* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2018 James Willis (james.s.willis@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Some standard headers. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "velociraptor_interface.h"
/* Local includes. */
#include "black_holes_io.h"
#include "common_io.h"
#include "cooling.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "gravity_io.h"
#include "hydro.h"
#include "hydro_io.h"
#include "stars_io.h"
#include "swift_velociraptor_part.h"
#include "threadpool.h"
#include "velociraptor_struct.h"
* @brief Structure for passing cosmological information to VELOCIraptor.
* This should match the structure cosmoinfo in the file src/swiftinterface.h
* in the VELOCIraptor code.
struct cosmoinfo {
/*! Current expansion factor of the Universe. (cosmology.a) */
double atime;
/*! Reduced Hubble constant (H0 / (100km/s/Mpc) (cosmology.h) */
double littleh;
/*! Matter density parameter (cosmology.Omega_m) */
double Omega_m;
/*! Radiation density parameter (cosmology.Omega_r) */
double Omega_r;
/*! Neutrino density parameter at z = 0 (cosmology.Omega_nu_0) */
double Omega_nu;
/*! Neutrino density parameter (cosmology.Omega_k) */
double Omega_k;
/*! Baryon density parameter (cosmology.Omega_b) */
double Omega_b;
/*! Radiation constant density parameter (cosmology.Omega_lambda) */
double Omega_Lambda;
/*! Dark matter density parameter (cosmology.Omega_cdm) */
double Omega_cdm;
/*! Dark-energy equation of state at the current time (cosmology.w)*/
double w_de;
* @brief Structure for passing unit information to VELOCIraptor.
* This should match the structure unitinfo in the file src/swiftinterface.h
* in the VELOCIraptor code.
struct unitinfo {
/*! Length conversion factor to kpc. */
double lengthtokpc;
/*! Velocity conversion factor to km/s. */
double velocitytokms;
/*! Mass conversion factor to solar masses. */
double masstosolarmass;
/*! Potential conversion factor to (km/s)^2. */
double energyperunitmass;
/*! Newton's gravitationl constant (phys_const.const_newton_G)*/
double gravity;
/*! Hubble constant at the current redshift (cosmology.H) */
double hubbleunit;
* @brief Structure to hold the location of a top-level cell.
struct cell_loc {
/*! Coordinates x,y,z */
double loc[3];
* @brief Structure for passing simulation information to VELOCIraptor for a
* given call.
* This should match the structure siminfo in the file src/swiftinterface.h
* in the VELOCIraptor code.
struct siminfo {
/*! Size of periodic replications */
double period;
/*! Mass of the high-resolution DM particles in a zoom-in run. */
double zoomhigresolutionmass;
/*! Mean inter-particle separation of the DM particles */
double interparticlespacing;
/*! Spacial extent of the simulation volume */
double spacedimension[3];
/*! Number of top-level cells. */
int numcells;
/*! Number of top-level cells. */
int numcellsperdim;
/*! Locations of top-level cells. */
struct cell_loc *cell_loc;
/*! Top-level cell width. */
double cellwidth[3];
/*! Inverse of the top-level cell width. */
double icellwidth[3];
/*! Holds the node ID of each top-level cell. */
int *cellnodeids;
/*! Is this a cosmological simulation? */
int icosmologicalsim;
/*! Is this a zoom-in simulation? */
int izoomsim;
/*! Do we have DM particles? */
int idarkmatter;
/*! Do we have gas particles? */
int igas;
/*! Do we have star particles? */
int istar;
/*! Do we have BH particles? */
int ibh;
/*! Do we have other particles? */
int iother;
/*! Mass of the DM particles */
double mass_uniform_box;
* @brief Structure for group information to return to swift
struct groupinfo {
/*! Index of a #gpart in the global array on this MPI rank */
int index;
/*! Group number of the #gpart. */
long long groupID;
* @brief Structure for all information to return from VR invocation
struct vr_return_data {
/*! Total number of gparts in all groups on this MPI rank */
int num_gparts_in_groups;
/*! Assignment of particles to groups (must be freed by Swift, may be NULL) */
struct groupinfo *group_info;
/*! Number of most bound particles returned */
int num_most_bound;
/*! Swift gpart indexes of most bound particles (must be freed by Swift, may
* be NULL) */
int *most_bound_index;
int InitVelociraptor(char *config_name, struct unitinfo unit_info,
struct siminfo sim_info, const int numthreads);
struct vr_return_data InvokeVelociraptor(
const int snapnum, char *output_name, struct cosmoinfo cosmo_info,
struct siminfo sim_info, const size_t num_gravity_parts,
const size_t num_hydro_parts, const size_t num_star_parts,
struct swift_vel_part *swift_parts, const int *cell_node_ids,
const int numthreads, const int return_group_flags,
const int return_most_bound);
* @brief Temporary structure used for the data copy mapper.
