* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "space.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "cell.h"
#include "engine.h"
/* Some standard headers. */
* @brief Allocate memory for the extra particles used for on-the-fly creation.
* This rarely actually allocates memory. Most of the time, we convert
* pre-allocated memory inot extra particles.
* This function also sets the extra particles' location to their top-level
* cells. They can then be sorted into their correct memory position later on.
* @param s The current #space.
* @param verbose Are we talkative?
void space_allocate_extras(struct space *s, int verbose) {
const int local_nodeID = s->e->nodeID;
/* Anything to do here? (Abort if we don't want extras)*/
if (space_extra_parts == 0 && space_extra_gparts == 0 &&
space_extra_sparts == 0 && space_extra_bparts == 0 &&
space_extra_sinks == 0)
/* The top-level cells */
const struct cell *cells = s->cells_top;
const double half_cell_width[3] = {0.5 * cells[0].width[0],
0.5 * cells[0].width[1],
0.5 * cells[0].width[2]};
/* The current number of particles (including spare ones) */
size_t nr_parts = s->nr_parts;
size_t nr_gparts = s->nr_gparts;
size_t nr_sparts = s->nr_sparts;
size_t nr_bparts = s->nr_bparts;
size_t nr_sinks = s->nr_sinks;
/* The current number of actual particles */
size_t nr_actual_parts = nr_parts - s->nr_extra_parts;
size_t nr_actual_gparts = nr_gparts - s->nr_extra_gparts;
size_t nr_actual_sparts = nr_sparts - s->nr_extra_sparts;
size_t nr_actual_bparts = nr_bparts - s->nr_extra_bparts;
size_t nr_actual_sinks = nr_sinks - s->nr_extra_sinks;
/* The number of particles we allocated memory for (MPI overhead) */
size_t size_parts = s->size_parts;
size_t size_gparts = s->size_gparts;
size_t size_sparts = s->size_sparts;
size_t size_bparts = s->size_bparts;
size_t size_sinks = s->size_sinks;
int *local_cells = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * s->nr_cells);
if (local_cells == NULL)
error("Failed to allocate list of local top-level cells");
/* List the local cells */
size_t nr_local_cells = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s->nr_cells; ++i) {
if (s->cells_top[i].nodeID == local_nodeID) {
local_cells[nr_local_cells] = i;
/* Number of extra particles we want for each type */
const size_t expected_num_extra_parts = nr_local_cells * space_extra_parts;
const size_t expected_num_extra_gparts = nr_local_cells * space_extra_gparts;
const size_t expected_num_extra_sparts = nr_local_cells * space_extra_sparts;
const size_t expected_num_extra_bparts = nr_local_cells * space_extra_bparts;
const size_t expected_num_extra_sinks = nr_local_cells * space_extra_sinks;
if (verbose) {
message("Currently have %zd/%zd/%zd/%zd/%zd real particles.",
nr_actual_parts, nr_actual_gparts, nr_actual_sinks,
nr_actual_sparts, nr_actual_bparts);
message("Currently have %zd/%zd/%zd/%zd/%zd spaces for extra particles.",
s->nr_extra_parts, s->nr_extra_gparts, s->nr_extra_sinks,
s->nr_extra_sparts, s->nr_extra_bparts);
"Requesting space for future %zd/%zd/%zd/%zd/%zd "
expected_num_extra_parts, expected_num_extra_gparts,
expected_num_extra_sinks, expected_num_extra_sparts,
if (expected_num_extra_parts < s->nr_extra_parts)
"Reduction in top-level cells number not handled. Please set a lower "
"h_max or reduce the number of top level cells.");
if (expected_num_extra_gparts < s->nr_extra_gparts)
"Reduction in top-level cells number not handled. Please set a lower "
"h_max or reduce the number of top level cells.");
if (expected_num_extra_sparts < s->nr_extra_sparts)
"Reduction in top-level cells number not handled. Please set a lower "
"h_max or reduce the number of top level cells.");
if (expected_num_extra_bparts < s->nr_extra_bparts)
"Reduction in top-level cells number not handled. Please set a lower "
"h_max or reduce the number of top level cells.");
if (expected_num_extra_sinks < s->nr_extra_sinks)
"Reduction in top-level cells number not handled. Please set a lower "
"h_max or reduce the number of top level cells.");
/* Do we have enough space for the extra gparts (i.e. we haven't used up any)
* ? */
if (nr_actual_gparts + expected_num_extra_gparts > nr_gparts) {
/* Ok... need to put some more in the game */
/* Do we need to reallocate? */
