* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "space.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "cell.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
* @brief Re-build the top-level cell grid.
* @param s The #space.
* @param verbose Print messages to stdout or not.
void space_regrid(struct space *s, int verbose) {
const size_t nr_parts = s->nr_parts;
const size_t nr_sparts = s->nr_sparts;
const size_t nr_bparts = s->nr_bparts;
const size_t nr_sinks = s->nr_sinks;
const ticks tic = getticks();
const integertime_t ti_current = (s->e != NULL) ? s->e->ti_current : 0;
/* Run through the cells and get the current h_max. */
// tic = getticks();
float h_max = s->cell_min / kernel_gamma / space_stretch;
if (nr_parts > 0) {
/* Can we use the list of local non-empty top-level cells? */
if (s->local_cells_with_particles_top != NULL) {
for (int k = 0; k < s->nr_local_cells_with_particles; ++k) {
const struct cell *c =
if (c->hydro.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->hydro.h_max;
if (c->stars.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->stars.h_max;
if (c->black_holes.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->black_holes.h_max;
if (c->sinks.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->sinks.h_max;
/* Can we instead use all the top-level cells? */
} else if (s->cells_top != NULL) {
for (int k = 0; k < s->nr_cells; k++) {
const struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[k];
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank && c->hydro.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->hydro.h_max;
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank && c->stars.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->stars.h_max;
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank && c->black_holes.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->black_holes.h_max;
if (c->nodeID == engine_rank && c->sinks.h_max > h_max) {
h_max = c->sinks.h_max;
/* Last option: run through the particles */
} else {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_parts; k++) {
if (s->parts[k].h > h_max) h_max = s->parts[k].h;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sparts; k++) {
if (s->sparts[k].h > h_max) h_max = s->sparts[k].h;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_bparts; k++) {
if (s->bparts[k].h > h_max) h_max = s->bparts[k].h;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nr_sinks; k++) {
if (s->sinks[k].h > h_max) h_max = s->sinks[k].h;
/* If we are running in parallel, make sure everybody agrees on
how large the largest cell should be. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
float buff;
if (MPI_Allreduce(&h_max, &buff, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD) !=
error("Failed to aggregate the rebuild flag across nodes.");
h_max = buff;
if (verbose) message("h_max is %.3e (cell_min=%.3e).", h_max, s->cell_min);
/* Get the new putative cell dimensions. */
const int cdim[3] = {
(int)floor(s->dim[0] /
fmax(h_max * kernel_gamma * space_stretch, s->cell_min)),
(int)floor(s->dim[1] /
fmax(h_max * kernel_gamma * space_stretch, s->cell_min)),
(int)floor(s->dim[2] /
fmax(h_max * kernel_gamma * space_stretch, s->cell_min))};
/* check that we have at least 1 cell in each dimension */
if (cdim[0] == 0 || cdim[1] == 0 || cdim[2] == 0) {
"Top level cell dimension of size 0 detected (cdim = [%i %i "
"%i])!\nThis usually indicates a problem with the initial smoothing "
"lengths of the particles, e.g. a smoothing length that is comparable "
"in size to the box size.",
cdim[0], cdim[1], cdim[2]);
/* Check if we have enough cells for periodicity. */
if (s->periodic && (cdim[0] < 3 || cdim[1] < 3 || cdim[2] < 3))
"Must have at least 3 cells in each spatial dimension when periodicity "
"is switched on.\nThis error is often caused by any of the "
" - too few particles to generate a sensible grid,\n"
" - the initial value of 'Scheduler:max_top_level_cells' is too "
" - the (minimal) time-step is too large leading to particles with "
"predicted smoothing lengths too large for the box size,\n"
" - particles with velocities so large that they move by more than two "
"box sizes per time-step.\n");
/* In MPI-Land, changing the top-level cell size requires that the
* global partition is recomputed and the particles redistributed.