struct velociraptor_copy_data {
const struct engine *e;
struct swift_vel_part *swift_parts;
* @brief Mapper function to conver the #gpart into VELOCIraptor Particles.
* @param map_data The array of #gpart.
* @param nr_gparts The number of #gpart.
* @param extra_data Pointer to the #engine and to the array to fill.
void velociraptor_convert_particles_mapper(void *map_data, int nr_gparts,
void *extra_data) {
/* Unpack the data */
struct gpart *restrict gparts = (struct gpart *)map_data;
struct velociraptor_copy_data *data =
(struct velociraptor_copy_data *)extra_data;
const struct engine *e = data->e;
const struct space *s = e->s;
struct swift_vel_part *swift_parts =
data->swift_parts + (ptrdiff_t)(gparts - s->gparts);
const ptrdiff_t index_offset = gparts - s->gparts;
/* Handle on the other particle types */
const struct part *parts = s->parts;
const struct xpart *xparts = s->xparts;
const struct spart *sparts = s->sparts;
const struct bpart *bparts = s->bparts;
/* Handle on the physics modules */
const struct cosmology *cosmo = e->cosmology;
const struct hydro_props *hydro_props = e->hydro_properties;
const struct unit_system *us = e->internal_units;
const struct phys_const *phys_const = e->physical_constants;
const struct cooling_function_data *cool_func = e->cooling_func;
/* Convert particle properties into VELOCIraptor units.
* VELOCIraptor wants:
* - Un-dithered co-moving positions,
* - Peculiar velocities,
* - Co-moving potential,
* - Physical internal energy (for the gas),
* - Temperatures (for the gas).
for (int i = 0; i < nr_gparts; i++) {
swift_parts[i].mass = gravity_get_mass(&gparts[i]);
swift_parts[i].potential = gravity_get_comoving_potential(&gparts[i]);
swift_parts[i].type = gparts[i].type;
swift_parts[i].index = i + index_offset;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
swift_parts[i].task = e->nodeID;
swift_parts[i].task = 0;
/* Set gas particle IDs from their hydro counterparts and set internal
* energies. */
switch (gparts[i].type) {
case swift_type_gas: {
const struct part *p = &parts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
const struct xpart *xp = &xparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
convert_part_pos(e, p, xp, swift_parts[i].x);
convert_part_vel(e, p, xp, swift_parts[i].v);
swift_parts[i].id = parts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].id;
swift_parts[i].u = hydro_get_drifted_physical_internal_energy(p, cosmo);
swift_parts[i].T = cooling_get_temperature(phys_const, hydro_props, us,
cosmo, cool_func, p, xp);
} break;
case swift_type_stars: {
const struct spart *sp = &sparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
convert_spart_pos(e, sp, swift_parts[i].x);
convert_spart_vel(e, sp, swift_parts[i].v);
swift_parts[i].id = sparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].id;
swift_parts[i].u = 0.f;
swift_parts[i].T = 0.f;
} break;
case swift_type_black_hole: {
const struct bpart *bp = &bparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
convert_bpart_pos(e, bp, swift_parts[i].x);
convert_bpart_vel(e, bp, swift_parts[i].v);
swift_parts[i].id = bparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].id;
swift_parts[i].u = 0.f;
swift_parts[i].T = 0.f;
} break;
case swift_type_dark_matter:
case swift_type_dark_matter_background:
case swift_type_neutrino:
convert_gpart_pos(e, &(gparts[i]), swift_parts[i].x);
convert_gpart_vel(e, &(gparts[i]), swift_parts[i].v);
swift_parts[i].id = gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset;
swift_parts[i].u = 0.f;
swift_parts[i].T = 0.f;
error("Particle type not handled by VELOCIraptor.");
* @brief Initialise VELOCIraptor with configuration, units,
* simulation info needed to run.