if (nr_actual_gparts + expected_num_extra_gparts > size_gparts) {
size_gparts = (nr_actual_gparts + expected_num_extra_gparts) *
if (verbose)
message("Re-allocating gparts array from %zd to %zd", s->size_gparts,
/* Create more space for parts */
struct gpart *gparts_new = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("gparts", (void **)&gparts_new, gpart_align,
sizeof(struct gpart) * size_gparts) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate new gpart data");
memcpy(gparts_new, s->gparts, sizeof(struct gpart) * s->size_gparts);
swift_free("gparts", s->gparts);
s->gparts = gparts_new;
/* Update the counter */
s->size_gparts = size_gparts;
/* We now need to correct all the pointers of the other particle arrays */
part_relink_all_parts_to_gparts(gparts_new, s->nr_gparts, s->parts,
s->sinks, s->sparts, s->bparts,
/* Turn some of the allocated spares into particles we can use */
for (size_t i = nr_gparts; i < nr_actual_gparts + expected_num_extra_gparts;
++i) {
bzero(&s->gparts[i], sizeof(struct gpart));
s->gparts[i].time_bin = time_bin_not_created;
s->gparts[i].type = swift_type_dark_matter;
s->gparts[i].id_or_neg_offset = -1;
/* Put the spare particles in their correct cell */
size_t local_cell_id = 0;
int current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
int count_in_cell = 0;
size_t count_extra_gparts = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_actual_gparts + expected_num_extra_gparts; ++i) {
if (current_cell == s->nr_cells)
error("Cell counter beyond the maximal nr. cells.");
if (s->gparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* We want the extra particles to be at the centre of their cell */
s->gparts[i].x[0] = cells[current_cell].loc[0] + half_cell_width[0];
s->gparts[i].x[1] = cells[current_cell].loc[1] + half_cell_width[1];
s->gparts[i].x[2] = cells[current_cell].loc[2] + half_cell_width[2];
/* Once we have reached the number of extra gpart per cell, we move to the
* next */
if (count_in_cell == space_extra_gparts) {
if (local_cell_id == nr_local_cells) break;
current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
count_in_cell = 0;
if (count_extra_gparts != expected_num_extra_gparts)
error("Constructed the wrong number of extra gparts (%zd vs. %zd)",
count_extra_gparts, expected_num_extra_gparts);
/* Update the counters */
s->nr_gparts = nr_actual_gparts + expected_num_extra_gparts;
s->nr_extra_gparts = expected_num_extra_gparts;
/* Do we have enough space for the extra parts (i.e. we haven't used up any) ?
if (nr_actual_parts + expected_num_extra_parts > nr_parts) {
/* Ok... need to put some more in the game */
/* Do we need to reallocate? */
if (nr_actual_parts + expected_num_extra_parts > size_parts) {
size_parts = (nr_actual_parts + expected_num_extra_parts) *
if (verbose)
message("Re-allocating parts array from %zd to %zd", s->size_parts,
/* Create more space for parts */
struct part *parts_new = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("parts", (void **)&parts_new, part_align,
sizeof(struct part) * size_parts) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate new part data");
memcpy(parts_new, s->parts, sizeof(struct part) * s->size_parts);
swift_free("parts", s->parts);
s->parts = parts_new;
/* Same for xparts */
struct xpart *xparts_new = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("xparts", (void **)&xparts_new, xpart_align,
sizeof(struct xpart) * size_parts) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate new xpart data");
memcpy(xparts_new, s->xparts, sizeof(struct xpart) * s->size_parts);
swift_free("xparts", s->xparts);
s->xparts = xparts_new;
/* Update the counter */
s->size_parts = size_parts;
/* Turn some of the allocated spares into particles we can use */
for (size_t i = nr_parts; i < nr_actual_parts + expected_num_extra_parts;
++i) {
bzero(&s->parts[i], sizeof(struct part));
bzero(&s->xparts[i], sizeof(struct xpart));
s->parts[i].time_bin = time_bin_not_created;
s->parts[i].id = -42;
/* Put the spare particles in their correct cell */
size_t local_cell_id = 0;
int current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
int count_in_cell = 0;
size_t count_extra_parts = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_actual_parts + expected_num_extra_parts; ++i) {
