* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl).
* 2018 Jacob Kegerreis (jacob.kegerreis@durham.ac.uk).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* @file equation_of_state/planetary/hm80.h
* Contains the Hubbard & MacFarlane (1980) Uranus/Neptune EOS functions for
* equation_of_state/planetary/equation_of_state.h
/* Some standard headers. */
/* Local headers. */
#include "adiabatic_index.h"
#include "common_io.h"
#include "equation_of_state.h"
#include "inline.h"
#include "physical_constants.h"
#include "units.h"
// Hubbard & MacFarlane (1980) parameters
struct HM80_params {
float *table_log_P_rho_u;
int version_date, num_rho, num_u;
float log_rho_min, log_rho_max, log_rho_step, inv_log_rho_step, log_u_min,
log_u_max, log_u_step, inv_log_u_step, bulk_mod, P_min_for_c_min;
enum eos_planetary_material_id mat_id;
// Parameter values for each material (SI units)
INLINE static void set_HM80_HHe(struct HM80_params *mat,
enum eos_planetary_material_id mat_id) {
mat->mat_id = mat_id;
mat->bulk_mod = 0.f;
mat->P_min_for_c_min = 1e3f;
mat->version_date = 20230710;
INLINE static void set_HM80_ice(struct HM80_params *mat,
enum eos_planetary_material_id mat_id) {
mat->mat_id = mat_id;
mat->bulk_mod = 2.0e9f;
mat->P_min_for_c_min = 0.f;
mat->version_date = 20230710;
INLINE static void set_HM80_rock(struct HM80_params *mat,
enum eos_planetary_material_id mat_id) {
mat->mat_id = mat_id;
mat->bulk_mod = 3.49e10f;
mat->P_min_for_c_min = 0.f;
mat->version_date = 20230710;
// Read the table from file
INLINE static void load_table_HM80(struct HM80_params *mat, char *table_file) {
/* File contents:
header (11 lines)
log_rho_min log_rho_max num_rho log_u_min log_u_max num_u (SI)
P_0_0 P_0_1 ... P_0_num_u # Array of pressures (Pa)
P_1_0 ... ... P_1_num_u
... ... ... ...
P_num_rho_0 ... P_num_rho_num_u
T_0_0 T_0_1 ... T_0_num_u # Array of temperatures (K)
T_1_0 ... ... T_1_num_u
... ... ... ...
T_num_rho_0 ... T_num_rho_num_u
// Load table contents from file
FILE *f = fopen(table_file, "r");
if (f == NULL) error("Failed to open the HM80 EoS file '%s'", table_file);
// Ignore header lines
char buffer[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (fgets(buffer, 100, f) == NULL)
error("Failed to read the HM80 EoS file header %s", table_file);
// Table properties
int version_date;
int c = fscanf(f, "%d", &version_date);
if (c != 1) error("Failed to read the HM80 EoS table %s", table_file);
if (version_date != mat->version_date)
"EoS file %s version_date %d does not match expected %d"
"\nPlease download the file using "
table_file, version_date, mat->version_date);
c = fscanf(f, "%f %f %d %f %f %d", &mat->log_rho_min, &mat->log_rho_max,
&mat->num_rho, &mat->log_u_min, &mat->log_u_max, &mat->num_u);
if (c != 6) error("Failed to read the HM80 EoS table %s", table_file);
mat->log_rho_step =
(mat->log_rho_max - mat->log_rho_min) / (mat->num_rho - 1);
mat->log_u_step = (mat->log_u_max - mat->log_u_min) / (mat->num_u - 1);
mat->inv_log_rho_step = 1.f / mat->log_rho_step;
mat->inv_log_u_step = 1.f / mat->log_u_step;
// Allocate table memory
mat->table_log_P_rho_u =
(float *)malloc(mat->num_rho * mat->num_u * sizeof(float));
// Pressures (not log yet)
for (int i_rho = 0; i_rho < mat->num_rho; i_rho++) {
for (int i_u = 0; i_u < mat->num_u; i_u++) {
c = fscanf(f, "%f", &mat->table_log_P_rho_u[i_rho * mat->num_u + i_u]);
if (c != 1) error("Failed to read the HM80 EoS table %s", table_file);
// Misc. modifications
INLINE static void prepare_table_HM80(struct HM80_params *mat) {
// Convert pressures to log(pressure)
for (int i_rho = 0; i_rho < mat->num_rho; i_rho++) {
for (int i_u = 0; i_u < mat->num_u; i_u++) {
mat->table_log_P_rho_u[i_rho * mat->num_u + i_u] =
logf(mat->table_log_P_rho_u[i_rho * mat->num_u + i_u]);
// Convert to internal units
INLINE static void convert_units_HM80(struct HM80_params *mat,
const struct unit_system *us) {
struct unit_system si;
// All table values in SI
mat->log_rho_min += logf(units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_DENSITY) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_DENSITY));
mat->log_rho_max += logf(units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_DENSITY) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_DENSITY));
mat->log_u_min +=