* @param e The #engine.
void velociraptor_init(struct engine *e) {
const ticks tic = getticks();
/* Internal SWIFT units */
const struct unit_system *swift_us = e->internal_units;
/* CGS units and physical constants in CGS */
struct unit_system cgs_us;
struct phys_const cgs_pc;
phys_const_init(&cgs_us, /*params=*/NULL, &cgs_pc);
/* Set unit conversions. */
struct unitinfo unit_info;
unit_info.lengthtokpc =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(swift_us, UNIT_CONV_LENGTH) /
(1000. * cgs_pc.const_parsec);
unit_info.velocitytokms =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(swift_us, UNIT_CONV_VELOCITY) / 1.0e5;
unit_info.masstosolarmass =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(swift_us, UNIT_CONV_MASS) /
unit_info.energyperunitmass =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(swift_us, UNIT_CONV_ENERGY_PER_UNIT_MASS) /
unit_info.gravity = e->physical_constants->const_newton_G;
unit_info.hubbleunit = e->cosmology->H0 / e->cosmology->h;
/* Gather some information about the simulation */
struct siminfo sim_info;
/* Are we running with cosmology? */
if (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology) {
sim_info.icosmologicalsim = 1;
} else {
sim_info.icosmologicalsim = 0;
/* Are we running a zoom? */
if (e->s->with_DM_background) {
sim_info.izoomsim = 1;
} else {
sim_info.izoomsim = 0;
/* Tell VELOCIraptor what we have in the simulation */
sim_info.idarkmatter = (e->total_nr_gparts - e->total_nr_parts > 0);
sim_info.igas = (e->policy & engine_policy_hydro);
sim_info.istar = (e->policy & engine_policy_stars);
sim_info.ibh = (e->policy & engine_policy_black_holes);
sim_info.iother = 0;
/* Be nice, talk! */
if (e->verbose) {
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Length conversion factor: %e",
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Velocity conversion factor: %e",
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Mass conversion factor: %e",
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Internal energy conversion factor: %e",
message("VELOCIraptor conf: G: %e", unit_info.gravity);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: H0/h: %e", unit_info.hubbleunit);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Config file name: %s", e->stf_config_file_name);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Cosmological Simulation: %d",
/* Initialise VELOCIraptor. */
if (InitVelociraptor(e->stf_config_file_name, unit_info, sim_info,
e->nr_threads) != 1)
error("VELOCIraptor initialisation failed.");
if (e->verbose)
message("took %.3f %s.", clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic),
error("SWIFT not configured to run with VELOCIraptor.");
* @brief Write an array to the output HDF5 file
* @param h_file HDF5 file handle of the file to write to
* @param name Name of the dataset to write
* @param buf The data to write out
* @param dtype_id HDF5 data type to write
* @param ndims Number of dimensions of the dataset
* @param dims Total size of the data over all MPI ranks
* @param start Offset into the dataset for data from this rank
* @param count Number of particles to write on this rank
void write_orphan_particle_array(hid_t h_file, const char *name,
const void *buf, const hid_t dtype_id,
const int ndims, const hsize_t *dims,
const hsize_t *start, const hsize_t *count,
size_t nr_flagged_all,
const struct unit_system *snapshot_units,
const struct io_props props) {
/* Make dataset transfer property list */
hid_t xfer_plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
#if defined(HAVE_PARALLEL_HDF5) && defined(WITH_MPI)
H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(xfer_plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
/* Set up dataspaces */
hid_t file_dspace_id = H5Screate_simple(ndims, dims, NULL);
if (dims[0] > 0) {
if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_dspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count,
NULL) < 0) {
"Failed to select hyperslab to write while writing orphan "
} else {
hid_t mem_dspace_id = H5Screate_simple(ndims, count, NULL);
/* Create the dataset */
hid_t dset_id = H5Dcreate(h_file, name, dtype_id, file_dspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT,
if (dset_id < 0)
error("Failed to create dataset while writing orphan particles.");
/* Write unit conversion factors for this data set */
char buffer[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
units_cgs_conversion_string(buffer, snapshot_units, props.units,
float baseUnitsExp[5];
units_get_base_unit_exponents_array(baseUnitsExp, props.units);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_M exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_MASS]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_L exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_LENGTH]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_t exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TIME]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_I exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_CURRENT]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "U_T exponent", baseUnitsExp[UNIT_TEMPERATURE]);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "h-scale exponent", 0.f);
io_write_attribute_f(dset_id, "a-scale exponent",
io_write_attribute_s(dset_id, "Expression for physical CGS units", buffer);
io_write_attribute_b(h_data, "Value stored as physical", props.is_physical);
io_write_attribute_b(h_data, "Property can be converted to comoving",
/* Write data, if there is any */
if (nr_flagged_all > 0) {
if (H5Dwrite(dset_id, dtype_id, mem_dspace_id, file_dspace_id,
xfer_plist_id, buf) < 0) {
error("Failed to write dataset while writing orphan particles.");
/* Tidy up */
* @brief Write all particles which have ever been most bound to a file
* @param e The #engine.
