* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Borrow (josh@joshborrow.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "inline.h"
#include "io_properties.h"
#include "particle_splitting_struct.h"
* @brief Initialise a particle_splitting_data struct
* at the start of a run, given an initial
* progenitor ID.
* @param splitting_data the uninitialised particle struct.
* @param id the ID of the particle (used for progenitor_id)
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
struct particle_splitting_data* restrict splitting_data, long long id) {
splitting_data->progenitor_id = id;
splitting_data->split_tree = 0;
splitting_data->split_count = 0;
* @brief Updates the binary trees of the particles that
* have been split. pi should retain its original ID,
* and hence gets the relevant part of the tree set
* to zero.
* @param sdi first particle_splitting_data* resulting from
* the splitting event.
* @param sdj second particle_splitting_data* resulting from
* the splitting event.
* @param id_i ID of the first particle.
* @param id_j ID of the first particle.
* @param extra_split_logger File pointer (opened) where to log
* the resetting of the split counters.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
struct particle_splitting_data* restrict sdi,
struct particle_splitting_data* restrict sdj, const long long id_i,
const long long id_j, FILE* extra_split_logger,
swift_lock_type* file_lock) {
/* Print warnings if we have split these particles more
* than the number of times the tree can accommodate.
* Warning is only printed once for each particle */
if (sdi->split_count > 0 &&
sdi->split_count % (8 * sizeof(sdi->split_tree)) == 0) {
"Warning: Particle (%lld) with progenitor ID %lld with binary tree "
"%lld has been split over the maximum %zu times, making its binary "
"tree invalid.",
id_i, sdi->progenitor_id, sdi->split_tree, sizeof(sdi->split_tree));
/* Are we logging this? */
if (extra_split_logger != NULL) {
/* Log the old state before reseting. Use the lock to prevent multiple
* threads from writing at the same time. */
fprintf(extra_split_logger, " %12d %20lld %20lld %20d %20lld\n",
engine_current_step, id_i, sdi->progenitor_id, sdi->split_count,
/* Release the lock and continue in parallel */
if (lock_unlock(file_lock) != 0)
error("Impossible to unlock particle splitting");
/* Reset both counters and trees */
sdi->split_tree = 0LL;
sdj->split_tree = 0LL;
/* Set both particles as having particle i as their progenitor */
sdi->progenitor_id = id_i;
sdj->progenitor_id = id_i;
/* Update the binary tree */
sdj->split_tree |= 1LL << sdj->split_count % (8 * sizeof(sdi->split_tree));
/* Increase counters on both; sdi implicitly has a zero
* in the relevant spot in its binary tree */
* @brief Specifies the particle-splitting related fields
* to write to a dataset.
* @param parts The particle array.
* @param xparts The extra particle array.
* @param list The list of i/o properties to write.
* @param with_cosmology Are we running with cosmology?
* @return Returns the number of fields to write.
INLINE static int particle_splitting_write_particles(const struct part* parts,
const struct xpart* xparts,
struct io_props* list,
const int with_cosmology) {
list[0] = io_make_output_field(
"ProgenitorParticleIDs", LONGLONG, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, xparts,
"ID of the progenitor of this particle. If this particle is the result "
"of one (or many) splitting events, this ID corresponds to the ID of the "
"particle in the initial conditions that its lineage can be traced back "
"to. If the particle was never split, this is the same as ParticleIDs.");
list[1] = io_make_output_field(
"SplitCounts", UINT8, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, xparts,
"Number of times this particle has been split. Note that both particles "
"that take part in the splitting have their counter incremented.");
list[2] = io_make_output_field(
"SplitTrees", LONGLONG, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, xparts,
"Binary tree describing splitting events. Particles that keep the "
"original ID have a value of zero in a splitting event, whereas"
"particles given a new ID have a value of one.");
return 3;
* @brief Specifies which star particle fields to write to a dataset
* @param sparts The star particle array.
* @param list The list of i/o properties to write.
* @return Returns the number of fields to write.
INLINE static int particle_splitting_write_sparticles(
const struct spart* sparts, struct io_props* list) {
list[0] = io_make_output_field(
"ProgenitorParticleIDs", LONGLONG, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, sparts,
"Progenitor ID of the gas particle that became this star. If this "
"particle is the result of one (or many) splitting events, this ID "
"corresponds to the ID of the particle in the initial conditions that "
"its lineage can be traced back to. If the particle was never split, "
"this is the same as ParticleIDs.");
list[1] = io_make_output_field(
"SplitCounts", UINT8, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, sparts,
"Number of times the gas particle that turned into this star particle "
"was split. Note that both particles that take part in the splitting "
"have their counter incremented.");
list[2] = io_make_output_field(
"SplitTrees", LONGLONG, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, sparts,
"Binary tree describing splitting events. Particles that keep the "
"original ID have a value of zero in a splitting event, whereas"
"particles given a new ID have a value of one.");
return 3;
* @brief Specifies which black hole particle fields to write to a dataset
* @param bparts The black hole particle array.
* @param list The list of i/o properties to write.
* @return Returns the number of fields to write.
INLINE static int particle_splitting_write_bparticles(
const struct bpart* bparts, struct io_props* list) {
list[0] = io_make_output_field(
"ProgenitorParticleIDs", LONGLONG, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, bparts,
"Progenitor ID of the gas particle that became the seed BH. If this "
"particle is the result of one (or many) splitting events, this ID "
"corresponds to the ID of the particle in the initial conditions that "
"its lineage can be traced back to. If the particle was never split, "
"this is the same as ParticleIDs.");
list[1] = io_make_output_field(
"SplitCounts", UINT8, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, bparts,
"Number of times the gas particle that became this BH seed "
"was split. Note that both particles that take part in the splitting "
"have their counter incremented.");
list[2] = io_make_output_field(
"SplitTrees", LONGLONG, 1, UNIT_CONV_NO_UNITS, 0.f, bparts,
"Binary tree describing splitting events prior to BH seeding. Particles "
"that keep the original ID have a value of zero in a splitting event, "
"whereas particles given a new ID have a value of one.");
return 3;
* @brief Write particle splitting data to the stdout for debugging purposes.
* @param p Particle data.
* @param xp Extra particle data.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
particle_splitting_debug_particle(const struct part* p,
const struct xpart* xp) {
if (xp != NULL) {
warning("[PID%lld] particle_splitting_data:", p->id);
"[PID%lld] progenitor_id = %lli, split_tree = %lli, "
"split_count = %hhu",
p->id, xp->split_data.progenitor_id, xp->split_data.split_tree,