* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Mladen Ivkovic (mladen.ivkovic@hotmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "rt_properties.h"
* @file src/rt/none/rt.h
* @brief Main header file for no radiative transfer scheme.
* @brief Compute the photon emission rates for this stellar particle
* This function is called every time the spart is being reset
* (during start-up and during stars ghost if spart is active)
* and assumes that the photon emission rate is an intrinsic
* stellar property, i.e. doesn't depend on the environment.
* @param sp star particle to work on
* @param time current system time
* @param star_age age of the star *at the end of the step*
* @param dt star time step
* @param rt_props RT properties struct
* @param phys_const physical constants struct
* @param internal_units struct holding internal units
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
rt_compute_stellar_emission_rate(struct spart* restrict sp, double time,
double star_age, double dt,
const struct rt_props* rt_props,
const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* internal_units) {}
* @brief Initialisation of the RT density loop related particle data.
* Note: during initalisation (space_init), rt_reset_part and rt_init_part
* are both called individually.
* @param p Particle to work on
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_init_part(
struct part* restrict p) {}
* @brief Reset the RT hydro particle data not related to the hydro density.
* Note: during initalisation (space_init), rt_reset_part and rt_init_part
* are both called individually. To reset RT data needed in each RT sub-cycle,
* use rt_reset_part_each_subcycle().
* @param p particle to work on
* @param cosmo Cosmology.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_reset_part(
struct part* restrict p, const struct cosmology* cosmo) {}
* @brief Reset RT particle data which needs to be reset each sub-cycle.
* @param p the particle to work on
* @param cosmo Cosmology.
* @param dt the current particle RT time step
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_reset_part_each_subcycle(
struct part* restrict p, const struct cosmology* cosmo, double dt) {}
* @brief First initialisation of the RT hydro particle data.
* @param p particle to work on
* @param cosmo #cosmology data structure.
* @param rt_props RT properties struct
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_first_init_part(
struct part* restrict p, const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct rt_props* restrict rt_props) {}
* @brief Initialisation of the RT density loop related star particle data.
* Note: during initalisation (space_init), rt_reset_spart and rt_init_spart
* are both called individually.
* @param sp star particle to work on
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_init_spart(
struct spart* restrict sp) {}
* @brief Reset of the RT star particle data not related to the density.
* Note: during initalisation (space_init), rt_reset_spart and rt_init_spart
* are both called individually.
* @param sp star particle to work on
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_reset_spart(
struct spart* restrict sp) {}
* @brief First initialisation of the RT star particle data.
* @param sp star particle to work on
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_first_init_spart(
struct spart* restrict sp) {}
* @brief Split the RT data of a particle into n pieces
* @param p The #part.
* @param n The number of pieces to split into.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_split_part(struct part* p,
double n) {}
* @brief Exception handle a hydro part not having any neighbours in ghost task
* @param p The #part.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_part_has_no_neighbours(
struct part* p) {}
* @brief Exception handle a star part not having any neighbours in ghost task
* @param sp The #spart.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_spart_has_no_neighbours(
struct spart* sp) {}
* @brief Do checks/conversions on particles on startup.
* @param p The particle to work on
* @param rtp The RT properties struct
* @param hydro_props The hydro properties struct
* @param phys_const physical constants struct
* @param us unit_system struct
* @param cosmo cosmology struct
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_convert_quantities(
struct part* restrict p, const struct rt_props* rt_props,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const,
const struct unit_system* restrict us,
const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo) {}
* @brief Computes the next radiative transfer time step size
* of a given particle (during timestep tasks)
* @param p Particle to work on.
* @param rt_props RT properties struct
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param dt The time-step of this particle.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float rt_compute_timestep(
const struct part* restrict p, const struct xpart* restrict xp,
struct rt_props* rt_props, const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const,
const struct unit_system* restrict us) {
return FLT_MAX;
* @brief Computes the next radiative transfer time step size
* of a given star particle (during timestep tasks).
* @param sp spart to work on
* @param rt_props the RT properties struct
* @param cosmo the cosmology
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float rt_compute_spart_timestep(
const struct spart* restrict sp, const struct rt_props* restrict rt_props,
const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo) {
return FLT_MAX;
* @brief Compute the time-step length for an RT step of a particle from given
* integer times ti_beg and ti_end. This time-step length is then used to
* compute the actual time integration of the transport/force step and the
* thermochemistry. This is not used to determine the time-step length during
* the time-step tasks.
* @param ti_beg Start of the time-step (on the integer time-line).
* @param ti_end End of the time-step (on the integer time-line).
* @param time_base Minimal time-step size on the time-line.
* @param with_cosmology Are we running with cosmology integration?
* @param cosmo The #cosmology object.
* @return The time-step size for the rt integration. (internal units).
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double rt_part_dt(
const integertime_t ti_beg, const integertime_t ti_end,
const double time_base, const int with_cosmology,
const struct cosmology* cosmo) {
return 0.0;
* @brief This function finalises the injection step.
* @param p particle to work on
* @param props struct #rt_props that contains global RT properties
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_finalise_injection(
struct part* restrict p, struct rt_props* props) {}
* @brief finishes up the gradient computation
* @param p particle to work on
* @param cosmo #cosmology data structure.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_end_gradient(
struct part* restrict p, const struct cosmology* cosmo) {}
* @brief finishes up the transport step
* @param p particle to work on
* @param dt the current time step of the particle
* @param cosmo #cosmology data structure.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_finalise_transport(
struct part* restrict p, struct rt_props* rtp, const double dt,
const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo) {}
* @brief Do the thermochemistry on a particle.
* @param p Particle to work on.
* @param xp Pointer to the particle' extended data.
* @param rt_props RT properties struct
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param dt The time-step of this particle.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_tchem(
struct part* restrict p, struct xpart* restrict xp,
struct rt_props* rt_props, const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const,
const struct unit_system* restrict us, const double dt) {}
* @brief Extra operations done during the kick.
* @param p Particle to act upon.
* @param dt_therm Thermal energy time-step @f$\frac{dt}{a^2}@f$.
* @param dt_grav Gravity time-step @f$\frac{dt}{a}@f$.
* @param dt_hydro Hydro acceleration time-step
* @f$\frac{dt}{a^{3(\gamma{}-1)}}@f$.
* @param dt_kick_corr Gravity correction time-step @f$adt@f$.
* @param cosmo Cosmology.
* @param hydro_props Additional hydro properties.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_kick_extra(
struct part* p, float dt_therm, float dt_grav, float dt_hydro,
float dt_kick_corr, const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props) {}
* @brief Prepare a particle for the !HYDRO! force calculation.
* E.g. for the meshless schemes, we need to take into account the
* mass fluxes of the ionizing species between particles.
* NOTE: don't call this during rt_init_part or rt_reset_part,
* follow the hydro_prepare_force logic.
* @param p particle to work on
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_prepare_force(
struct part* p) {}
* @brief Extra operations to be done during the drift
* @param p Particle to act upon.
* @param xp The extended particle data to act upon.
* @param dt_drift The drift time-step for positions.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_predict_extra(
struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, float dt_drift) {}
* @brief Clean the allocated memory inside the RT properties struct.
* @param props the #rt_props.
* @param restart did we restart?
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void rt_clean(
struct rt_props* props, int restart) {}
#endif /* SWIFT_RT_NONE_H */