void velociraptor_dump_orphan_particles(struct engine *e,
char *outputFileName) {
const struct space *s = e->s;
const size_t nr_gparts = s->nr_gparts;
const struct gpart *gparts = e->s->gparts;
/* Handle on the other particle types */
const struct part *parts = s->parts;
const struct xpart *xparts = s->xparts;
const struct spart *sparts = s->sparts;
const struct bpart *bparts = s->bparts;
/* Units */
const struct unit_system *internal_units = e->internal_units;
const struct unit_system *snapshot_units = e->snapshot_units;
/* Count how many particles we need to write out */
size_t nr_flagged = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_gparts; i += 1) {
if (gparts[i].has_been_most_bound) nr_flagged += 1;
/* Allocate write buffers */
double *pos;
if (swift_memalign("VR.pos", (void **)&pos, SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT,
3 * nr_flagged * sizeof(double)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate pos buffer for orphan particles.");
float *vel;
if (swift_memalign("VR.vel", (void **)&vel, SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT,
3 * nr_flagged * sizeof(float)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate vel buffer for orphan particles.");
long long *ids;
if (swift_memalign("VR.ids", (void **)&ids, SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT,
nr_flagged * sizeof(long long)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate ids buffer for orphan particles.");
/* Populate write buffers */
for (size_t i = 0, offset = 0; i < nr_gparts; i += 1) {
if (gparts[i].has_been_most_bound) {
switch (gparts[i].type) {
case swift_type_gas: {
const struct part *p = &parts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
const struct xpart *xp = &xparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
convert_part_pos(e, p, xp, &pos[3 * offset]);
convert_part_vel(e, p, xp, &vel[3 * offset]);
ids[offset] = parts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].id;
} break;
case swift_type_stars: {
const struct spart *sp = &sparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
convert_spart_pos(e, sp, &pos[3 * offset]);
convert_spart_vel(e, sp, &vel[3 * offset]);
ids[offset] = sparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].id;
} break;
case swift_type_black_hole: {
const struct bpart *bp = &bparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset];
convert_bpart_pos(e, bp, &pos[3 * offset]);
convert_bpart_vel(e, bp, &vel[3 * offset]);
ids[offset] = bparts[-gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset].id;
} break;
case swift_type_dark_matter:
case swift_type_dark_matter_background:
case swift_type_neutrino: {
convert_gpart_pos(e, &gparts[i], &pos[3 * offset]);
convert_gpart_vel(e, &gparts[i], &vel[3 * offset]);
ids[offset] = gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset;
} break;
error("Particle type not handled by VELOCIraptor.");
offset += 1;
/* Determine output file index for this rank:
* this is the nodeID, unless we're doing collective I/O */
#if defined(HAVE_PARALLEL_HDF5) && defined(WITH_MPI)
const int filenum = 0;
const int write_metadata = e->nodeID == 0;
const int num_files = 1;
const int filenum = e->nodeID;
const int write_metadata = 1;
const int num_files = e->nr_nodes;
/* Determine output file name */
char orphansFileName[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
if (num_files > 1) {
if (snprintf(orphansFileName, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s.orphans.%d.hdf5",
outputFileName, filenum) >= FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE) {
"FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE is too small for orphan particles file name!");
} else {
if (snprintf(orphansFileName, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s.orphans.hdf5",
