ELF>雺@@讓讓X讓羈G 羈XF 羈G 讓G8讓XF8讓G8讓GX讓XFX讓GX讓Gx讓XFx讓Gx羈羈X羈蠹蠹X蠹羈羈X羈蠹蠹X蠹羈羈X羈蠹蠹X蠹讓讓X讓讓讓X讓蠹 蠹X 蠹 罐w廬ff.罐W斃衢衢衢衢衢衢G`衢G@衢G 衢(罐w廬f.UAWAVAUATSH魻IH:HBHD$xHLL轈+AW$I H$I8 H$I@ HT$8蠹B竊W簉$讓$讓$讓$讓$讓$讓$`讓$@讓$ 讓$$(H鞠H睿昍昍昍旼Z隨耕蠶Y斃D$轋HRH鎂H粀H$H鍍HI蘸W覟1$%D$罐W斃鎛吇L$(蠹L$ 鰻W巖W鷌鎛亍T$0L$虣f.蠶髑^斃旖鑑Y疻Y斃Y藍Z斃$鱔X斃$(II鰥L9 A槉:t硠$0蠹$IOy鐘{Ft蠹 體W疻.苬%攬X燭,顛{F鐘{N囑竑u~攬覆體U吇\謐臨N蠹Q鑤W袹.敜儼X鍛 鱔蹙鑤U疻s\薩臨N蠹Q鑤W袹.敜鱔X吇竑u蕤鱔蹙鑤U疻酀岒竑t'蠹A鐘{蠹\豁;]斃A羈羈\豁寯紁$IHL$PAwI@ M鐘z8嚇?戴攜玃Ml$L圛姦H鍾 t(L輤H襳H埕詡 輤錘 t&L詡H襳#E11臊,D1窉埕詡 輤錘 u渨1窉霯)泹嘺)庴洍D檉讓$P羈$蠹$蠹$灘$羈$u擎懺蘹LaL榎威H鍬 t)L詡I觾H烺L 甔錘 t(HHI觾%E1覟1灒-D1毣蘾烺L 甔錘 u1毣蘾I)忁呰)烺浘D鯃\$p羈$蠹l$x鷖uGL)慁AW鞂*吇Y埒潲甔錘?L甔欱L)鉔AW鞂*蠹Y簇鴇ffff.LL潶岒}$L蚥{t$h瓤|$`罐$罐w蠹D$XM潲斄鍬?L斄歭LL緡蠹T$X罐$瓤|$`瓤t$h玀-I硠}$LL$0LD$8ID(鱔\斃Z蠶@,攜q咖 攜A辟8蠶Z斂臨g蠱Y斃Z陑獵D(L蠶Z媗l$籣X蹁l$蠹$0蠹l$ 瓤d$p攜寨蠹l$ 蠹$攜y吇h$蠹p0攜q卑蠹H<攜y巀滸制罐Z芶揃吇鱨橝暩焯旼y$鐘!わ籤ZYЬb伒豁jZ岒Χ厊簣鉻鑒Y鶭漶僻囑恅瀨攜}侐獌$蠶Y艣佖鷌蒞袹鱐罐Z斕陑穊 攜}裗竮 衈-X蚥浰暊毃夢Y陑榪奪髑Yd$蘿Y袹}$讓$靨Z袹l$x籣X蹁$M癃4|$ t-鐘z]D靨Z胾D$@顯YX顯Z袹犝蚥犞疻X瓤$M較|$員鐘{UHD$P鱔\鱔Z痁臉]鑤\X羈Z袹貄裗毃承蠶袹燛蚥燏硠犝蚅榥Y袹榪疻XHD$H顯Y髑Z疻箘疻虤疻Y藍Z斃 X蟔{$-H\$(1牆(u忀$H萲黳1伓(uH[A\A]A^A_]餾=HAH筭鮮鈾1燮H=fUAWAVAUATSHHHJHL$HLA@I HL$pI8 HL$hI@ HL$`蠹A顛1W吇}$癮$癮$癮$癮$癮$`癮$@癮$ 癮$癮$$I鸙Z斃Y斃D$A蘳鍋1L$%D$顛W簂A W鶭AW罐W斃D$(蠹D$ 鑠W腒D$XH|$P$ffffff.衢(餾衢(陫9pA訴)P槉:t胔Hy鐘{d)t蠹囑W吇.彾蠹X儇#鐘{D)罐D$0鐘{D) 螇蠹蟯囑U斃茻鉔臨D)蠹I體W疻.苬攬X燭 攬覆體U吇\豁D$0鐘{D) 蠹I體W疻.苬攬X燭 攬覆體U吇\豁D$Mt)AXI睹 I嚇I擎懺癰LaL榎威H鍬 L詡I襳H烺L 輤錘 HHI襳歔E1覟1簉$衢$鷖L潶穵癮$瓤$瓤$瓤|$x罐w蠹Z斃D$M墱燂鍬?L燂歭H筥緡瓤|$x瓤$瓤$癮$LL$PH筥D$X蠶L$壩Z吇酀險D)褩D1毣蘻烺L 輤錘 1毣蘻I)忁泍)庴浘D橝$衢$鷖M墱輤錘?L輤欱H)謐AW鞂*謐臨Y@L蟔Z斃H4攜y咆(壩Z吇g蠱Y吇轓挭獵L)L壩Z棸l$ 籣X蹁l$ 蠹$0蠹l$(瓤d$攜寨蠹l$(蠹$蠹h 蠹p,攜y斂榧乳罐Z斃揃斃鱨鉣犞藍嚃浼嚽Y灘\$0攜◆躠ZZ霰y$贖Y斂繒酸顛#Y斂b彿だ臉斂)鬎翥攜}藥獌$黴Y蠐鱊鷌鵑袹歠鷓Z攜}斕M 0攜}裗竮 衈5X侜焞鞂榤孵壩Y攜i嫖靨YT$髑Y埧}$讓$髑Z疻X瓤$M飆4|$t-鐘zVD髑Z浶D$`鱔YP鱔Z疻榪疻犞疻 X艣{$M|$鐘{VHD$p鱔\鱔Z痁臉^鑤\X羈Z袹貄裗毃承蠶袹燛蚥燏硠犝蚅榥靨Y靨Y疻XHD$h顯Y髑Z疻箘疻虤疻歠岒殰吇X橝{$H\$H1牆(u忀$H萲黳1伓(uH[A\A]A^A_]餾=HAH筭鮮僚1燮H=fUAWAVAUATSHHHJHL$(LAAI HL$PI8 HL$HI@ HL$@蠹A顛)W疻}$癮$癮$癮$癮$癮$`癮$@癮$ 癮$癮$$0I躠Z斃Y斃D$A旞鎂1L$ 玀-%D$顛 W鶭AW竊W簉鱒斃D$ 蠹D$囑W亍|$8LL$0HI9A訴(H槉:t蒛$IIy鐘{D(t蠹 體W疻.