* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2018 James Willis (james.s.willis@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef SWIFT_FOF_H
#define SWIFT_FOF_H
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local headers */
#include "align.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "part_type.h"
/* Avoid cyclic inclusions */
struct cell;
struct gpart;
struct space;
struct engine;
struct unit_system;
struct phys_const;
struct black_holes_props;
struct cosmology;
struct fof_props {
/*! Whether we're doing periodic FoF calls to seed black holes. */
int seed_black_holes_enabled;
/* ----------- Parameters of the FOF search ------- */
/*! The linking length in units of the mean DM inter-particle separation. */
double l_x_ratio;
/*! The absolute linking length in internal units if the user wants to
* overwrite the one based on the mean inter-particle separation. */
double l_x_absolute;
/*! The square of the linking length. */
double l_x2;
/*! The minimum halo mass for black hole seeding. */
double seed_halo_mass;
/*! Minimal number of particles in a group */
size_t min_group_size;
/*! Default group ID to give to particles not in a group */
size_t group_id_default;
/*! ID of the first (largest) group. */
size_t group_id_offset;
/*! The base name of the output file */
char base_name[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
/*! The types of particles to use for linking */
int fof_linking_types[swift_type_count];
/*! The types of particles to use for attaching */
int fof_attach_types[swift_type_count];
/* ------------ Group properties ----------------- */
/*! Number of groups */
long long num_groups;
/*! Number of local black holes that belong to groups whose roots are on a
* different node. */
int extra_bh_seed_count;
/*! Index of the root particle of the group a given gpart belongs to. */
size_t *group_index;
/*! Index of the root particle of the group a given gpart is attached to. */
size_t *attach_index;
/*! Has the particle found a linkable to attach to? */
char *found_attachable_link;
/*! Is the group purely local after linking the foreign particles? */
char *is_purely_local;
/*! For attachable particles: distance to the current nearest linkable part */
float *distance_to_link;
/*! Size of the group a given gpart belongs to. */
size_t *group_size;
/*! Final size of the group a given gpart belongs to. */
long long *final_group_size;
/*! Mass of the group a given gpart belongs to. */
double *group_mass;
/*! Centre of mass of the group a given gpart belongs to. */
double *group_centre_of_mass;
/*! Position of the first particle of a given group. */
double *group_first_position;
/*! Index of the part with the maximal density of each group. */
long long *max_part_density_index;
/*! Maximal density of all parts of each group. */
float *max_part_density;
/* ------------ MPI-related arrays --------------- */
/*! The number of links between pairs of particles on this node and
* a foreign node */
int group_link_count;
/*! The allocated size of the links array */
int group_links_size;
/*! The links between pairs of particles on this node and a foreign
* node */
struct fof_mpi *group_links;
/* Store group size and offset into array. */
struct group_length {
size_t index, size;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* MPI message required for FOF. */
struct fof_mpi {
/* The local particle's root ID.*/
size_t group_i;
/* The local group's size.*/
size_t group_i_size;
/* The foreign particle's root ID.*/
size_t group_j;
/* The local group's size.*/
size_t group_j_size;
/* Struct used to find final group ID when using MPI */
struct fof_final_index {
size_t local_root;
size_t global_root;
/* Struct used to find the total mass of a group when using MPI */
struct fof_final_mass {
size_t global_root;
double group_mass;
long long final_group_size;
double first_position[3];
double centre_of_mass[3];
long long max_part_density_index;
float max_part_density;
/* Struct used to iterate over the hash table and unpack the mass fragments of a
* group when using MPI */
struct fof_mass_send_hashmap {
struct fof_final_mass *mass_send;
size_t nsend;
/* Store local and foreign cell indices that touch. */
struct cell_pair_indices {
struct cell *local, *foreign;
/* Function prototypes. */
void fof_init(struct fof_props *props, struct swift_params *params,
const struct phys_const *phys_const, const struct unit_system *us,
const int stand_alone_fof);
void fof_create_mpi_types(void);
void fof_allocate(const struct space *s, struct fof_props *props);
void fof_compute_local_sizes(struct fof_props *props, struct space *s);
void fof_search_foreign_cells(struct fof_props *props, const struct space *s);
void fof_link_attachable_particles(struct fof_props *props,
const struct space *s);
void fof_finalise_attachables(struct fof_props *props, const struct space *s);
void fof_link_foreign_fragments(struct fof_props *props, const struct space *s);
void fof_build_list_of_purely_local_groups(struct fof_props *props,
const struct space *s);
void fof_compute_group_props(struct fof_props *props,
const struct black_holes_props *bh_props,
const struct phys_const *constants,
const struct cosmology *cosmo, struct space *s,
const int dump_results,
const int dump_debug_results,
const int seed_black_holes);
void rec_fof_search_self(const struct fof_props *props, const double dim[3],
const double search_r2, const int periodic,
const struct gpart *const space_gparts,
struct cell *c);
void rec_fof_search_pair(const struct fof_props *props, const double dim[3],
const double search_r2, const int periodic,
const struct gpart *const space_gparts,
struct cell *restrict ci, struct cell *restrict cj);
void rec_fof_attach_self(const struct fof_props *props, const double dim[3],
const double search_r2, const int periodic,
const struct gpart *const space_gparts,
const size_t nr_gparts, struct cell *c);
void rec_fof_attach_pair(const struct fof_props *props, const double dim[3],
const double search_r2, const int periodic,
const struct gpart *const space_gparts,
const size_t nr_gparts, struct cell *restrict ci,
struct cell *restrict cj, const int ci_local,
const int cj_local);
void fof_struct_dump(const struct fof_props *props, FILE *stream);
void fof_struct_restore(struct fof_props *props, FILE *stream);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* MPI data type for the particle transfers */
extern MPI_Datatype fof_mpi_type;
extern MPI_Datatype group_length_mpi_type;
#endif /* SWIFT_FOF_H */