* Be prepared to do that. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
double oldwidth[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
double oldcdim[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
int *oldnodeIDs = NULL;
if (cdim[0] < s->cdim[0] || cdim[1] < s->cdim[1] || cdim[2] < s->cdim[2]) {
/* Capture state of current space. */
oldcdim[0] = s->cdim[0];
oldcdim[1] = s->cdim[1];
oldcdim[2] = s->cdim[2];
oldwidth[0] = s->width[0];
oldwidth[1] = s->width[1];
oldwidth[2] = s->width[2];
if ((oldnodeIDs =
(int *)swift_malloc("nodeIDs", sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells)) == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate temporary nodeIDs.");
int cid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s->cdim[0]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < s->cdim[1]; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < s->cdim[2]; k++) {
cid = cell_getid(oldcdim, i, j, k);
oldnodeIDs[cid] = s->cells_top[cid].nodeID;
/* Are we about to allocate new top level cells without a regrid?
* Can happen when restarting the application. */
const int no_regrid = (s->cells_top == NULL && oldnodeIDs == NULL);
/* Do we need to re-build the upper-level cells? */
// tic = getticks();
if (s->cells_top == NULL || cdim[0] < s->cdim[0] || cdim[1] < s->cdim[1] ||
cdim[2] < s->cdim[2]) {
/* Be verbose about this. */
message("(re)griding space cdim=(%d %d %d)", cdim[0], cdim[1], cdim[2]);
/* Free the old cells, if they were allocated. */
if (s->cells_top != NULL) {
swift_free("local_cells_with_tasks_top", s->local_cells_with_tasks_top);
swift_free("local_cells_top", s->local_cells_top);
swift_free("cells_with_particles_top", s->cells_with_particles_top);
swift_free("cells_top", s->cells_top);
swift_free("cells_top_updated", s->cells_top_updated);
swift_free("multipoles_top", s->multipoles_top);
/* Also free the task arrays, these will be regenerated and we can use the
* memory while copying the particle arrays. */
if (s->e != NULL) scheduler_free_tasks(&s->e->sched);
/* Set the new cell dimensions only if smaller. */
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
s->cdim[k] = cdim[k];
s->width[k] = s->dim[k] / cdim[k];
s->iwidth[k] = 1.0 / s->width[k];
const float dmin = min3(s->width[0], s->width[1], s->width[2]);
/* Allocate the highest level of cells. */
s->tot_cells = s->nr_cells = cdim[0] * cdim[1] * cdim[2];
if (swift_memalign("cells_top", (void **)&s->cells_top, cell_align,
s->nr_cells * sizeof(struct cell)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate top-level cells.");
bzero(s->cells_top, s->nr_cells * sizeof(struct cell));
/* Allocate the multipoles for the top-level cells. */
if (s->with_self_gravity) {
if (swift_memalign("multipoles_top", (void **)&s->multipoles_top,
s->nr_cells * sizeof(struct gravity_tensors)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate top-level multipoles.");
bzero(s->multipoles_top, s->nr_cells * sizeof(struct gravity_tensors));
if (swift_memalign("cells_top_updated", (void **)&s->cells_top_updated,
cell_align, s->nr_cells * sizeof(char)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate top-level cells.");
bzero(s->cells_top_updated, s->nr_cells * sizeof(char));
/* Allocate the indices of local cells */
if (swift_memalign("local_cells_top", (void **)&s->local_cells_top,
SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate indices of local top-level cells.");
bzero(s->local_cells_top, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int));
/* Allocate the indices of local cells with tasks */
if (swift_memalign("local_cells_with_tasks_top",
(void **)&s->local_cells_with_tasks_top,
SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate indices of local top-level cells with tasks.");
bzero(s->local_cells_with_tasks_top, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int));
/* Allocate the indices of cells with particles */
if (swift_memalign("cells_with_particles_top",
(void **)&s->cells_with_particles_top,
SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int)) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate indices of top-level cells with particles.");
bzero(s->cells_with_particles_top, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int));
/* Allocate the indices of local cells with particles */
if (swift_memalign("local_cells_with_particles_top",
(void **)&s->local_cells_with_particles_top,
SWIFT_STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int)) != 0)
"Failed to allocate indices of local top-level cells with "
bzero(s->local_cells_with_particles_top, s->nr_cells * sizeof(int));
/* Set the cells' locks */
for (int k = 0; k < s->nr_cells; k++) {