logf(units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_ENERGY_PER_UNIT_MASS) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_ENERGY_PER_UNIT_MASS));
mat->log_u_max +=
logf(units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_ENERGY_PER_UNIT_MASS) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_ENERGY_PER_UNIT_MASS));
for (int i_rho = 0; i_rho < mat->num_rho; i_rho++) {
for (int i_u = 0; i_u < mat->num_u; i_u++) {
mat->table_log_P_rho_u[i_rho * mat->num_u + i_u] +=
logf(units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_PRESSURE) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_PRESSURE));
mat->bulk_mod *= units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_PRESSURE) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_PRESSURE);
mat->P_min_for_c_min *= units_cgs_conversion_factor(&si, UNIT_CONV_PRESSURE) /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_PRESSURE);
// gas_internal_energy_from_entropy
INLINE static float HM80_internal_energy_from_entropy(
float density, float entropy, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
error("This EOS function is not yet implemented!");
return 0.f;
// gas_pressure_from_entropy
INLINE static float HM80_pressure_from_entropy(float density, float entropy,
const struct HM80_params *mat) {
error("This EOS function is not yet implemented!");
return 0.f;
// gas_entropy_from_pressure
INLINE static float HM80_entropy_from_pressure(float density, float pressure,
const struct HM80_params *mat) {
error("This EOS function is not yet implemented!");
return 0.f;
// gas_soundspeed_from_entropy
INLINE static float HM80_soundspeed_from_entropy(
float density, float entropy, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
error("This EOS function is not yet implemented!");
return 0.f;
// gas_entropy_from_internal_energy
INLINE static float HM80_entropy_from_internal_energy(
float density, float u, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
return 0.f;
// gas_pressure_from_internal_energy
INLINE static float HM80_pressure_from_internal_energy(
float density, float u, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
float log_P, log_P_1, log_P_2, log_P_3, log_P_4;
if (u <= 0.f) {
return 0.f;
int idx_rho, idx_u;
float intp_rho, intp_u;
const float log_rho = logf(density);
const float log_u = logf(u);
// 2D interpolation (bilinear with log(rho), log(u)) to find P(rho, u)
idx_rho = floor((log_rho - mat->log_rho_min) * mat->inv_log_rho_step);
idx_u = floor((log_u - mat->log_u_min) * mat->inv_log_u_step);
// If outside the table then extrapolate from the edge and edge-but-one values
if (idx_rho <= -1) {
idx_rho = 0;
} else if (idx_rho >= mat->num_rho - 1) {
idx_rho = mat->num_rho - 2;
if (idx_u <= -1) {
idx_u = 0;
} else if (idx_u >= mat->num_u - 1) {
idx_u = mat->num_u - 2;
intp_rho = (log_rho - mat->log_rho_min - idx_rho * mat->log_rho_step) *
intp_u =
(log_u - mat->log_u_min - idx_u * mat->log_u_step) * mat->inv_log_u_step;
// Table values
log_P_1 = mat->table_log_P_rho_u[idx_rho * mat->num_u + idx_u];
log_P_2 = mat->table_log_P_rho_u[idx_rho * mat->num_u + idx_u + 1];
log_P_3 = mat->table_log_P_rho_u[(idx_rho + 1) * mat->num_u + idx_u];
log_P_4 = mat->table_log_P_rho_u[(idx_rho + 1) * mat->num_u + idx_u + 1];
log_P = (1.f - intp_rho) * ((1.f - intp_u) * log_P_1 + intp_u * log_P_2) +
intp_rho * ((1.f - intp_u) * log_P_3 + intp_u * log_P_4);
return expf(log_P);
// gas_internal_energy_from_pressure
INLINE static float HM80_internal_energy_from_pressure(
float density, float P, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
error("This EOS function is not yet implemented!");
return 0.f;
// gas_soundspeed_from_internal_energy
INLINE static float HM80_soundspeed_from_internal_energy(
float density, float u, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
float c, P;
// Bulk modulus
if (mat->bulk_mod != 0) {
c = sqrtf(mat->bulk_mod / density);
// Ideal gas
else {
P = HM80_pressure_from_internal_energy(density, u, mat);
c = sqrtf(hydro_gamma * P / density);
if (c <= 0) {
c = sqrtf(hydro_gamma * mat->P_min_for_c_min / density);
return c;
// gas_soundspeed_from_pressure
INLINE static float HM80_soundspeed_from_pressure(
float density, float P, const struct HM80_params *mat) {
error("This EOS function is not yet implemented!");
return 0.f;