* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2021 Mladen Ivkovic (mladen.ivkovic@hotmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "inline.h"
#include "rt_species.h"
* @file src/rt/GEAR/rt_interaction_cross_sections.h
* @brief header file concerning photoionization cross sections
/*! Struct containing the parametrized cross section parameters
* for each photoionizing species.
* Correct usage is to call rt_init_photoion_cs_params_cgs(),
* which returns a fully initialized struct. */
struct rt_photoion_cs_parameters {
double E_ion[rt_ionizing_species_count]; /* erg */
double E_zero[rt_ionizing_species_count]; /* erg */
double sigma_zero[rt_ionizing_species_count]; /* cm^-2 */
double P[rt_ionizing_species_count];
double ya[rt_ionizing_species_count];
double yw[rt_ionizing_species_count];
double y0[rt_ionizing_species_count];
double y1[rt_ionizing_species_count];
/*! Parameters needed to compute the stellar spectra integrals -
* the data needs to be encapsulated in a single struct to be passed
* as an argument for GSL integrators. */
struct rt_spectrum_integration_params {
/* Which species are we dealing with? */
int species;
/* Which spectrum type are we dealing with? */
int spectrum_type;
/* Max frequency for const spectrum */
double const_stellar_spectrum_frequency_max;
/* Temperature of blackbody in correct units */
double T;
/* Boltzmann constant in correct units */
double kB;
/* Planck constant in correct units */
double h_planck;
/* speed of light in correct units */
double c;
/* Values for the cross section parametrization */
struct rt_photoion_cs_parameters *cs_params;
* Initialize the parameters for the cross section computation in cgs,
* and return a fully and correctly initialized struct.
* The data is taken from Verner et al. 1996
* (ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996ApJ...465..487V) via Rosdahl et al. 2013
* (ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.436.2188R) (Table E1)
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static struct rt_photoion_cs_parameters
rt_init_photoion_cs_params_cgs(void) {
struct rt_photoion_cs_parameters photoion_cs_params_cgs;
double E_ion[rt_ionizing_species_count];
photoion_cs_params_cgs.E_ion[rt_ionizing_species_HI] =
photoion_cs_params_cgs.E_zero[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 6.886e-13;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.sigma_zero[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 5.475e-14;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.P[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 2.963;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.ya[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 32.88;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.yw[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 0.;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.y0[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 0.;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.y1[rt_ionizing_species_HI] = 0.;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.E_ion[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] =
/* Note: The value of 0.1361 eV for E_0 of HeI given in table 5.1
* in Rosdahl et al. is an error. The correct value is 13.61 eV */
photoion_cs_params_cgs.E_zero[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 2.181e-11;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.sigma_zero[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 9.492e-16;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.P[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 3.188;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.ya[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 1.469;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.yw[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 2.039;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.y0[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 0.4434;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.y1[rt_ionizing_species_HeI] = 2.136;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.E_ion[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] =
photoion_cs_params_cgs.E_zero[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 2.756e-12;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.sigma_zero[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 1.369e-14;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.P[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 2.963;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.ya[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 32.88;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.yw[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 0.;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.y0[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 0.;
photoion_cs_params_cgs.y1[rt_ionizing_species_HeII] = 0.;
return photoion_cs_params_cgs;
* Compute the parametrized cross section for a given energy and species.
* The parametrization is taken from Verner et al. 1996
* (ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996ApJ...465..487V) via Rosdahl et al. 2013
* (ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.436.2188R)
* @param E energy for which to compute the cross section, in erg
* @param species index of species, 0 < species < rt_ionizing_species_count
* @param params cross section parameters struct
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double
photoionization_cross_section(const double E, const int species,
const struct rt_photoion_cs_parameters *params) {
const double E0 = params->E_zero[species];
const double E_ion = params->E_ion[species];
const double y0 = params->y0[species];
const double y1 = params->y1[species];
const double yw = params->yw[species];
const double ya = params->ya[species];
const double P = params->P[species];
const double sigma_0 = params->sigma_zero[species];
if (E < E_ion) return 0.;
const double x = E / E0 - y0;
const double y = sqrt(x * x + y1 * y1);
const double temp1 = pow(y, 0.5 * P - 5.5);
const double temp2 = pow(1. + sqrt(y / ya), -P);
return sigma_0 * ((x - 1.) * (x - 1.) + yw * yw) * temp1 * temp2;