outputFileName) >= FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE) {
"FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE is too small for orphan particles file name!");
/* Create output file and write metadata */
hid_t h_file;
if (write_metadata) {
h_file =
H5Fcreate(orphansFileName, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (h_file < 0) error("Failed to open file for orphan particles.");
io_write_meta_data(h_file, e, internal_units, snapshot_units);
hid_t h_grp =
H5Gcreate(h_file, "Header", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
io_write_attribute(h_grp, "NumFilesPerSnapshot", INT, &num_files, 1);
/* Reopen the output file in MPI mode if necessary */
hid_t fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
#if defined(HAVE_PARALLEL_HDF5) && defined(WITH_MPI)
if (H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL) < 0) {
error("Unable to set MPI mode opening file for orphan particles.");
h_file = H5Fopen(orphansFileName, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl_id);
if (h_file < 0) error("Failed to open file for orphan particles.");
/* Determine offsets and lengths to write in output file on this MPI rank */
long long offset_ll = 0;
long long count_ll = (long long)nr_flagged;
long long ntot_ll = nr_flagged;
#if defined(HAVE_PARALLEL_HDF5) && defined(WITH_MPI)
MPI_Exscan(&count_ll, &offset_ll, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &ntot_ll, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM,
hsize_t start[2] = {(hsize_t)offset_ll, (hsize_t)0};
hsize_t count[2] = {(hsize_t)count_ll, (hsize_t)3};
hsize_t dims[2] = {(hsize_t)ntot_ll, (hsize_t)3};
size_t nr_flagged_all = (size_t)ntot_ll;
/* Get list of DM output fields - need this to get metadata for pos/vel/ids.
* Note that this will be wrong if we have non-DM particles and they use
* different position and velocity units from the DM particles. */
int num_fields = 0;
struct io_props list[100];
darkmatter_write_particles(gparts, list, &num_fields);
/* Write all particles as PartType1 */
hid_t h_grp =
H5Gcreate(h_file, "PartType1", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
/* Write the particle data */
for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; i += 1) {
if (strcmp(list[i].name, "Coordinates") == 0) {
/* Convert length units if necessary */
const double factor = units_conversion_factor(
internal_units, snapshot_units, list[i].units);
if (factor != 1.0) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3 * nr_gparts; j += 1) pos[j] *= factor;
/* Write out the coordinates */
write_orphan_particle_array(h_grp, list[i].name, pos, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
2, dims, start, count, nr_flagged_all,
snapshot_units, list[i]);
} else if (strcmp(list[i].name, "Velocities") == 0) {
/* Convert velocity units if necessary */
const double factor = units_conversion_factor(
internal_units, snapshot_units, list[i].units);
if (factor != 1.0) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3 * nr_gparts; j += 1) vel[j] *= factor;
/* Write out the velocities */
write_orphan_particle_array(h_grp, list[i].name, vel, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 2,
dims, start, count, nr_flagged_all,
snapshot_units, list[i]);
} else if (strcmp(list[i].name, "ParticleIDs") == 0) {
/* Write out the particle IDs */
write_orphan_particle_array(h_grp, list[i].name, ids, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1,
dims, start, count, nr_flagged_all,
snapshot_units, list[i]);
/* Close output file */
/* Free write buffers */
swift_free("VR.pos", pos);
swift_free("VR.vel", vel);
swift_free("VR.ids", ids);
* @brief Run VELOCIraptor with current particle data.
* @param e The #engine.
* @param linked_with_snap Are we running at the same time as a snapshot dump?
