\n", t, offset);
t += 10;
time = 0.3;
csds_log_timestamp(log, t, time, &offset);
printf("Logged timestamp %020llu at offset %#016zx.\n", t, offset);
/* Recover the three timestamps. */
size_t offset_old = offset;
t = 0;
time = 0;
int mask =
csds_read_timestamp(log, &t, &time, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered timestamp %020llu with time %g at offset %#016zx with mask "
t, time, offset_old, mask);
if (t != 30) {
printf("FAIL: could not recover correct timestamp.\n");
if (time != 0.3) {
printf("FAIL: could not recover correct time.\n");
offset_old = offset;
t = 0;
time = 0;
mask = csds_read_timestamp(log, &t, &time, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered timestamp %020llu with time %g at offset %#016zx with mask "
t, time, offset_old, mask);
if (t != 20) {
printf("FAIL: could not recover correct timestamp.\n");
if (time != 0.2) {
printf("FAIL: could not recover correct time.\n");
offset_old = offset;
t = 0;
time = 0;
mask = csds_read_timestamp(log, &t, &time, &offset, (const char *)d->data);
"Recovered timestamp %020llu with time %g at offset %#016zx with mask "
t, time, offset_old, mask);
if (t != 10) {
printf("FAIL: could not recover correct timestamp.\n");
if (time != 0.1) {
printf("FAIL: could not recover correct time.\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* Prepare a csds. */
struct csds_writer log;
struct swift_params params;
struct engine e;
e.policy = engine_policy_hydro | engine_policy_self_gravity;
parser_read_file("csds.yml", ¶ms);
csds_init(&log, &e, ¶ms);
/* Test writing/reading parts. */
/* Test writing/reading gparts. */
/* Test writing/reading timestamps. */
/* Be clean */
char filename[256];
sprintf(filename, "%s.dump", log.base_name);
/* Clean the csds. */
/* Return a happy number. */
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return 0; }