* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "cosmology.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "feedback_properties.h"
#include "hydro_properties.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "rays.h"
#include "units.h"
void compute_stellar_evolution(const struct feedback_props* feedback_props,
const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct cosmology* cosmo, struct spart* sp,
const struct unit_system* us, const double age,
const double dt, const integertime_t ti_begin);
* @brief Update the properties of a particle fue to feedback effects after
* the cooling was applied.
* Nothing to do here in the EAGLE model.
* @param p The #part to consider.
* @param xp The #xpart to consider.
* @param e The #engine.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_update_part(
struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, const struct engine* e) {}
* @brief Reset the gas particle-carried fields related to feedback at the
* start of a step.
* @param p The particle.
* @param xp The extended data of the particle.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_reset_part(
struct part* p, struct xpart* xp) {
p->feedback_data.SNII_star_largest_id = -1;
* @brief Should this particle be doing any feedback-related operation?
* @param sp The #spart.
* @param e The #engine.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static int feedback_is_active(
const struct spart* sp, const struct engine* e) {
return e->step <= 0 ||
((sp->birth_time != -1.) && (sp->count_since_last_enrichment == 0));
* @brief Prepares a s-particle for its feedback interactions
* @param sp The particle to act upon
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_init_spart(
struct spart* sp) {
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.enrichment_weight_inv = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_N = 0;
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_mass = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_rho = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_Z = 0.f;
/* Reset all ray structs carried by this star particle */
ray_init(sp->feedback_data.SNII_rays_true, eagle_SNII_feedback_num_of_rays);
ray_init(sp->feedback_data.SNII_rays_mirr, eagle_SNII_feedback_num_of_rays);
sp->has_done_feedback = 0;
* @brief Returns the length of time since the particle last did
* enrichment/feedback.
* @param sp The #spart.
* @param with_cosmology Are we running with cosmological time integration on?
* @param cosmo The cosmological model.
* @param time The current time (since the Big Bang / start of the run) in
* internal units.
* @param dt_star the length of this particle's time-step in internal units.
* @return The length of the enrichment step in internal units.
INLINE static double feedback_get_enrichment_timestep(
const struct spart* sp, const int with_cosmology,
const struct cosmology* cosmo, const double time, const double dt_star) {
if (with_cosmology) {
return cosmology_get_delta_time_from_scale_factors(
cosmo, (double)sp->last_enrichment_time, cosmo->a);
} else {
return time - (double)sp->last_enrichment_time;
* @brief Prepares a star's feedback field before computing what
* needs to be distributed.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_reset_feedback(
struct spart* sp, const struct feedback_props* feedback_props) {
/* Zero the distribution weights */
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.enrichment_weight = 0.f;
/* Zero the amount of mass that is distributed */
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.mass = 0.f;
/* Zero the metal enrichment quantities */
for (int i = 0; i < chemistry_element_count; i++) {
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.metal_mass[i] = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.total_metal_mass = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.mass_from_AGB = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.metal_mass_from_AGB = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.mass_from_SNII = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.metal_mass_from_SNII = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.mass_from_SNIa = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.metal_mass_from_SNIa = 0.f;
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.Fe_mass_from_SNIa = 0.f;
/* Zero the energy to inject */
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.energy = 0.f;
/* Zero the SNII feedback energy */
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.SNII_E_kinetic = 0.f;
/* Zero the SNII feedback properties */
sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.SNII_num_of_kinetic_energy_inj = 0;
* @brief Initialises the s-particles feedback props for the first time
* This function is called only once just after the ICs have been
* read in to do some conversions.
* @param sp The particle to act upon.
* @param feedback_props The properties of the feedback model.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_first_init_spart(
struct spart* sp, const struct feedback_props* feedback_props) {
* @brief Initialises the s-particles feedback props for the first time
* This function is called only once just after the ICs have been
* read in to do some conversions.
* @param sp The particle to act upon.
* @param feedback_props The properties of the feedback model.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_prepare_spart(
struct spart* sp, const struct feedback_props* feedback_props) {}
* @brief Prepare a #spart for the feedback task.
