ELF>0@@UAWAVAUATSHHDD$IHT$@IHD$LCTLCXCTW..EL$LC`L1CdLChLClLCtWLCpClZsYC`*^ZKx^K|{W.{dDL$ClZKtZXYC`*.xAAWAw9O9N9H=L--AAW9OAO9NщT$$lAALH1H=DH=L--$BAALH1H=DEHC`C|ClLC\WD$ Ll$ LLwHadaptiveH3D$ L$(H t@gadg3D$ get3L$# t4HgeometriH3D$ L$(HcH `CHCHHCCLC .{t*LC{tL1C,D$$D$L1C(|$t,LZC4LZC0Et,LZC<LZC8$Et,LZCDLZC@L{ sXsYNpYD$^YD$ZCxtLZC4EtLZC 0. [%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: Need to use MPI and FFTW MPI library (i.e. compile with --enable-mpi-mesh-gravity) to run with distributed mesh. [%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: Mesh too small given r_cut_max. Should be at least %d cells wide. [%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: Mesh too small given the number of top-level cells. Should be at least %d cells wide. Gravity:etaGravity:MACadaptivegadgetgeometric[%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: Invalid choice of multipole acceptance criterion: '%s'. Should be 'adaptive', 'gadget', or 'geometric' Gravity:theta_cr[%04i] %s %s:%s():%i: Theta too large. FMM won't converge. Gravity:epsilon_fmmGravity:allow_truncation_in_MACGravity:use_tree_below_softeningGravity:max_physical_DM_softeningGravity:comoving_DM_softeningGravity:max_physical_baryon_softeningGravity:comoving_baryon_softeningGravity:max_physical_nu_softeningGravity:comoving_nu_softeningGravity:softening_ratio_backgroundGravity:max_adaptive_softeningGravity:min_adaptive_softening[%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity scheme: %s gravity_props_printWith per-particle softening[%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity scheme: FMM-MM with m-poles of order %d [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity time integration: eta=%.4f [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity opening angle scheme: Gadget [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity opening angle: epsilon_fmm=%.6f [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity opening angle scheme: adaptive [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity opening angle scheme: fixed [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity opening angle: theta_cr=%.4f [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity softening functional form: %s Wendland-C2[%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity DM comoving softening: epsilon=%.6f (Plummer equivalent: %.6f) [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity DM maximal physical softening: epsilon=%.6f (Plummer equivalent: %.6f) [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity baryon comoving softening: epsilon=%.6f (Plummer equivalent: %.6f) [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity baryon maximal physical softening: epsilon=%.6f (Plummer equivalent: %.6f) [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity neutrino DM comoving softening: epsilon=%.6f (Plummer equivalent: %.6f) [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity neutrino DM maximal physical softening: epsilon=%.6f (Plummer equivalent: %.6f) [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity mesh side-length: N=%d [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity mesh smoothing-scale: a_smooth=%f [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity distributed mesh enabled: %d [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity tree cut-off ratio: r_cut_max=%f [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity truncation cut-off ratio: r_cut_min=%f [%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity mesh truncation function: %s Gadget-like (using erfc())[%04i] %s %s: Self-gravity tree update frequency: f=%f Time integration etaSoftening styleComoving DM softening length [internal units]Comoving DM softening length (Plummer equivalent) [internal units]Maximal physical DM softening length [internal units]Maximal physical DM softening length (Plummer equivalent) [internal units]Comoving baryon softening length [internal units]Comoving baryon softening length (Plummer equivalent) [internal units]Maximal physical baryon softening length [internal units]Maximal physical baryon softening length (Plummer equivalent) [internal units]Comoving neutrino softening length [internal units]Comoving neutrino softening length (Plummer equivalent) [internal units]Maximal physical neutrino softening length [internal units]Maximal physical neutrino softening length (Plummer equivalent) [internal units]Opening angleSchemeMM orderMesh a_smoothMesh r_cut_max ratioMesh r_cut_min ratioTree update frequencyMesh truncation functiongravitygravity props9U9KSKUUU S6T6M\MUTU \Q w>R>Q^QURU ^XwTwTUXU w>Y> YRQTQRQ RQabbUfH f U : S: B UP i Ui (S(/UP d Td *^*/T08T8NRPXTXkR%v4I: ; I!I7 $> $ > &I4I: ; I: ;  .: ;'? : ;I 4: ;II : ;  I: ; 8  : ;  I: ; 8 I: ;8.@B: ; '?: ; I: ; I4: ; I 4: ; I1X YW 1411B1 .: ; 'I<?!I" : ; # I: ; 8$!I7%I: ; &<': ; (.: ; 'I<?).: ;'I<?*+7I,.: ; '<?-.@B1.41/.@B: ;'?0: ;I1: ;I21B31B!k?: KRj> KR B KRKB KRB RKF KRH jK "L KR?O KR?Q mX KRD[ KRH_ KRe KRYi KRmy KR } , KR I KRf KR  KR~"  KR< KRj  KR! 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