void velociraptor_invoke(struct engine *e, const int linked_with_snap) {
/* Handle on the particles */
const struct space *s = e->s;
const size_t nr_gparts = s->nr_gparts;
const size_t nr_parts = s->nr_parts;
const size_t nr_sparts = s->nr_sparts;
const int nr_cells = s->nr_cells;
const struct cell *cells_top = s->cells_top;
/* Allow thread to run on any core for the duration of the call to
* VELOCIraptor so that when OpenMP threads are spawned
* they can run on any core on the processor. */
const int nr_cores = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
pthread_t thread = pthread_self();
/* Set affinity mask to include all cores on the CPU for VELOCIraptor. */
cpu_set_t cpuset;
for (int j = 0; j < nr_cores; j++) CPU_SET(j, &cpuset);
pthread_setaffinity_np(thread, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
/* Set cosmology information for this point in time */
struct cosmoinfo cosmo_info;
cosmo_info.atime = e->cosmology->a;
cosmo_info.littleh = e->cosmology->h;
cosmo_info.Omega_m = e->cosmology->Omega_cdm + e->cosmology->Omega_b;
cosmo_info.Omega_b = e->cosmology->Omega_b;
cosmo_info.Omega_r = e->cosmology->Omega_r;
cosmo_info.Omega_k = e->cosmology->Omega_k;
cosmo_info.Omega_nu = e->cosmology->Omega_nu_0;
cosmo_info.Omega_Lambda = e->cosmology->Omega_lambda;
cosmo_info.Omega_cdm = e->cosmology->Omega_cdm;
cosmo_info.w_de = e->cosmology->w;
/* Report the cosmo info we use */
if (e->verbose) {
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Scale factor: %e", cosmo_info.atime);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Little h: %e", cosmo_info.littleh);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Omega_m: %e", cosmo_info.Omega_m);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Omega_b: %e", cosmo_info.Omega_b);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Omega_Lambda: %e", cosmo_info.Omega_Lambda);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Omega_cdm: %e", cosmo_info.Omega_cdm);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Omega_nu: %e", cosmo_info.Omega_nu);
message("VELOCIraptor conf: w_de: %e", cosmo_info.w_de);
/* Update the simulation information */
struct siminfo sim_info;
/* Period of the box (Note we assume a cubic box!) */
if (e->s->periodic) {
sim_info.period = s->dim[0];
} else {
sim_info.period = 0.0;
/* Tell VELOCIraptor this is not a zoom-in simulation */
sim_info.zoomhigresolutionmass = -1.0;
/* Are we running with cosmology? */
if (e->policy & engine_policy_cosmology) {
sim_info.icosmologicalsim = 1;
/* Are we running a zoom? */
if (e->s->with_DM_background) {
sim_info.izoomsim = 1;
} else {
sim_info.izoomsim = 0;
/* Collect the mass of the non-background gpart */
double high_res_DM_mass = 0.;
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->s->nr_gparts; ++i) {
const struct gpart *gp = &e->s->gparts[i];
if (gp->type == swift_type_dark_matter &&
gp->time_bin != time_bin_inhibited &&
gp->time_bin != time_bin_not_created) {
high_res_DM_mass = gp->mass;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* We need to all-reduce this in case one of the nodes had 0 DM particles.
MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &high_res_DM_mass, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX,
const double Omega_cdm = e->cosmology->Omega_cdm;
const double Omega_b = e->cosmology->Omega_b;
const double Omega_m = Omega_cdm + Omega_b;
const double critical_density_0 = e->cosmology->critical_density_0;
/* Linking length based on the mean DM inter-particle separation
* in the zoom region and assuming the mean density of the Universe
* is used in the zoom region. */
double mean_matter_density;
if (s->with_hydro)
mean_matter_density = Omega_cdm * critical_density_0;
mean_matter_density = Omega_m * critical_density_0;
sim_info.interparticlespacing =
cbrt(high_res_DM_mass / mean_matter_density);
} else {
sim_info.izoomsim = 0;
sim_info.icosmologicalsim = 0;
sim_info.interparticlespacing = -1.;
/* Assume all particles have the same mass */
double DM_mass = 0.;
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->s->nr_gparts; ++i) {
const struct gpart *gp = &e->s->gparts[i];
if (gp->time_bin != time_bin_inhibited &&
gp->time_bin != time_bin_not_created) {
DM_mass = gp->mass;
sim_info.mass_uniform_box = DM_mass;
/* Set the spatial extent of the simulation volume */
sim_info.spacedimension[0] = s->dim[0];
sim_info.spacedimension[1] = s->dim[1];
sim_info.spacedimension[2] = s->dim[2];
/* Store number of top-level cells */
sim_info.numcells = s->nr_cells;
sim_info.numcellsperdim = s->cdim[0]; /* We assume a cubic box! */
