* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local headers. */
#include "const.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "inline.h"
/* Standard headers */
#define kernel_long_gravity_truncation_name "Gadget-like (using erfc())"
#define kernel_long_gravity_truncation_name "Exp-based Sigmoid"
* @brief Derivatives of the long-range truncation function \f$\chi(r,r_s)\f$ up
* to 5th order.
struct chi_derivatives {
/*! 0th order derivative \f$\chi(r,r_s)\f$ */
float chi_0;
/*! 1st order derivative \f$\partial_{r}\chi(r,r_s)\f$ */
float chi_1;
/*! 2nd order derivative \f$\partial_{rr}\chi(r,r_s)\f$ */
float chi_2;
/*! 3rd order derivative \f$\partial_{rrr}\chi(r,r_s)\f$ */
float chi_3;
/*! 4th order derivative \f$\partial_{rrrr}\chi(r,r_s)\f$ */
float chi_4;
/*! 5th order derivative \f$\partial_{rrrrr}\chi(r,r_s)\f$ */
float chi_5;
* @brief Compute the derivatives of the long-range truncation function
* \f$\chi(r,r_s)\f$ up to 5th order.
* @param r The distance.
* @param r_s_inv The inverse of the long-range gravity mesh scale.
* @param derivs (return) The computed #chi_derivatives.
__attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static void
kernel_long_grav_derivatives(const float r, const float r_s_inv,
struct chi_derivatives *const derivs) {
/* Powers of u = (1/2) * (r / r_s) */
const float u = 0.5f * r * r_s_inv;
const float u2 = u * u;
const float u4 = u2 * u2;
const float exp_u2 = expf(-u2);
/* Compute erfcf(u) using eq. 7.1.26 of
* Abramowitz & Stegun, 1972.
* This has a *relative* error of less than 3.4e-3 over
* the range of interest (0 < u < 5)
* This is a good approximation to use since we already
* need exp(-u2) */
const float t = 1.f / (1.f + 0.3275911f * u);
const float a1 = 0.254829592f;
const float a2 = -0.284496736f;
const float a3 = 1.421413741f;
const float a4 = -1.453152027;
const float a5 = 1.061405429f;
/* a1 * t + a2 * t^2 + a3 * t^3 + a4 * t^4 + a5 * t^5 */
float a = a5 * t + a4;
a = a * t + a3;
a = a * t + a2;
a = a * t + a1;
a = a * t;
const float erfc_u = a * exp_u2;
/* C = (1/sqrt(pi)) * expf(-u^2) */
const float one_over_sqrt_pi = ((float)(M_2_SQRTPI * 0.5));
const float common_factor = one_over_sqrt_pi * exp_u2;
/* (1/r_s)^n * C */
const float r_s_inv_times_C = r_s_inv * common_factor;
const float r_s_inv2_times_C = r_s_inv_times_C * r_s_inv;
const float r_s_inv3_times_C = r_s_inv2_times_C * r_s_inv;
const float r_s_inv4_times_C = r_s_inv3_times_C * r_s_inv;
const float r_s_inv5_times_C = r_s_inv4_times_C * r_s_inv;
/* Now, compute the derivatives of \chi */
/* erfc(u) */
derivs->chi_0 = erfcf(u);
/* erfc(u) */
derivs->chi_0 = erfc_u;
/* (-1/r_s) * (1/sqrt(pi)) * expf(-u^2) */
derivs->chi_1 = -r_s_inv_times_C;
/* (1/r_s)^2 * u * (1/sqrt(pi)) * expf(-u^2) */
derivs->chi_2 = r_s_inv2_times_C * u;
/* (1/r_s)^3 * (1/2 - u^2) * (1/sqrt(pi)) * expf(-u^2) */
derivs->chi_3 = r_s_inv3_times_C * (0.5f - u2);
/* (1/r_s)^4 * (u^3 - 3/2 u) * (1/sqrt(pi)) * expf(-u^2) */
derivs->chi_4 = r_s_inv4_times_C * (u2 - 1.5f) * u;
/* (1/r_s)^5 * (3/4 - 3u^2 + u^4) * (1/sqrt(pi)) * expf(-u^2) */
derivs->chi_5 = r_s_inv5_times_C * (0.75f - 3.f * u2 + u4);
/* Powers of 2/r_s */
const float c0 = 1.f;
const float c1 = 2.f * r_s_inv;
const float c2 = c1 * c1;
const float c3 = c2 * c1;
const float c4 = c3 * c1;
const float c5 = c4 * c1;
/* 2r / r_s */
const float x = c1 * r;
/* e^(2r / r_s) */
const float exp_x = expf(x); // good_approx_expf(x);
/* 1 / alpha(w) */
const float a_inv = 1.f + exp_x;
/* Powers of alpha */
const float a1 = 1.f / a_inv;
const float a2 = a1 * a1;
const float a3 = a2 * a1;
const float a4 = a3 * a1;
const float a5 = a4 * a1;
const float a6 = a5 * a1;
/* Derivatives of \chi */
derivs->chi_0 = -2.f * exp_x * c0 * a1 + 2.f;
derivs->chi_1 = -2.f * exp_x * c1 * a2;
derivs->chi_2 = -2.f * exp_x * c2 * (2.f * a3 - a2);
derivs->chi_3 = -2.f * exp_x * c3 * (6.f * a4 - 6.f * a3 + a2);
derivs->chi_4 = -2.f * exp_x * c4 * (24.f * a5 - 36.f * a4 + 14.f * a3 - a2);
derivs->chi_5 = -2.f * exp_x * c5 *
(120.f * a6 - 240.f * a5 + 150.f * a4 - 30.f * a3 + a2);
* @brief Computes the long-range correction terms for the potential and
* force calculations due to the mesh truncation.
