* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2016 Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Local includes. */
#include "cosmology.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "gravity_properties.h"
#include "kernel_gravity.h"
#include "minmax.h"
* @brief Returns the mass of a particle
* @param gp The particle of interest
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float gravity_get_mass(
const struct gpart* restrict gp) {
return gp->mass;
* @brief Returns the current co-moving softening of a particle
* Note that in this basic gravity scheme, all particles have
* the same softening length.
* @param gp The particle of interest
* @param grav_props The global gravity properties.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float gravity_get_softening(
const struct gpart* gp, const struct gravity_props* restrict grav_props) {
return grav_props->epsilon_DM_cur;
* @brief Add a contribution to this particle's potential from the tree.
* @param gp The particle.
* @param pot The contribution to add.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
gravity_add_comoving_potential(struct gpart* restrict gp, const float pot) {
gp->potential += pot;
* @brief Add a contribution to this particle's potential from the mesh.
* @param gp The particle.
* @param pot The contribution to add.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
gravity_add_comoving_mesh_potential(struct gpart* restrict gp,
const float pot) {
gp->potential_mesh += pot;
* @brief Returns the comoving potential of a particle.
* @param gp The particle of interest
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float
gravity_get_comoving_potential(const struct gpart* restrict gp) {
return gp->potential;
return 0.f;
* @brief Returns the comoving potential of a particle.
* @param gp The particle of interest
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float
gravity_get_comoving_mesh_potential(const struct gpart* restrict gp) {
return gp->potential_mesh;
return 0.f;
* @brief Returns the physical potential of a particle
* @param gp The particle of interest.
* @param cosmo The cosmological model.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float
gravity_get_physical_potential(const struct gpart* restrict gp,
const struct cosmology* cosmo) {
return gp->potential * cosmo->a_inv;
return 0.f;
* @brief Computes the gravity time-step of a given particle due to self-gravity
* We use Gadget-2's type 0 time-step criterion.
* @param gp Pointer to the g-particle data.
* @param a_hydro The accelerations coming from the hydro scheme (can be 0).
* @param grav_props Constants used in the gravity scheme.
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float
gravity_compute_timestep_self(const struct gpart* const gp,
const float a_hydro[3],
const struct gravity_props* restrict grav_props,
const struct cosmology* cosmo) {
/* Get physical acceleration (gravity contribution) */
float a_phys_x = gp->a_grav[0] * cosmo->a_factor_grav_accel;
float a_phys_y = gp->a_grav[1] * cosmo->a_factor_grav_accel;
float a_phys_z = gp->a_grav[2] * cosmo->a_factor_grav_accel;
/* Get physical acceleration (gravity mesh contribution) */
a_phys_x += gp->a_grav_mesh[0] * cosmo->a_factor_grav_accel;
a_phys_y += gp->a_grav_mesh[1] * cosmo->a_factor_grav_accel;
a_phys_z += gp->a_grav_mesh[2] * cosmo->a_factor_grav_accel;
/* Get physical acceleration (hydro contribution) */
a_phys_x += a_hydro[0] * cosmo->a_factor_hydro_accel;
a_phys_y += a_hydro[1] * cosmo->a_factor_hydro_accel;
a_phys_z += a_hydro[2] * cosmo->a_factor_hydro_accel;
const float ac2 =
a_phys_x * a_phys_x + a_phys_y * a_phys_y + a_phys_z * a_phys_z;
const float ac_inv = (ac2 > 0.f) ? 1.f / sqrtf(ac2) : FLT_MAX;
const float epsilon = gravity_get_softening(gp, grav_props);
const float dt = sqrtf(2. * kernel_gravity_softening_plummer_equivalent_inv *
cosmo->a * grav_props->eta * epsilon * ac_inv);
return dt;
* @brief Prepares a g-particle for the gravity calculation
* Zeroes all the relevant arrays in preparation for the sums taking place in
* the variaous tasks
* @param gp The particle to act upon
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void gravity_init_gpart(
struct gpart* gp) {
/* Zero the acceleration */
gp->a_grav[0] = 0.f;
gp->a_grav[1] = 0.f;
gp->a_grav[2] = 0.f;
/* Zero the potential */
gp->potential = 0.f;
/* Track accelerations of each component. */
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
gp->a_grav_p2p[i] = 0.f;
gp->a_grav_m2p[i] = 0.f;
gp->a_grav_m2l[i] = 0.f;
/* Interaction counters. */
gp->num_interacted_m2p = 0;
gp->num_interacted_m2l = 0;
gp->num_interacted_p2p = 0;
gp->num_interacted_pm = 0;
gp->num_interacted = 0;
gp->initialised = 1;
* @brief Finishes the gravity calculation.