if (s->cdim[0] != s->cdim[1] || s->cdim[0] != s->cdim[2])
error("Trying to run VR on a non-cubic number of top-level cells");
/* Size and inverse size of the top-level cells in VELOCIraptor units */
sim_info.cellwidth[0] = s->cells_top[0].width[0];
sim_info.cellwidth[1] = s->cells_top[0].width[1];
sim_info.cellwidth[2] = s->cells_top[0].width[2];
sim_info.icellwidth[0] = s->iwidth[0];
sim_info.icellwidth[1] = s->iwidth[1];
sim_info.icellwidth[2] = s->iwidth[2];
ticks tic = getticks();
/* Allocate and populate array of cell node IDs and positions. */
int *cell_node_ids = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("VR.cell_loc", (void **)&sim_info.cell_loc,
s->nr_cells * sizeof(struct cell_loc)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate top-level cell locations for VELOCIraptor.");
if (swift_memalign("VR.cell_nodeID", (void **)&cell_node_ids,
SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, nr_cells * sizeof(int)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate list of cells node IDs for VELOCIraptor.");
for (int i = 0; i < s->nr_cells; i++) {
cell_node_ids[i] = cells_top[i].nodeID;
if (s->periodic) {
sim_info.cell_loc[i].loc[0] =
box_wrap(cells_top[i].loc[0], 0.0, s->dim[0]);
sim_info.cell_loc[i].loc[1] =
box_wrap(cells_top[i].loc[1], 0.0, s->dim[1]);
sim_info.cell_loc[i].loc[2] =
box_wrap(cells_top[i].loc[2], 0.0, s->dim[2]);
} else {
sim_info.cell_loc[i].loc[0] = cells_top[i].loc[0];
sim_info.cell_loc[i].loc[1] = cells_top[i].loc[1];
sim_info.cell_loc[i].loc[2] = cells_top[i].loc[2];
if (e->verbose) {
message("VELOCIraptor conf: Space dimensions: (%e,%e,%e)",
sim_info.spacedimension[0], sim_info.spacedimension[1],
message("VELOCIraptor conf: No. of top-level cells: %d", sim_info.numcells);
"VELOCIraptor conf: Top-level cell locations range: (%e,%e,%e) -> "
sim_info.cell_loc[0].loc[0], sim_info.cell_loc[0].loc[1],
sim_info.cell_loc[sim_info.numcells - 1].loc[0],
sim_info.cell_loc[sim_info.numcells - 1].loc[1],
sim_info.cell_loc[sim_info.numcells - 1].loc[2]);
/* Report timing */
if (e->verbose)
message("VR Collecting top-level cell info took %.3f %s.",
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
/* Mention the number of particles being sent */
if (e->verbose)
"VELOCIraptor conf: MPI rank %d sending %zu gparts to VELOCIraptor.",
engine_rank, nr_gparts);
/* Generate directory name for this output - start with snapshot directory, if
* specified */
char outputDirName[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE] = "";
if (strcmp(e->snapshot_subdir, engine_default_snapshot_subdir) != 0) {
if (snprintf(outputDirName, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s/",
e->snapshot_subdir) >= FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE) {
error("FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE is to small for snapshot directory name!");
if (engine_rank == 0) io_make_snapshot_subdir(e->snapshot_subdir);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Then create output-specific subdirectory if necessary */
char subDirName[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE] = "";
if (strcmp(e->stf_subdir_per_output, engine_default_stf_subdir_per_output) !=
0) {
if (snprintf(subDirName, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s%s_%04i/", outputDirName,
e->stf_output_count) >= FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE) {
"FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE is to small for Velociraptor directory name!");
if (engine_rank == 0) io_make_snapshot_subdir(subDirName);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
} else {
/* Not making separate directories so subDirName=outputDirName */
strncpy(subDirName, outputDirName, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE);
/* What should the filename be? */
char outputFileName[FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
if (snprintf(outputFileName, FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s%s_%04i.VELOCIraptor",
subDirName, e->stf_base_name,
e->stf_output_count) >= FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE) {
error("FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE is too small for Velociraptor file name!");
tic = getticks();
/* Allocate and populate an array of swift_vel_parts to be passed to
* VELOCIraptor. */
struct swift_vel_part *swift_parts = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("VR.parts", (void **)&swift_parts, part_align,
nr_gparts * sizeof(struct swift_vel_part)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate array of particles for VELOCIraptor.");