if (current_cell == s->nr_cells)
error("Cell counter beyond the maximal nr. cells.");
if (s->parts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* We want the extra particles to be at the centre of their cell */
s->parts[i].x[0] = cells[current_cell].loc[0] + half_cell_width[0];
s->parts[i].x[1] = cells[current_cell].loc[1] + half_cell_width[1];
s->parts[i].x[2] = cells[current_cell].loc[2] + half_cell_width[2];
/* Once we have reached the number of extra part per cell, we move to the
* next */
if (count_in_cell == space_extra_parts) {
if (local_cell_id == nr_local_cells) break;
current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
count_in_cell = 0;
if (count_extra_parts != expected_num_extra_parts)
error("Constructed the wrong number of extra parts (%zd vs. %zd)",
count_extra_parts, expected_num_extra_parts);
/* Update the counters */
s->nr_parts = nr_actual_parts + expected_num_extra_parts;
s->nr_extra_parts = expected_num_extra_parts;
/* Do we have enough space for the extra sinks (i.e. we haven't used up any)
* ? */
if (nr_actual_sinks + expected_num_extra_sinks > nr_sinks) {
/* Ok... need to put some more in the game */
/* Do we need to reallocate? */
if (nr_actual_sinks + expected_num_extra_sinks > size_sinks) {
size_sinks = (nr_actual_sinks + expected_num_extra_sinks) *
if (verbose)
message("Re-allocating sinks array from %zd to %zd", s->size_sinks,
/* Create more space for parts */
struct sink *sinks_new = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("sinks", (void **)&sinks_new, sink_align,
sizeof(struct sink) * size_sinks) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate new sink data");
memcpy(sinks_new, s->sinks, sizeof(struct sink) * s->size_sinks);
swift_free("sinks", s->sinks);
s->sinks = sinks_new;
/* Update the counter */
s->size_sinks = size_sinks;
/* Turn some of the allocated spares into particles we can use */
for (size_t i = nr_sinks; i < nr_actual_sinks + expected_num_extra_sinks;
++i) {
bzero(&s->sinks[i], sizeof(struct sink));
s->sinks[i].time_bin = time_bin_not_created;
s->sinks[i].id = -42;
/* Put the spare particles in their correct cell */
size_t local_cell_id = 0;
int current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
int count_in_cell = 0;
size_t count_extra_sinks = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_actual_sinks + expected_num_extra_sinks; ++i) {
if (current_cell == s->nr_cells)
error("Cell counter beyond the maximal nr. cells.");
if (s->sinks[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* We want the extra particles to be at the centre of their cell */
s->sinks[i].x[0] = cells[current_cell].loc[0] + half_cell_width[0];
s->sinks[i].x[1] = cells[current_cell].loc[1] + half_cell_width[1];
s->sinks[i].x[2] = cells[current_cell].loc[2] + half_cell_width[2];
/* Once we have reached the number of extra sink per cell, we move to the
* next */
if (count_in_cell == space_extra_sinks) {
if (local_cell_id == nr_local_cells) break;
current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
count_in_cell = 0;
if (count_extra_sinks != expected_num_extra_sinks)
error("Constructed the wrong number of extra sinks (%zd vs. %zd)",
count_extra_sinks, expected_num_extra_sinks);
/* Update the counters */
s->nr_sinks = nr_actual_sinks + expected_num_extra_sinks;
s->nr_extra_sinks = expected_num_extra_sinks;
/* Do we have enough space for the extra sparts (i.e. we haven't used up any)
* ? */
if (nr_actual_sparts + expected_num_extra_sparts > nr_sparts) {
/* Ok... need to put some more in the game */
/* Do we need to reallocate? */
if (nr_actual_sparts + expected_num_extra_sparts > size_sparts) {
size_sparts = (nr_actual_sparts + expected_num_extra_sparts) *
if (verbose)
message("Re-allocating sparts array from %zd to %zd", s->size_sparts,
/* Create more space for parts */
struct spart *sparts_new = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("sparts", (void **)&sparts_new, spart_align,
sizeof(struct spart) * size_sparts) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate new spart data");
memcpy(sparts_new, s->sparts, sizeof(struct spart) * s->size_sparts);
swift_free("sparts", s->sparts);
s->sparts = sparts_new;
/* Update the counter */