* We use an approximation to the erfc() that gives a *relative* accuracy
* for the potential tem of 3.4e-3 and 2.4e-4 for the force term over the
* range [0, 5] of r_over_r_s.
* The accuracy is much better in the range [0, 2] (6e-5 and 2e-5 respectively).
* @param r_over_r_s The ratio of the distance to the FFT cell scale \f$u =
* r/r_s\f$.
* @param corr_f (return) The correction for the force term.
* @param corr_pot (return) The correction for the potential term.
__attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static void
kernel_long_grav_eval(const float r_over_r_s, float *restrict corr_f,
float *restrict corr_pot) {
const float two_over_sqrt_pi = ((float)M_2_SQRTPI);
const float u = 0.5f * r_over_r_s;
const float u2 = u * u;
const float exp_u2 = expf(-u2);
/* Compute erfcf(u) using eq. 7.1.26 of
* Abramowitz & Stegun, 1972.
* This has a *relative* error of less than 3.4e-3 over
* the range of interest (0 < u < 5)\
* This is a good approximation to use since we already
* need exp(-u2) */
const float t = 1.f / (1.f + 0.3275911f * u);
const float a1 = 0.254829592f;
const float a2 = -0.284496736f;
const float a3 = 1.421413741f;
const float a4 = -1.453152027;
const float a5 = 1.061405429f;
/* a1 * t + a2 * t^2 + a3 * t^3 + a4 * t^4 + a5 * t^5 */
float a = a5 * t + a4;
a = a * t + a3;
a = a * t + a2;
a = a * t + a1;
a = a * t;
const float erfc_u = a * exp_u2;
*corr_pot = erfc_u;
*corr_f = erfc_u + two_over_sqrt_pi * u * exp_u2;
const float x = 2.f * r_over_r_s;
const float exp_x = expf(x); // good_approx_expf(x);
const float alpha = 1.f / (1.f + exp_x);
/* We want 2 - 2 exp(x) * alpha */
float W = 1.f - alpha * exp_x;
W = W * 2.f;
*corr_pot = W;
/* We want 2*(x*alpha - x*alpha^2 - exp(x)*alpha + 1) */
W = 1.f - alpha;
W = W * x - exp_x;
W = W * alpha + 1.f;
W = W * 2.f;
*corr_f = W;
* @brief Computes the long-range correction term for the force calculation
* coming from FFT in double precision.
* @param u The ratio of the distance to the FFT cell scale \f$u = r/r_s\f$.
* @param W (return) The value of the kernel function.
__attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static void
kernel_long_grav_force_eval_double(const double u, double *const W) {
const double one_over_sqrt_pi = M_2_SQRTPI * 0.5;
const double arg1 = u * 0.5;
const double arg2 = -arg1 * arg1;
const double term1 = erfc(arg1);
const double term2 = u * one_over_sqrt_pi * exp(arg2);
*W = term1 + term2;
const double x = 2. * u;
const double exp_x = exp(x);
const double alpha = 1. / (1. + exp_x);
/* We want 2*(x*alpha - x*alpha^2 - exp(x)*alpha + 1) */
*W = 1. - alpha;
*W = *W * x - exp_x;
*W = *W * alpha + 1.;
*W *= 2.;
* @brief Returns the long-range truncation of the Poisson potential in Fourier
* space.
* @param u2 The square of the Fourier mode times the cell scale
* \f$u^2 = k^2r_s^2\f$.
* @param W (return) The value of the kernel function.
__attribute__((always_inline, nonnull)) INLINE static void
fourier_kernel_long_grav_eval(const double u2, double *const W) {
*W = exp(-u2);
const double u = sqrt(u2);
const double arg = M_PI_2 * u;
*W = arg / (sinh(arg) + FLT_MIN);