struct velociraptor_copy_data copy_data = {e, swift_parts};
threadpool_map(&e->threadpool, velociraptor_convert_particles_mapper,
s->gparts, nr_gparts, sizeof(struct gpart),
threadpool_auto_chunk_size, ©_data);
/* Report timing */
if (e->verbose)
message("VR Collecting particle info took %.3f %s.",
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
tic = getticks();
char report_filename[60];
sprintf(report_filename, "memuse-VR-report-rank%d-step%d.txt", e->nodeID,
/* Determine if we're writing out orphan particles */
const int return_most_bound = 1;
const int return_most_bound = 0;
/* Call VELOCIraptor. */
struct vr_return_data return_data = InvokeVelociraptor(
e->stf_output_count, outputFileName, cosmo_info, sim_info, nr_gparts,
nr_parts, nr_sparts, swift_parts, cell_node_ids, e->nr_threads,
linked_with_snap, return_most_bound);
/* Unpack returned data */
int num_gparts_in_groups = return_data.num_gparts_in_groups;
struct groupinfo *group_info = return_data.group_info;
int num_most_bound = return_data.num_most_bound;
int *most_bound_index = return_data.most_bound_index;
/* Report that the memory was freed */
memuse_log_allocation("VR.cell_loc", sim_info.cell_loc, 0, 0);
memuse_log_allocation("VR.cell_nodeID", cell_node_ids, 0, 0);
memuse_log_allocation("VR.parts", swift_parts, 0, 0);
/* Check that the ouput is valid */
if (linked_with_snap && group_info == NULL && num_gparts_in_groups < 0) {
error("Exiting. Call to VELOCIraptor failed on rank: %d.", e->nodeID);
if (!linked_with_snap && group_info != NULL) {
error("VELOCIraptor returned an array whilst it should not have.");
if (return_most_bound && most_bound_index == NULL && num_most_bound > 0) {
error("VELOCIraptor failed to return most bound particle indexes.");
if (!return_most_bound && most_bound_index != NULL) {
"VELOCIraptor returned most bound particle indexes when it should not "
/* Report timing */
if (e->verbose)
message("VR Invocation of velociraptor took %.3f %s.",
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
tic = getticks();
/* Assign the group IDs back to the gparts */
if (linked_with_snap) {
if (swift_memalign("VR.group_data", (void **)&s->gpart_group_data,
nr_gparts * sizeof(struct velociraptor_gpart_data)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate array of gpart data for VELOCIraptor i/o.");
struct velociraptor_gpart_data *data = s->gpart_group_data;
/* Zero the array (gparts not in groups have an ID of 0) */
bzero(data, nr_gparts * sizeof(struct velociraptor_gpart_data));
/* Copy the data at the right place */
for (int i = 0; i < num_gparts_in_groups; i++) {
data[group_info[i].index].groupID = group_info[i].groupID;
/* Report timing */
if (e->verbose)
message("VR Copying group information back took %.3f %s.",
clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
/* Free the array returned by VELOCIraptor */
swift_free("VR.group_data", group_info);
/* Flag most bound particles */
if (most_bound_index) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_most_bound; i++) {
struct gpart *const gp = &(e->s->gparts[most_bound_index[i]]);
gp->has_been_most_bound = 1;
/* Output flagged particles (including those flagged in previous invocations)
if (e->verbose) message("Writing out orphan particles");
velociraptor_dump_orphan_particles(e, outputFileName);
/* Deallocate most bound particle indexes if necessary (may be allocated by
* VELOCIraptor) */
if (most_bound_index) free(most_bound_index);
/* Reset the pthread affinity mask after VELOCIraptor returns. */
pthread_setaffinity_np(thread, sizeof(cpu_set_t), engine_entry_affinity());
/* Increase output counter (if not linked with snapshot) */
if (!linked_with_snap) e->stf_output_count++;
/* Record we have ran stf this timestep */
e->stf_this_timestep = 1;
error("SWIFT not configured to run with VELOCIraptor.");
/* Dummy VELOCIraptor interface for testing compilation without linking the
* actual VELOCIraptor library. Uses --enable-dummy-velociraptor configure
* option. */
int InitVelociraptor(char *config_name, struct unitinfo unit_info,
struct siminfo sim_info, const int numthreads) {
error("This is only a dummy. Call the real one!");
return 0;
struct vr_return_data InvokeVelociraptor(
const int snapnum, char *output_name, struct cosmoinfo cosmo_info,
struct siminfo sim_info, const size_t num_gravity_parts,
const size_t num_hydro_parts, const size_t num_star_parts,
struct swift_vel_part *swift_parts, const int *cell_node_ids,
const int numthreads, const int return_group_flags,
const int return_most_bound) {
error("This is only a dummy. Call the real one!");
struct vr_return_data data = {0};
return data;