s->size_sparts = size_sparts;
/* Turn some of the allocated spares into particles we can use */
for (size_t i = nr_sparts; i < nr_actual_sparts + expected_num_extra_sparts;
++i) {
bzero(&s->sparts[i], sizeof(struct spart));
s->sparts[i].time_bin = time_bin_not_created;
s->sparts[i].id = -42;
/* Put the spare particles in their correct cell */
size_t local_cell_id = 0;
int current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
int count_in_cell = 0;
size_t count_extra_sparts = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_actual_sparts + expected_num_extra_sparts; ++i) {
if (current_cell == s->nr_cells)
error("Cell counter beyond the maximal nr. cells.");
if (s->sparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* We want the extra particles to be at the centre of their cell */
s->sparts[i].x[0] = cells[current_cell].loc[0] + half_cell_width[0];
s->sparts[i].x[1] = cells[current_cell].loc[1] + half_cell_width[1];
s->sparts[i].x[2] = cells[current_cell].loc[2] + half_cell_width[2];
/* Once we have reached the number of extra spart per cell, we move to the
* next */
if (count_in_cell == space_extra_sparts) {
if (local_cell_id == nr_local_cells) break;
current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
count_in_cell = 0;
if (count_extra_sparts != expected_num_extra_sparts)
error("Constructed the wrong number of extra sparts (%zd vs. %zd)",
count_extra_sparts, expected_num_extra_sparts);
/* Update the counters */
s->nr_sparts = nr_actual_sparts + expected_num_extra_sparts;
s->nr_extra_sparts = expected_num_extra_sparts;
/* Do we have enough space for the extra bparts (i.e. we haven't used up any)
* ? */
if (nr_actual_bparts + expected_num_extra_bparts > nr_bparts) {
/* Ok... need to put some more in the game */
/* Do we need to reallocate? */
if (nr_actual_bparts + expected_num_extra_bparts > size_bparts) {
size_bparts = (nr_actual_bparts + expected_num_extra_bparts) *
if (verbose)
message("Re-allocating bparts array from %zd to %zd", s->size_bparts,
/* Create more space for parts */
struct bpart *bparts_new = NULL;
if (swift_memalign("bparts", (void **)&bparts_new, bpart_align,
sizeof(struct bpart) * size_bparts) != 0)
error("Failed to allocate new bpart data");
memcpy(bparts_new, s->bparts, sizeof(struct bpart) * s->size_bparts);
swift_free("bparts", s->bparts);
s->bparts = bparts_new;
/* Update the counter */
s->size_bparts = size_bparts;
/* Turn some of the allocated spares into particles we can use */
for (size_t i = nr_bparts; i < nr_actual_bparts + expected_num_extra_bparts;
++i) {
bzero(&s->bparts[i], sizeof(struct bpart));
s->bparts[i].time_bin = time_bin_not_created;
s->bparts[i].id = -42;
/* Put the spare particles in their correct cell */
size_t local_cell_id = 0;
int current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
int count_in_cell = 0;
size_t count_extra_bparts = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_actual_bparts + expected_num_extra_bparts; ++i) {
if (current_cell == s->nr_cells)
error("Cell counter beyond the maximal nr. cells.");
if (s->bparts[i].time_bin == time_bin_not_created) {
/* We want the extra particles to be at the centre of their cell */
s->bparts[i].x[0] = cells[current_cell].loc[0] + half_cell_width[0];
s->bparts[i].x[1] = cells[current_cell].loc[1] + half_cell_width[1];
s->bparts[i].x[2] = cells[current_cell].loc[2] + half_cell_width[2];
/* Once we have reached the number of extra bpart per cell, we move to the
* next */
if (count_in_cell == space_extra_bparts) {
if (local_cell_id == nr_local_cells) break;
current_cell = local_cells[local_cell_id];
count_in_cell = 0;
if (count_extra_bparts != expected_num_extra_bparts)
error("Constructed the wrong number of extra bparts (%zd vs. %zd)",
count_extra_bparts, expected_num_extra_bparts);
/* Update the counters */
s->nr_bparts = nr_actual_bparts + expected_num_extra_bparts;
s->nr_extra_bparts = expected_num_extra_bparts;
/* Verify that the links are correct */
if ((nr_gparts > 0 && nr_parts > 0) || (nr_gparts > 0 && nr_sparts > 0) ||
(nr_gparts > 0 && nr_bparts > 0) || (nr_gparts > 0 && nr_sinks > 0))
part_verify_links(s->parts, s->gparts, s->sinks, s->sparts, s->bparts,
nr_parts, nr_gparts, nr_sinks, nr_sparts, nr_bparts,
/* Free the list of local cells */