* Multiplies the forces and accelerations by the appropiate constants.
* Applies cosmological correction for periodic BCs.
* No need to apply the potential normalisation correction for periodic
* BCs here since we do not compute the potential.
* @param gp The particle to act upon
* @param const_G Newton's constant in internal units.
* @param potential_normalisation Term to be added to all the particles.
* @param periodic Are we using periodic BCs?
* @param with_self_gravity Are we running with self-gravity?
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void gravity_end_force(
struct gpart* gp, const float const_G, const float potential_normalisation,
const int periodic, const int with_self_gravity) {
/* Apply the periodic correction to the peculiar potential */
if (periodic) gp->potential += potential_normalisation;
/* Add back the long-range forces
* Note that the mesh gravity had been multiplied by G. We undo this here. */
float a_grav[3];
a_grav[0] = gp->a_grav[0] + gp->a_grav_mesh[0] / const_G;
a_grav[1] = gp->a_grav[1] + gp->a_grav_mesh[1] / const_G;
a_grav[2] = gp->a_grav[2] + gp->a_grav_mesh[2] / const_G;
/* Record the norm of the acceleration for the adaptive opening criteria.
* Will always be an (active) timestep behind. */
const float old_a_grav_norm =
a_grav[0] * a_grav[0] + a_grav[1] * a_grav[1] + a_grav[2] * a_grav[2];
gp->old_a_grav_norm = sqrtf(old_a_grav_norm);
if (with_self_gravity && gp->old_a_grav_norm == 0.f)
error("Old acceleration is 0!");
/* Let's get physical... */
gp->a_grav[0] *= const_G;
gp->a_grav[1] *= const_G;
gp->a_grav[2] *= const_G;
gp->potential *= const_G;
/* Add the mesh contribution to the potential */
gp->potential += gp->potential_mesh;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
gp->a_grav_p2p[i] *= const_G;
gp->a_grav_m2p[i] *= const_G;
gp->a_grav_m2l[i] *= const_G;
gp->initialised = 0; /* Ready for next step */
* @brief Update the #gpart after a drift step.
* This is typically used to update the softening lengths.
* @param gp The particle to act upon
* @param grav_props The global properties of the gravity calculation.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void gravity_predict_extra(
struct gpart* gp, const struct gravity_props* grav_props) {}
* @brief Kick the additional variables
* @param gp The particle to act upon
* @param dt The time-step for this kick
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void gravity_kick_extra(
struct gpart* gp, float dt) {}
* @brief Sets the values to be predicted in the drifts to their values at a
* kick time
* @param gp The particle.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void
gravity_reset_predicted_values(struct gpart* gp) {}
* @brief Initialises the g-particles for the first time
* This function is called only once just after the ICs have been
* read in to do some conversions.
* @param gp The particle to act upon
* @param grav_props The global properties of the gravity calculation.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void gravity_first_init_gpart(
struct gpart* gp, const struct gravity_props* grav_props) {
gp->time_bin = 0;
gp->old_a_grav_norm = 0.f;
gp->has_been_most_bound = 0;