* In EAGLE, this function evolves the stellar properties of a #spart.
* @param sp The particle to act upon
* @param feedback_props The #feedback_props structure.
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
* @param us The unit system.
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param star_age_beg_step The age of the star at the star of the time-step in
* internal units.
* @param dt The time-step size of this star in internal units.
* @param time The physical time in internal units.
* @param ti_begin The integer time at the beginning of the step.
* @param with_cosmology Are we running with cosmology on?
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_prepare_feedback(
struct spart* restrict sp, const struct feedback_props* feedback_props,
const struct cosmology* cosmo, const struct unit_system* us,
const struct phys_const* phys_const, const double star_age_beg_step,
const double dt, const double time, const integertime_t ti_begin,
const int with_cosmology) {
if (sp->birth_time == -1.) error("Evolving a star particle that should not!");
/* Start by finishing the loops over neighbours */
const float h = sp->h;
const float h_inv = 1.0f / h; /* 1/h */
const float h_inv_dim = pow_dimension(h_inv); /* 1/h^d */
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_rho *= h_inv_dim;
const float rho_inv = 1.f / sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_rho;
sp->feedback_data.to_collect.ngb_Z *= h_inv_dim * rho_inv;
/* Compute amount of enrichment and feedback that needs to be done in this
* step */
compute_stellar_evolution(feedback_props, phys_const, cosmo, sp, us,
star_age_beg_step, dt, ti_begin);
/* Decrease star mass by amount of mass distributed to gas neighbours */
sp->mass -= sp->feedback_data.to_distribute.mass;
/* Mark this is the last time we did enrichment */
if (with_cosmology)
sp->last_enrichment_time = cosmo->a;
sp->last_enrichment_time = time;
sp->has_done_feedback = 1;
* @brief Will this star particle want to do feedback during the next time-step?
* This is called in the time step task and increases counters of time-steps
* that have been performed.
* @param sp The particle to act upon
* @param feedback_props The #feedback_props structure.
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
* @param us The unit system.
* @param phys_const The #phys_const.
* @param time The physical time in internal units.
* @param with_cosmology Are we running with cosmology on?
* @param ti_current The current time (in integer)
* @param time_base The time base.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void feedback_will_do_feedback(
struct spart* sp, const struct feedback_props* feedback_props,
const int with_cosmology, const struct cosmology* cosmo, const double time,
const struct unit_system* us, const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const integertime_t ti_current, const double time_base) {
/* Special case for new-born stars */
if (with_cosmology) {
if (sp->birth_scale_factor == (float)cosmo->a) {
/* Set the counter to "let's do enrichment" */
sp->count_since_last_enrichment = 0;
/* Ok, we are done. */
} else {
if (sp->birth_time == (float)time) {
/* Set the counter to "let's do enrichment" */
sp->count_since_last_enrichment = 0;
/* Ok, we are done. */
/* Calculate age of the star at current time */
double age_of_star;
if (with_cosmology) {
age_of_star = cosmology_get_delta_time_from_scale_factors(
cosmo, (double)sp->birth_scale_factor, cosmo->a);
} else {
age_of_star = time - (double)sp->birth_time;
/* Is the star still young? */
if (age_of_star < feedback_props->stellar_evolution_age_cut) {
/* Set the counter to "let's do enrichment" */
sp->count_since_last_enrichment = 0;
} else {
/* Increment counter */
if ((sp->count_since_last_enrichment %
feedback_props->stellar_evolution_sampling_rate) == 0) {
/* Reset counter */
sp->count_since_last_enrichment = 0;
void feedback_clean(struct feedback_props* fp);
void feedback_struct_dump(const struct feedback_props* feedback, FILE* stream);
void feedback_struct_restore(struct feedback_props* feedback, FILE* stream);
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
* @brief Writes the current model of feedback to the file
* @param feedback The properties of the feedback scheme.
* @param h_grp The HDF5 group in which to write.
INLINE static void feedback_write_flavour(struct feedback_props* feedback,
hid_t h_grp) {
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "Feedback Model", "EAGLE (kinetic)");
#endif // HAVE_HDF5