苬'攬X燭.鐘{\( 鐘yT(A攬覆體U吇\謐臨L(蠹Q鑤W袹.敜鱔X扚 鱔蹙鑤U疻酀岉臨T( 蠹Y蘸W靻.潎顯X硠哻u=顯邇蘸U袹螏袹哻t"羈鐘{羈\豁寯陓A蠹\豁箂靪l(AYM辟 I鐘{@鐘z8嚇>擎懺蘹LaL榎威H鍬 t)L詡I觾H烺L 甔錘 t(HHI觾%E1覟1灒-D1毣蘾烺L 甔錘 u1毣蘾I)忁呰)烺浘D鯃\$p羈$蠹l$x鷖u:L)慁AW鞂*吇Y埒潲甔錘?L甔欱L)鉔AW鞂*蠹Y簇鴇LL潶岒}$L蚥{t$h瓤|$`罐$罐w蠹D$XM潲斄鍬?L斄歭LL緡蠹T$X罐$瓤|$`瓤t$h玀-I硠}$LL$0LD$8ID(鱔\斃Z蠶@,攜q咖 攜A辟8蠶Z斂臨g蠱Y斃Z陑獵D(@蠶Z媗l$籣X蹁l$蠹$8蠹l$ 瓤d$p攜寨蠹l$ 蠹$攜y吇h$蠹p0攜q卑蠹H<攜y巀滸制罐Z芶揃吇鱨橝暩焯旼y$鐘!わ籤ZYЬb伒豁jZ岒Χ厊簣鉻鑒Y鶭漶僻囑恅瀨攜}侐獌$蠶Y艣佖鷌蒞袹鱐罐Z斕陑穊 攜}裗竮 衈-X蚥浰暊毃夢Y陑榪奪髑Yd$蘿Y袹}$讓$靨Z袹l$x籣X蹁$M癃4|$ t-鐘z]D靨Z胾D$@顯YX顯Z袹犝蚥犞疻X瓤$M|$輦鐘{UHD$P鱔\鱔Z痁臉]鑤\X羈Z袹貄裗毃承蠶袹燛蚥燏硠犝蚅榥Y袹榪疻XHD$H顯Y髑Z疻箘疻虤疻Y藍Z斃 X蟔{$=H\$(1牆(u忀$H萲黳1伓(uH[A\A]A^A_]餾=HAH筭鮮1燮H=fUAWAVAUATSHHHJHL$ LEAI HD$@I8 HD$8I@ HD$0蠹@顛)W疻}$癮$癮$癮$癮$p癮$P癮$0癮$癮$癮$$I蠹Z斃Y斃D$ 甔禧鍍L,1簉z-顛 W鶭AW竊W簉鱒斃D$蠹D$囑W厂D$LL$(HI9A訴.Y<w裬訴.X槉:t埧$IIy鐘{D.t蠹 體W疻.苬'攬X燭.鐘{\.鐘yT.A攬覆體U吇\謐臨L.蠹Q鑤W袹.敜鱔X扚 鱔蹙鑤U疻酀岉臨T.蠹Y蘸W靻.潎顯X硠哻u=顯邇蘸U袹螏袹哻t"羈鐘{羈\豁寯陓A蠹\豁箂閆YM辟 I鐘{@鐘z8嚇>擎攜戃LaL榎威H鍬 t(L詡H襶H烺H 陭錘 t&HHH襶"E11貹+D1窉烺H 陭錘 u1窉贇)忀毐)笒浶D棸\$`羈$蠹l$hA鷖u7L)慁AW鞂*吇Y埕稨陭錘?H陭欱L)鉔AW鞂*蠹Y鍾LL潶岒}$瓤t$X瓤|$P罐|$p罐w蠹D$HL稨渹鍬?H渹歭LL緡蠹T$H罐|$p瓤|$P瓤t$X玀-癮$LL$(DD$鱔\斃Z鐘zD.,鐃q呻. 鐃A道.8蠶Z斂臨g蠱Y斃Z陑獵D.L蠶Z媗l$籣X蹁l$蠹$蠹l$瓤d$`攜寨蠹l$蠹$攜y厊臨l.$鐘{t.0攜q卑鐘{L.<攜y巀滸制罐Z芶揃吇鱨橝暩焯旼y$鐘!わ籤ZYЬb伒豁jZ岒Χ厊簣鉻鑒Y鶭漶僻囑恅瀨攜}侐獌$蠶Y艣佖鷌蒞袹鱐罐Z斕陑穊 攜}裗竮 衈-X蚥浰暊毃夢Y陑榪奪髑Yd$ 蘿Y袹}$p讓$靨Z袹l$h籣X蹁$A鷩t.鐘z\.D靨Z胾D$0顯YX顯Z袹犝蚥犞疻X瓤$A鷩鐘{T.HD$@鱔\鱔Z痁臉\.鑤\X羈Z袹貄裗毃承蠶袹燛蚥燏硠犝蚅榥Y袹榪疻XHD$8顯Y髑Z疻箘疻虤疻Y藍Z斃 X蟔{$噷H\$ fff.1牆(u忀$H萲黳1伓(uH[A\A]A^A_]餾=HAH筭鮮電1燮H=fSH HH|$Ht$HH尒/8HHHD$H$AE1扢HH尒/8HHHD$H$AE1扢HH尒/8HHHD$H$AE1扢HH尒/8HHHD$H$AE1扢HH尒/8HHHD$H$AE1扢H [羈G8羈XGH羈つ蠹X豁XGX蠹G0囑W吇.臀4蠹 攬^蠹吇鎉羈蠹攬^斃@AWAVSHI脭襭H湆7H湆2H湆H湆H湆H湆餓H湆鐘{FH葥蠹鐘{^GhH葥蠹鐘{^GhH葥H湆H湆H湆H湆&H湆鐘{蠹D$H葥蠹鐘{^H葥H11燮H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥H葴1燮H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥H葴1燮H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥H葴1燮H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥H葴1燮H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥+H湆H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥*H湆H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥0H湆H萲D$蠹鐘{^H葥)H湆L鷑H葥?H湆L鷑H葥+H湆L鷑H葥5H湆L鷑H葥&H湆L鷑蠹 蠹蠹H葥遮H湆鐘{FH葥蠹鐘{^GxH葥蠹鐘{^GxH葥遮H湆鐘{FH葥蠹鐘{^GxH葥蠹鐘{^GxH葥遮H湆鐘{FH葥蠹鐘{^GxH葥蠹鐘{^GxH葥<H湆L鷑 H葥<H湆L鷑 H葥<H湆L鷑 H葥遭H湆L鷑 H葥遭H湆L鷑 H葥遭H湆L鷑 H葥銬H湆L鷑1H葥鐘{Gh鐘{^H葥H湆鐘{H葥蠹鐘{^H葥:H湆鐘{H葥蠹鐘{^H葥鋅H湆鐘{H葥蠹鐘{^H葥醇H湆鐘{H葥蠹鐘{^H葥鄭H湆鐘{H葥蠹鐘{^H葥醋H湆鐘{H葥蠹鐘{^H葥;H湆L鷑H葥+H湆H湆;H湆L鷑%H葥>H湆L鷑$蠹 攬^擰H葥0H湆L鷑H葥$H湆L鷑H葥H湆AAH1髭hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhH AAH1髭hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhH H筭[A^A_ffffff.SH麆蠹$蠹$蠹$xH蠹F蠹XF蠹$H蠹F0蠹$p蠹F@蠹$h蠹F8蠹$`蠹FH蠹$X蠹FP蠹$P蠹FX蠹$@蠹Fh蠹$8蠹Fp蠹$0蠹Fx蠹$(蠹蠹$ 蠹F蠹$罐F 罐$罐罐$蠹蠹$蠹蠹$蠹蠹$蠹蠹$瓤噪瓤黃瓤旅瓤瓤瓤V`瓤瓤蠹橈蠹蠹蠹蠹蠹 蠹蠹蠹$蠹$蠹$蠹$蠹$蠹$蠹$蠹$瓤$瓤$瓤$瓤$瓤$瓤$瓤$瓤|$x蠹$蠹D$p蠹$蠹D$h蠹$蠹D$`蠹$蠹D$X罐$罐D$H罐$罐D$8蠹$H蠹D$0蠹$蠹D$(蠹$ 蠹D$ 蠹$(蠹D$蠹$0蠹D$蠹$8蠹D$蠹$@蠹$蠹$x蠹$蠹$蠹$p蠹$h蠹$`蠹$X蠹$PH筭襤[??@屨*??@?@?@?@??穔鷝>UU?@%s %s:%s():%i: Failed to unlock stats. statistics.cstats_collect_part_mapperstats_collect_spart_mapperstats_collect_sink_mapperstats_collect_bpart_mapperstats_collect_gpart_mapper# Global statistics file ###################################################### # The quantities are all given in internal units! # # (0) Simulation step # Unit = dimensionless # (1) Time since Big Bang (cosmological run), Time since start of the simulation (non-cosmological run). # Unit = %e s # Unit = %e yr # Unit = %e Myr # (2) Scale factor # (3) Redshift # (4) Total mass in the simulation. # Unit = %e gram # Unit = %e Msun # (5) Total gas mass in the simulation (Particle type %d). # (6) Total dark matter mass in the simulation (Particle type %d & %d). # (7) Total sink mass in the simulation (Particle type %d). # (8) Total stellar mass in the simulation (Particle type %d). # (9) Total black hole mass in the simulation (Particle type %d). # (10) Total metal mass in the gas phase. # (11) Total metal mass locked in stars. # (12) Total metal mass locked in black holes. # (13) Total kinetic energy (physical). # Unit = %e erg # (14) Total internal (thermal) energy of the gas (physical). # (15) Total potential energy (physical). # (16) Total radiated energy of the gas (physical). # (17) Total gas entropy (physical). # Unit = %e gram**(%.3f) * cm**(%.3f) * s**(%.3f) # (18) Comoving centre of mass of the simulation (x coordinate). # Unit = %e cm # Unit = %e pc # Unit = %e Mpc # (19) Comoving centre of mass of the simulation (y coordinate). # (20) Comoving centre of mass of the simulation (z coordinate). # (21) Comoving momentum of the simulation (x coordinate). # Unit = %e gram * cm * s**-1 # (22) Comoving momentum of the simulation (y coordinate). # (23) Comoving momentum of the simulation (z coordinate). # (24) Comoving angular momentum of the simulation (x coordinate). # Unit = %e gram * cm**2 * s**-1 # (25) Comoving angular momentum of the simulation (y coordinate). # (26) Comoving angular momentum of the simulation (z coordinate). # (27) Sum of instantaneous accretion rate of all black holes in the simulation. # Unit = %e gram * s**-1 # Unit = %e Msun/yr # (28) Total mass accreted by black holes in the simulation (not including mass accreted by progenitors that have merged in the current BHs). # (29) Total black hole subgrid mass in the simulation. # (30) Total Hydrogen (all species) mass in the gas phase of the simulation. # (31) Total Molecular Hydrogen mass in the gas phase of the simulation. # (32) Total Atomic Hydrogen mass in the gas phase of the simulation. # (33) Total Helium (all species) mass in the gas phase of the simulation. # (34) Total Magnetic Energy B2/(2*mu0) in thesimulation. # (35) Total DivB error in thesimulation. # (36) Total Cross Helicity :: sum(V.B) in thesimulation. # Unit = %e gram * cm * s**-3 * A**-1 # (37) Total Magnetic Helicity :: sum(A.B) in thesimulation. # Unit = %e gram**2 * cm * s**-4 * A**-2 # (38) Total bolometric luminosity of the BHs. # Unit = %e erg * s**-1 # (39) Total jet power of the BHs. #%14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s (0)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)#%14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s %14s StepTimeazTotal massGas massDM massSink massStar massBH massGas Z massStar Z massBH Z massKin. EnergyInt. EnergyPot. energyRad. energyGas EntropyCoM xCoM yCoM zMom. xMom. yMom. zAng. mom. xAng. mom. yAng. mom. zBH acc. rateBH acc. massBH sub. massGas H massGas H2 massGas HI massGas He massMag. EnergyDivB errCr. HelicityMag. 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