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].hydro.lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for hydro.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].hydro.extra_sort_lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for hydro extra sort.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].grav.plock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for gravity.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].grav.mlock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for multipoles.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].grav.star_formation_lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for star formation (gpart).");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].stars.lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for stars.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].sinks.lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for sinks.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].sinks.sink_formation_lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for sink formation.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].black_holes.lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for black holes.");
if (lock_init(&s->cells_top[k].stars.star_formation_lock) != 0)
error("Failed to init spinlock for star formation (spart).");
/* Set the cell location and sizes. */
for (int i = 0; i < cdim[0]; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cdim[1]; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < cdim[2]; k++) {
const size_t cid = cell_getid(cdim, i, j, k);
struct cell *restrict c = &s->cells_top[cid];
c->loc[0] = i * s->width[0];
c->loc[1] = j * s->width[1];
c->loc[2] = k * s->width[2];
c->width[0] = s->width[0];
c->width[1] = s->width[1];
c->width[2] = s->width[2];
c->dmin = dmin;
c->h_min_allowed = c->dmin * 0.5 * (1. / kernel_gamma);
c->h_max_allowed = c->dmin * (1. / kernel_gamma);
c->depth = 0;
c->split = 0;
c->hydro.count = 0;
c->grav.count = 0;
c->stars.count = 0;
c->sinks.count = 0;
c->top = c;
c->super = c;
c->hydro.super = c;
c->grav.super = c;
c->hydro.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->grav.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->stars.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->sinks.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->black_holes.ti_old_part = ti_current;
c->grav.ti_old_multipole = ti_current;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
c->mpi.tag = -1;
c->mpi.recv = NULL;
c->mpi.send = NULL;
#endif // WITH_MPI
if (s->with_self_gravity) c->grav.multipole = &s->multipoles_top[cid];
#if defined(SWIFT_DEBUG_CHECKS) || defined(SWIFT_CELL_GRAPH)
cell_assign_top_level_cell_index(c, s->cdim, s->dim, s->iwidth);
/* Be verbose about the change. */
if (verbose)
message("set cell dimensions to [ %i %i %i ].", cdim[0], cdim[1],
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (oldnodeIDs != NULL) {
/* We have changed the top-level cell dimension, so need to redistribute
* cells around the nodes. We repartition using the old space node
* positions as a grid to resample. */
if (s->e->nodeID == 0)
"basic cell dimensions have increased - recalculating the "
"global partition.");
if (!partition_space_to_space(oldwidth, oldcdim, oldnodeIDs, s)) {
/* Failed, try another technique that requires no settings. */
message("Failed to get a new partition, trying less optimal method");
struct partition initial_partition;
#if defined(HAVE_PARMETIS) || defined(HAVE_METIS)
initial_partition.type = INITPART_METIS_NOWEIGHT;
initial_partition.type = INITPART_VECTORIZE;
partition_initial_partition(&initial_partition, s->e->nodeID,
s->e->nr_nodes, s);
/* Re-distribute the particles to their new nodes. */
/* Make the proxies. */
/* Finished with these. */
swift_free("nodeIDs", oldnodeIDs);
} else if (no_regrid && s->e != NULL) {
/* If we have created the top-levels cells and not done an initial
* partition (can happen when restarting), then the top-level cells
* are not assigned to a node, we must do that and then associate the
* particles with the cells. Note requires that
* partition_store_celllist() was called once before, or just before
* dumping the restart files.*/
partition_restore_celllist(s, s->e->reparttype);
/* Now re-distribute the particles, should just add to cells? */
/* Make the proxies. */
#endif /* WITH_MPI */
// message( "rebuilding upper-level cells took %.3f %s." ,
// clocks_from_ticks(double)(getticks() - tic), clocks_getunit());
} /* re-build upper-level cells? */
else { /* Otherwise, just clean up the cells. */
/* Free the old cells, if they were allocated. */
if (verbose)
message("took %.3f %s.", clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic),