* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2022 Tsang Keung Chan (chantsangkeung@gmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Local includes. */
#include "error.h"
#include "rt_species_and_elements.h"
struct RTUserData {
// void *cvode_mem; /*!< Pointer to the CVODE memory. */
/* switch for on the spot approximation */
int onthespot;
/* switch for gas cooling */
int coolingon;
/* switch for not changing photon density */
int fixphotondensity;
/* 1: to use the input parameters; 0: calculate with temperature. */
/* (H coefficient only; no heating or cooling) */
int useparams;
/*! Fraction of the particle mass in a given element */
double metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_count];
double m_H_cgs;
double k_B_cgs;
double cred_cgs;
double rho_cgs;
double n_H_cgs;
double ngamma_cgs[3];
double u_cgs;
/*! abundances of species i, i.e. n_i/nH */
/* note that we use hydrogen density in the denominator */
double abundances[rt_species_count];
double u_min_cgs;
int aindex[3];
/* only use when useparam = 1 */
/*! The case A recombination coefficient for hydrogen (cgs) */
double alphaA_cgs_H;
/*! The case B recombination coefficient for hydrogen (cgs) */
double alphaB_cgs_H;
/*! The collisional ionization coefficient for hydrogen (cgs) */
double beta_cgs_H;
/*! The cross section of ionizing photons for hydrogen (cgs) */
double sigma_cross_cgs_H[3];
* @brief Computes the temperature from internal energy u
* @param k_B_cgs boltzman constant in cgs
* @param m_H_cgs hydrogen atom mass in cgs
* @param X_H hydrogen mass fraction
* @param u_cgs internal energy in cgs.
* @param abundances abundances of species in n_i/nH.
* @return T_cgs temperature in K.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double rt_convert_u_to_temp(
const double k_B_cgs, const double m_H_cgs, const double X_H,
const double u_cgs, const double abundances[rt_species_count]) {
double sumabundances = 0.0;
for (int spec = 0; spec < rt_species_count; spec++) {
sumabundances += abundances[spec];
double T_cgs = m_H_cgs / X_H / sumabundances * u_cgs * 2.0 / 3.0 / k_B_cgs;
return T_cgs;
* @brief Computes the internal energy corresponding to a given
* temperature, hydrogen neutral fraction
* @param k_B_cgs boltzman constant in cgs
* @param m_H_cgs hydrogen atom mass in cgs
* @param T_cgs temperature in K
* @param X_H hydrogen mass fraction
* @param abundances abundances of species in n_i/nH.
* @return u_cgs the internal energy in cgs
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double rt_convert_temp_to_u(
const double k_B_cgs, const double m_H_cgs, const double T_cgs,
const double X_H, const double abundances[rt_species_count]) {
double sumabundances = 0.0;
for (int spec = 0; spec < rt_species_count; spec++) {
sumabundances += abundances[spec];
const double u_cgs = 1.5 * k_B_cgs * T_cgs * sumabundances * X_H / m_H_cgs;
return u_cgs;
* @brief Output the array translating to species
* @return aindex use to translate index to species
INLINE static void rt_get_index_to_species(int aindex[3]) {
/* the first index denotes frequency bins; the second index denotes species */
/* HI: index 0 */
aindex[0] = rt_sp_HI; /* use to translate index to species */
/* HeI: index 1 */
aindex[1] = rt_sp_HeI; /* use to translate index to species */
/* HeII: index 2 */
aindex[2] = rt_sp_HeII; /* use to translate index to species */
* @brief Computes the chemistry coefficient (Hui and Gnedin 1997)
* https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1997MNRAS.292...27H/abstract
* @param T_cgs temperature in K
* @param onthespot use on the spot approximation?
* @return alphalist coefficients of recomination
* @return betalist coefficients of collisional ionization
INLINE static void rt_compute_alphabeta_cgs(double T_cgs, int onthespot,
double alphalist[rt_species_count],
double betalist[rt_species_count]) {
if (T_cgs == 0.0) error("Temperature is absolute zero.");
const double lambdaT = 315614.0 / T_cgs;
/* Hydrogen coefficient */
/* Computes the case A recombination coefficient for HII (Hui and Gnedin 1997)
double alphaAHII_cgs = 1.269e-13 * pow(lambdaT, 1.503) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaT / 0.522, 0.470), -1.923);
/* Computes the case B recombination coefficient for HII (Hui and Gnedin 1997)
double alphaBHII_cgs = 2.753e-14 * pow(lambdaT, 1.5) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaT / 2.740, 0.407), -2.242);
/* Computes the collisional ionization rate for HI (Theuns et al. 1998) */
double betaHI_cgs = 1.17e-10 * sqrt(T_cgs) * exp(-157809.1 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + sqrt(T_cgs / 1e5));
/* Helium coefficient */
const double lambdaTI = 2.0 * 285335.0 / T_cgs;
const double lambdaTII = 2.0 * 631515.0 / T_cgs;
/* Computes the case A recombination coefficient for HeII (Hui and Gnedin
* 1997) */
double alphaAHeII_cgs = 3.0e-14 * pow(lambdaTI, 0.654);
/* Computes the case B recombination coefficient for HeII (Hui and Gnedin
* 1997) */
double alphaBHeII_cgs = 1.26e-14 * pow(lambdaTI, 0.750);
/* Computes the Dielectronic recombination coefficient for HeII (Aldrovandi
* and Pequignot 1973) */
double alphaDiHeII_cgs = 1.9e-3 * pow(T_cgs, -1.5) * exp(-4.7e5 / T_cgs) *
(1.0 + 0.3 * exp(-9.4e4 / T_cgs));
/* Computes the case A recombination coefficient for HeIII (Hui and Gnedin
* 1997) */
double alphaAHeIII_cgs = 2.538e-13 * pow(lambdaTII, 1.503) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaTII / 0.522, 0.470), -1.923);
/* Computes the case B recombination coefficient for HeIII (Hui and Gnedin
* 1997) */
double alphaBHeIII_cgs = 5.506e-14 * pow(lambdaTII, 1.5) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaTII / 2.740, 0.407), -2.242);
/* Computes the collisional ionization rate for HeI (Theuns et al. 1998) */
double betaHeI_cgs = 4.76e-11 * sqrt(T_cgs) * exp(-285335.4 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + sqrt(T_cgs / 1e5));
/* Computes the collisional ionization rate for HeII (Theuns et al. 1998) */
double betaHeII_cgs = 1.14e-11 * sqrt(T_cgs) * exp(-631515.0 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + sqrt(T_cgs / 1e5));
betalist[rt_sp_elec] = 0.0;
betalist[rt_sp_HI] = betaHI_cgs;
betalist[rt_sp_HII] = 0.0;
betalist[rt_sp_HeI] = betaHeI_cgs;
betalist[rt_sp_HeII] = betaHeII_cgs;
betalist[rt_sp_HeIII] = 0.0;
alphalist[rt_sp_elec] = 0.0;
alphalist[rt_sp_HI] = 0.0;
alphalist[rt_sp_HeI] = 0.0;
if (onthespot == 1) {
alphalist[rt_sp_HII] = alphaBHII_cgs;
alphalist[rt_sp_HeII] = alphaBHeII_cgs + alphaDiHeII_cgs;
alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII] = alphaBHeIII_cgs;
} else {
alphalist[rt_sp_HII] = alphaAHII_cgs;
alphalist[rt_sp_HeII] = alphaAHeII_cgs + alphaDiHeII_cgs;
alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII] = alphaAHeIII_cgs;
* @brief Computes the cooling coefficient (Hui and Gnedin 1997)
* https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1997MNRAS.292...27H/abstract
* @param T_cgs temperature in K
* @param onthespot use on the spot approximation?
* @return Gammalist cooling coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization (recombination positive)
INLINE static void rt_compute_cooling_gamma_cgs(
const double T_cgs, const int onthespot,
double Gammalist[rt_species_count]) {
if (T_cgs == 0.0) error("Temperature is absolute zero.");
const double log_T_cgs = log10(T_cgs);
const double lambdaT = 315614.0 / T_cgs;
/* Hydrogen coefficient */
/* Computes the collisional ionization cooling rate (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_colion_HI_cgs = 2.54e-21 * pow(T_cgs, 0.5) *
exp(-157809.1 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + pow(T_cgs / 1.0e5, 0.5));
/* Computes the collisional excitation cooling rate (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_line_HI_cgs =
7.5e-19 * exp(-118348.0 / T_cgs) / (1.0 + pow(T_cgs / 1.0e5, 0.5));
/* Computes the case A? recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomA_HII_cgs = 1.778e-29 * T_cgs * pow(lambdaT, 1.965) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaT / 0.541, 0.502), -2.697);
/* Computes the case B? recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomB_HII_cgs = 3.435e-30 * T_cgs * pow(lambdaT, 1.970) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaT / 2.250, 0.376), -3.720);
/* Computes the Bremsstrahlung cooling rate (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_ff_HII_cgs =
1.42e-27 * pow(T_cgs, 0.5) *
(1.1 + 0.34 * exp(-pow(5.5 - log_T_cgs, 2.0) / 3.0));
/* Helium coefficient */
const double lambdaTI = 2.0 * 285335.0 / T_cgs;
const double lambdaTII = 2.0 * 631515.0 / T_cgs;
/* Computes the collisional ionization cooling rate for HeI (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_colion_HeI_cgs = 1.88e-21 * sqrt(T_cgs) *
exp(-285335.4 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + pow(T_cgs / 1.0e5, 0.5));
/* Computes the collisional ionization cooling rate for HeI (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_colion_HeII_cgs = 9.90e-22 * sqrt(T_cgs) *
exp(-631515.0 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + pow(T_cgs / 1.0e5, 0.5));
/* Computes the collisional excitation cooling rate (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_line_HeII_cgs = 5.54e-17 * pow(T_cgs, -0.397) *
exp(-473638.0 / T_cgs) /
(1.0 + pow(T_cgs / 1.0e5, 0.5));
/* Computes the case A? recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomA_HeII_cgs =
1.38e-16 * T_cgs * 3.0e-14 * pow(lambdaTI, 0.654);
/* Computes the case B? recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomB_HeII_cgs =
1.38e-16 * T_cgs * 1.26e-14 * pow(lambdaTI, 0.750);
/* Computes the dielectric recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomDi_HeII_cgs = 1.24e-13 * pow(T_cgs, -1.5) *
exp(-4.7e5 / T_cgs) *
(1.0 + 0.3 * exp(-9.4e4 / T_cgs));
/* Computes the case A? recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomA_HeIII_cgs =
1.4224e-28 * T_cgs * pow(lambdaTII, 1.965) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaTII / 0.541, 0.502), -2.697);
/* Computes the case B? recombination cooling rate (Hui & Gnedin 1997) */
double Gamma_recomB_HeIII_cgs =
2.748e-29 * T_cgs * pow(lambdaTII, 1.970) *
pow(1.0 + pow(lambdaTII / 2.250, 0.376), -3.720);
/* Computes the Bremsstrahlung cooling rate (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_ff_HeII_cgs =
1.42e-27 * pow(T_cgs, 0.5) *
(1.1 + 0.34 * exp(-pow(5.5 - log_T_cgs, 2.0) / 3.0));
/* Computes the Bremsstrahlung cooling rate (Theuns+98) */
double Gamma_ff_HeIII_cgs =
5.68e-27 * pow(T_cgs, 0.5) *
(1.1 + 0.34 * exp(-pow(5.5 - log_T_cgs, 2.0) / 3.0));
Gammalist[rt_sp_elec] = 0.0;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HI] = Gamma_colion_HI_cgs + Gamma_line_HI_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HII] = Gamma_ff_HII_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeI] = Gamma_colion_HeI_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeII] =
Gamma_colion_HeII_cgs + Gamma_line_HeII_cgs + Gamma_ff_HeII_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeIII] = Gamma_ff_HeIII_cgs;
if (onthespot == 1) {
Gammalist[rt_sp_HII] += Gamma_recomB_HII_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeII] += Gamma_recomB_HeII_cgs + Gamma_recomDi_HeII_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeIII] += Gamma_recomB_HeIII_cgs;
} else {
Gammalist[rt_sp_HII] += Gamma_recomA_HII_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeII] += Gamma_recomA_HeII_cgs + Gamma_recomDi_HeII_cgs;
Gammalist[rt_sp_HeIII] += Gamma_recomA_HeIII_cgs;
* @brief Output the photo-ionization coefficient: assume BB1e5 and Verner+1996
* cross-section Note!!!: numbers of frequency bins: has to be three from
* HI-HeI, HeI-HeII, HeII-infty
* @return sigmalist photo-ionization cross section in cm^2
* @return epsilonlist averaged thermal energy per ionization in erg
INLINE static void rt_compute_photoionization_rate_cgs(
double sigmalist[3][3], double epsilonlist[3][3]) {
/* the first index denotes frequency bins; the second index denotes species */
/* HI: index 0 */
sigmalist[0][0] = 2.99e-18;
sigmalist[1][0] = 5.66e-19;
sigmalist[2][0] = 7.84e-20;
epsilonlist[0][0] = 6.17e-12;
epsilonlist[1][0] = 2.81e-11;
epsilonlist[2][0] = 7.77e-11;
/* HeI: index 1 */
sigmalist[0][1] = 0.0;
sigmalist[1][1] = 4.46e-18;
sigmalist[2][1] = 1.19e-18;
epsilonlist[0][1] = 0.0;
epsilonlist[1][1] = 1.25e-11;
epsilonlist[2][1] = 6.11e-11;
/* HeII: index 2 */
sigmalist[0][2] = 0.0;
sigmalist[1][2] = 0.0;
sigmalist[2][2] = 1.05e-18;
epsilonlist[0][2] = 0.0;
epsilonlist[1][2] = 0.0;
epsilonlist[2][2] = 1.27e-11;
* @brief Computes the chemistry and cooling coefficient
* @param T_cgs temperature in K
* @param onthespot use on the spot approximation?
* @param alphalist combined coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization
* @param betalist coefficients of collisional ionization
* @param Gammalist cooling coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization
* @param sigmalist photo-ionization cross section in cm^2
* @param epsilonlist averaged thermal energy per ionization in erg
* @param aindex use to translate index to species
INLINE static void rt_compute_rate_coefficients(
const double T_cgs, const int onthespot, double alphalist[rt_species_count],
double betalist[rt_species_count], double Gammalist[rt_species_count],
double sigmalist[3][3], double epsilonlist[3][3]) {
rt_compute_alphabeta_cgs(T_cgs, onthespot, alphalist, betalist);
rt_compute_cooling_gamma_cgs(T_cgs, onthespot, Gammalist);
rt_compute_photoionization_rate_cgs(sigmalist, epsilonlist);
* @brief function used to calculate chemistry changes.
* Table indices and offsets for redshift, hydrogen number density and
* helium fraction are passed it so as to compute them only once per particle.
* @param n_H_cgs Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param cred_cgs (reduced) speed of light in cm/s
* @param abundances species abundance in n_i/nH.
* @param ngamma_cgs photon density in cm^-3
* @param alphalist combined coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization
* @param betalist coefficients of collisional ionization
* @param sigmalist photo-ionization cross section in cm^2
* @param aindex use to translate index to species
* @return chemistry_rates The chemistry rate (d n_i / d t in cgs)
INLINE static void rt_compute_chemistry_rate(
const double n_H_cgs, const double cred_cgs,
const double abundances[rt_species_count], const double ngamma_cgs[3],
const double alphalist[rt_species_count],
const double betalist[rt_species_count], double sigmalist[3][3],
const int aindex[3], double chemistry_rates[rt_species_count]) {
for (int spec = 0; spec < rt_species_count; spec++) {
chemistry_rates[spec] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
/* photo-ionization */
/* HI */
chemistry_rates[aindex[0]] += -sigmalist[i][0] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[i] *
abundances[aindex[0]] * n_H_cgs;
/* HeI */
chemistry_rates[aindex[1]] += -sigmalist[i][1] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[i] *
abundances[aindex[1]] * n_H_cgs;
/* HeII */
chemistry_rates[aindex[2]] += -sigmalist[i][2] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[i] *
abundances[aindex[2]] * n_H_cgs;
/* addition from photo-ionization of a lower level species, i.e. from HeI to
* HeII */
chemistry_rates[aindex[2]] += sigmalist[i][1] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[i] *
abundances[aindex[1]] * n_H_cgs;
/* collisional ionization */
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HI] += -betalist[rt_sp_HI] * abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HI] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HeI] += -betalist[rt_sp_HeI] * abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HeI] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HeII] += -betalist[rt_sp_HeII] *
abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HeII] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
/* collisional ionization from HeI -> HeII */
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HeII] += betalist[rt_sp_HeI] * abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HeI] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
/* recombination */
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HI] += alphalist[rt_sp_HII] * abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HII] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HeI] += alphalist[rt_sp_HeII] * abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HeII] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HeII] += alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII] *
abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HeIII] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
/* recombination from HeII to HeI */
chemistry_rates[rt_sp_HeII] += -alphalist[rt_sp_HeII] *
abundances[rt_sp_elec] *
abundances[rt_sp_HeII] * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
* @brief function used to calculate radiation absorption rate.
* Table indices and offsets for redshift, hydrogen number density and
* helium fraction are passed it so as to compute them only once per particle.
* @param n_H_cgs Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param cred_cgs (reduced) speed of light in cm/s in cm/s
* @param abundances species abundance in n_i/nH.
* @param ngamma_cgs photon density in cm^-3
* @param sigmalist photo-ionization cross section in cm^2
* @param aindex use to translate index to species
* @return absorption_rate The radiation absorption rate (d n_gamma / d t in
* cgs) excluded diffuse emission
INLINE static void rt_compute_radiation_rate(
const double n_H_cgs, const double cred_cgs,
const double abundances[rt_species_count], const double ngamma_cgs[3],
double sigmalist[3][3], const int aindex[3], double absorption_rate[3]) {
absorption_rate[0] = 0.0;
absorption_rate[1] = 0.0;
absorption_rate[2] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
absorption_rate[0] += sigmalist[0][i] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[0] *
abundances[aindex[i]] * n_H_cgs;
absorption_rate[1] += sigmalist[1][i] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[1] *
abundances[aindex[i]] * n_H_cgs;
absorption_rate[2] += sigmalist[2][i] * cred_cgs * ngamma_cgs[2] *
abundances[aindex[i]] * n_H_cgs;
* @brief function used to calculate cooling rate.
* @param n_H_cgs Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param cred_cgs (reduced) speed of light in cm/s
* @param abundances species abundance in n_i/nH.
* @param ngamma_cgs photon density in cm^-3
* @param Gammalist cooling coefficient
* @param sigmalist photo-ionization cross section in cm^2
* @param epsilonlist averaged thermal energy per ionization in erg
* @param aindex use to translate index to species
* @return The net cooling rate of gas (d energy density / d t in cgs)
INLINE static double rt_compute_cooling_rate(
const double n_H_cgs, const double cred_cgs,
const double abundances[rt_species_count], const double ngamma_cgs[3],
const double Gammalist[rt_species_count], double sigmalist[3][3],
double epsilonlist[3][3], int aindex[3]) {
/* The cooling rate of gas */
double cooling_rate_cgs = 0.0;
for (int spec = 0; spec < rt_species_count; spec++) {
cooling_rate_cgs +=
Gammalist[spec] * abundances[rt_sp_elec] * abundances[spec];
cooling_rate_cgs *= n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs;
/* The photo-heating rate */
double photoheating_rate_cgs = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
photoheating_rate_cgs += epsilonlist[i][j] * sigmalist[i][j] * cred_cgs *
ngamma_cgs[i] * abundances[aindex[j]] * n_H_cgs;
double Lambda_net_cgs = photoheating_rate_cgs - cooling_rate_cgs;
return Lambda_net_cgs;
* @brief function used to enforce constraint equation.
* If any of these
* constraints are not met to within 1 per cent, the
* abundances of all species involved in that constraint
* are re-scaled accordingly. This routine also enforces
* that all abundances are non-negative.
* @param abundances species abundance in n_i/nH.
* @param metal_mass_fraction metal mass
* @return finish_abundances species abundance in n_i/nH.
INLINE static void rt_enforce_constraint_equations(
const double abundances[rt_species_count],
const double metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_count],
double finish_abundances[rt_species_count]) {
double metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_count]; /* in unit of hydrogen
mass */
metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_H] = 1.0;
metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_He] = 4.0;
/* Initialization */
for (int spec = 0; spec < rt_species_count; spec++) {
finish_abundances[spec] = fmax(abundances[spec], 0.0);
/* enforce hydrogen species constraint */
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HI] = fmax(finish_abundances[rt_sp_HI], 0.0);
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HI] = fmin(finish_abundances[rt_sp_HI], 1.0);
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HII] = 1.0 - finish_abundances[rt_sp_HI];
/* enforce helium species constraint */
if (metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_He] == 0.0) {
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeI] = 0.0;
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] = 0.0;
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeIII] = 0.0;
} else {
double aHe = metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_He] /
metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_H] *
metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_H] /
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeI] = fmax(finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeI], 0.0);
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] = fmax(finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII], 0.0);
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeIII] =
fmax(aHe - finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeI] - finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII],
double sumHe = finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeI] +
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] +
if (sumHe > 1.01 * aHe) {
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeI] *= aHe / sumHe;
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] *= aHe / sumHe;
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeIII] *= aHe / sumHe;
/* enforce electron constraint */
finish_abundances[rt_sp_elec] = finish_abundances[rt_sp_HII] +
finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] +
2.0 * finish_abundances[rt_sp_HeIII];
* @brief function to calculate ionization, heating, and cooling explicitly.
* @param abundances species abundance in n_i/nH.
* @param metal_mass_fraction metal mass
* @param rho_cgs gas density
* @param u_cgs gas internal energy per mass
* @param u_min_cgs minimum (floor) gas internal energy per mass
* @param dt_cgs this timestep
* @param n_H_cgs Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param cred_cgs (reduced) speed of light in cm/s
* @param ngamma_cgs photon density in cm^-3
* @param onthespot use on the spot approximation?
* @param alphalist combined coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization
* @param betalist coefficients of collisional ionization
* @param Gammalist cooling coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization
* @param sigmalist photo-ionization cross section in cm^2
* @param epsilonlist averaged thermal energy per ionization in erg
* @param aindex use to translate index (photon-group) to species
* @return u_new_cgs new internal energy per mass
* @return new_abundances new species abundances
* @return new_ngamma_cgs new photon density in cm^-3
* @return max_relative_change maximum relative change in all variables
INLINE static void rt_compute_explicit_thermochemistry_solution(
const double n_H_cgs, const double cred_cgs, const double dt_cgs,
const double rho_cgs, const double u_cgs, const double u_min_cgs,
const double abundances[rt_species_count], const double ngamma_cgs[3],
const double alphalist[rt_species_count],
const double betalist[rt_species_count],
const double Gammalist[rt_species_count], double sigmalist[3][3],
double epsilonlist[3][3], int aindex[3], double *u_new_cgs,
double new_abundances[rt_species_count], double new_ngamma_cgs[3],
double *max_relative_change) {
double absorption_rate[3], chemistry_rates[rt_species_count];
if (dt_cgs == 0.0) error("dt_cgs==%e", dt_cgs);
if (n_H_cgs == 0.0) error("n_H_cgs==%e", n_H_cgs);
rt_compute_radiation_rate(n_H_cgs, cred_cgs, abundances, ngamma_cgs,
sigmalist, aindex, absorption_rate);
rt_compute_chemistry_rate(n_H_cgs, cred_cgs, abundances, ngamma_cgs,
alphalist, betalist, sigmalist, aindex,
double Lambda_net_cgs;
Lambda_net_cgs =
rt_compute_cooling_rate(n_H_cgs, cred_cgs, abundances, ngamma_cgs,
Gammalist, sigmalist, epsilonlist, aindex);
/* record for maximum relative change */
double max_relative_change_value = 0.0;
double relative_change = 0.0;
double abundances_inv;
for (int spec = 0; spec < rt_species_count; spec++) {
new_abundances[spec] =
fmax(abundances[spec] + chemistry_rates[spec] / n_H_cgs * dt_cgs, 0.0);
if (new_abundances[spec] > 1e-15) {
if (abundances[spec] > 1e-15) {
abundances_inv = 1.0 / abundances[spec];
relative_change =
fabs(new_abundances[spec] - abundances[spec]) * abundances_inv;
max_relative_change_value =
fmax(max_relative_change_value, relative_change);
double u_new_cgs_value;
u_new_cgs_value = fmax(u_cgs + Lambda_net_cgs * dt_cgs / rho_cgs, u_min_cgs);
relative_change = fabs(u_new_cgs_value - u_cgs) / u_cgs;
max_relative_change_value = fmax(max_relative_change_value, relative_change);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
new_ngamma_cgs[i] = fmax(ngamma_cgs[i] - absorption_rate[i] * dt_cgs, 0.0);
if ((new_ngamma_cgs[i] > 1e-8 * n_H_cgs) &&
(ngamma_cgs[i] > 1e-8 * n_H_cgs)) {
relative_change = fabs(new_ngamma_cgs[i] - ngamma_cgs[i]) / ngamma_cgs[i];
max_relative_change_value =
fmax(max_relative_change_value, relative_change);
*u_new_cgs = u_new_cgs_value;
*max_relative_change = max_relative_change_value;
* @brief function used to initialize species abundance in n_i/nH, assuming
* collisional ionization equilibrium.
* @param alphalist combined coefficients of recomination and collisional
* ionization
* @param betalist coefficients of collisional ionization
* @param metal_mass_fraction metal mass fraction
* @param init_abundances species abundances for initial conditions
* @return The net cooling rate of gas (d energy density / d t in cgs)
INLINE static void rt_initialize_abundances(
const double alphalist[rt_species_count],
const double betalist[rt_species_count],
const double metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_count],
double init_abundances[rt_species_count]) {
double metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_count]; /* in unit of hydrogen
mass */
metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_H] = 1.0;
metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_He] = 4.0;
init_abundances[rt_sp_HI] =
alphalist[rt_sp_HII] / (betalist[rt_sp_HI] + alphalist[rt_sp_HII]);
init_abundances[rt_sp_HII] = 1.0 - init_abundances[rt_sp_HI];
double nHe_nH = metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_He] /
metal_mass_fraction[rt_chemistry_element_H] *
metal_atomic_mass[rt_chemistry_element_H] /
double denoHe = (alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII] * betalist[rt_sp_HeI] +
betalist[rt_sp_HeII] * betalist[rt_sp_HeI] +
alphalist[rt_sp_HeII] * alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII]);
init_abundances[rt_sp_HeI] =
alphalist[rt_sp_HeII] * alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII] * nHe_nH / denoHe;
init_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] =
alphalist[rt_sp_HeIII] * betalist[rt_sp_HeI] * nHe_nH / denoHe;
init_abundances[rt_sp_HeIII] =
betalist[rt_sp_HeI] * betalist[rt_sp_HeII] * nHe_nH / denoHe;
init_abundances[rt_sp_elec] = init_abundances[rt_sp_HII] +
init_abundances[rt_sp_HeII] +
2.0 * init_abundances[rt_sp_HeIII];
* @brief Defines the right-hand side of the system of differential equations
* (dy/dt = ydot).
* Defines the system of differential equations that make
* up the right-hand side function, which will be integrated
* by CVode.
* @param t Current time.
* @param y Vector containing the variables to be integrated.
* @param ydot Vector containing the time derivatives of the variables.
* @param user_data The #RTUserData struct containing the input data.
int rt_frateeq(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *user_data);