ELF>`@@UAWAVATSHIIHHLC YYYcXYYyYC LCWLCCLC L1C LC$L C(WLC4W.WLWC,."C4.u{K,.LZC@{\ZZLZC=@L=UU??@@7 ?@?@@@??@@?@@@ ??B8k<=ɲ=GA?@F=@L=??SPH:resolution_etaSPH:h_toleranceSPH:h_maxSPH:h_min_ratioSPH:max_ghost_iterations[%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: The number of smoothing length iterations should be > 10 hydro_properties.chydro_props_initSPH:use_mass_weighted_num_ngbSPH:CFL_conditionSPH:max_volume_changeSPH:initial_temperature[%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: ERROR: Initial temperature set to a negative value!!! SPH:minimal_temperature[%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: ERROR: Minimal temperature set to a negative value!!! [%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: Initial temperature lower than minimal allowed temperature! SPH:H_ionization_temperatureSPH:H_mass_fractionSPH:particle_splittingSPH:particle_splitting_mass_thresholdSPH:particle_splitting_generate_random_idsSPH:particle_splitting_log_extra_splits[%04i] %s %s: Hydrodynamic scheme: %s in %dD. hydro_props_printSPHENIX (Borrow+ 2020)[%04i] %s %s: Hydrodynamic kernel: %s with eta=%f (%.2f neighbours). Cubic spline (M4)[%04i] %s %s: Hydrodynamic relative tolerance in h: %.5f (+/- %.4f neighbours). [%04i] %s %s: Hydrodynamic integration: CFL parameter: %.4f. [%04i] %s %s: Hydrodynamic integration: Max change of volume: %.2f (max|dlog(h)/dt|=%f). [%04i] %s %s: Neighbour number definition: Mass-weighted. [%04i] %s %s: Neighbour number definition: Unweighted. [%04i] %s %s: Maximal smoothing length allowed: %.4f [%04i] %s %s: Maximal time-bin difference between neighbours: %d [%04i] %s %s: Maximal iterations in ghost task set to %d (default is %d) [%04i] %s %s: Initial gas temperature set to %f [%04i] %s %s: Minimal gas temperature set to %f [%04i] %s %s: Splitting particles with mass > %e U_M [%04i] %s %s: No particle splitting [%04i] %s %s: MHD scheme: %s. No MHD schemeDimensionNeighbour number definitionmass-weightedunweightedSchemeMHD SchemeKernel functionKernel target N_ngbKernel delta N_ngbKernel etaKernel gammaSmoothing length toleranceMaximal smoothing length [internal units]CFL parameterVolume log(max(delta h))Volume max change time-stepMax ghost iterationsMinimal temperatureMinimal energy per unit mass [internal units]Initial temperatureInitial energy per unit mass [internal units]Hydrogen mass fractionHydrogen ionization transition temperatureMaximal time-bin difference between neighbourshydropropshydro propsSPH:viscosity_alphaSPH:viscosity_alpha_maxSPH:viscosity_alpha_minSPH:viscosity_lengthSPH:diffusion_alphaSPH:diffusion_betaSPH:diffusion_alpha_maxSPH:diffusion_alpha_min[%04i] %s %s: Equation of state: Ideal gas. eos_print[%04i] %s %s: Adiabatic index gamma: %f. [%04i] %s %s: Artificial viscosity parameters set to alpha: %.3f, max: %.3f, min: %.3f, length: %.3f. viscosity_print[%04i] %s %s: Artificial diffusion parameters set to alpha: %.3f, max: %.3f, min: %.3f, beta: %.3f. diffusion_printAdiabatic indexEquation of stateIdeal gasPressure floornoneAlpha viscosityAlpha viscosity (max)Alpha viscosity (min)Viscosity decay length [internal units]Beta viscosityDiffusion alphaDiffusion alpha (max)Diffusion alpha (min)Diffusion betaUSUmST_Tm_"Q"mQ"R"^Rm^iva aapUS U , U, S U ' T' ^ T , U, Sg S Ug ~@ H TH ^ R` h Th { R%v4I: ; I!I7 $> $ > &I4I: ; I: ;  .: ; 'I : ; I .: ; ' I : ;  I: ; 8  I: ; 8 I: ; 8 : ; !I7 : ; .@B: ; '?: ; I4: ; I4: ; I1X Y W 11B1.: ; 'I<? I!I: ; "<#: ; $.: ; 'I<?%.: ;'I<?&'7I( : ; ).: ;' *: ;I+1X Y W ,1X YW -1B..@B: ;'?/: ;I011.: ; '<?2: ;I34: ;I41B5 I: ;8=${ ?B KRjE KRW KR j[ c KRf KRP?f f  RK"l KR?w KR\y KRy~ KR KRMy   KRS KR KR, KRI KR&f KR+ KR( KR/  R,  KRF?  KRQ6 KR>S KRZp KR; KR8 KR6 KRB KRJ KR1   D  KR%b KR KR) + KR, . 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