* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
/* Local includes */
#include "cosmology.h"
#include "entropy_floor.h"
#include "hydro.h"
#include "parser.h"
* @brief Compute the pressure from the entropy floor at a given density
* @param rho_phys The physical density (internal units).
* @param rho_com The comoving density (internal units).
* @param cosmo The cosmological model.
* @param props The properties of the entropy floor.
float entropy_floor_gas_pressure(const float rho_phys, const float rho_com,
const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const struct entropy_floor_properties *props) {
/* Mean baryon density in co-moving internal units for over-density condition
* (Recall cosmo->critical_density_0 is 0 in a non-cosmological run,
* making the over-density condition a no-op) */
const float rho_crit_0 = cosmo->critical_density_0;
const float rho_crit_baryon = cosmo->Omega_b * rho_crit_0;
/* Physical pressure */
float pressure = 0.f;
/* Are we in the regime of the Jeans equation of state? */
if ((rho_com >= rho_crit_baryon * props->Jeans_over_density_threshold) &&
(rho_phys >= props->Jeans_density_threshold)) {
const float pressure_Jeans =
props->Jeans_pressure_norm *
powf(rho_phys * props->Jeans_density_threshold_inv,
pressure = max(pressure, pressure_Jeans);
/* Are we in the regime of the Cool equation of state? */
if ((rho_com >= rho_crit_baryon * props->Cool_over_density_threshold) &&
(rho_phys >= props->Cool_density_threshold)) {
const float pressure_Cool =
props->Cool_pressure_norm *
powf(rho_phys * props->Cool_density_threshold_inv,
pressure = max(pressure, pressure_Cool);
return pressure;
* @brief Compute the entropy floor of a given #part.
* Note that the particle is not updated!!
* @param p The #part.
* @param cosmo The cosmological model.
* @param props The properties of the entropy floor.
float entropy_floor(const struct part *p, const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const struct entropy_floor_properties *props) {
/* Comoving density in internal units */
const float rho_com = hydro_get_comoving_density(p);
/* Physical density in internal units */
const float rho_phys = hydro_get_physical_density(p, cosmo);
const float pressure =
entropy_floor_gas_pressure(rho_phys, rho_com, cosmo, props);
/* Convert to an entropy.
* (Recall that the entropy is the same in co-moving and physical frames) */
return gas_entropy_from_pressure(rho_phys, pressure);
* @brief Compute the temperature from the entropy floor at a given density
* This is the temperature exactly corresponding to the imposed EoS shape.
* It only matches the entropy returned by the entropy_floor() function
* for a neutral gas with primoridal abundance.
* @param rho_phys The physical density (internal units).
* @param rho_com The comoving density (internal units).
* @param cosmo The cosmological model.
* @param props The properties of the entropy floor.
float entropy_floor_gas_temperature(
const float rho_phys, const float rho_com, const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const struct entropy_floor_properties *props) {
/* Mean baryon density in co-moving internal units for over-density condition
* (Recall cosmo->critical_density_0 is 0 in a non-cosmological run,
* making the over-density condition a no-op) */
const float rho_crit_0 = cosmo->critical_density_0;
const float rho_crit_baryon = cosmo->Omega_b * rho_crit_0;
/* Physical */
float temperature = 0.f;
/* Are we in the regime of the Jeans equation of state? */
if ((rho_com >= rho_crit_baryon * props->Jeans_over_density_threshold) &&
(rho_phys >= props->Jeans_density_threshold)) {
const float jeans_slope = props->Jeans_gamma_effective - 1.f;
const float temperature_Jeans =
props->Jeans_temperature_norm *
pow(rho_phys * props->Jeans_density_threshold_inv, jeans_slope);
temperature = max(temperature, temperature_Jeans);
/* Are we in the regime of the Cool equation of state? */
if ((rho_com >= rho_crit_baryon * props->Cool_over_density_threshold) &&
(rho_phys >= props->Cool_density_threshold)) {
const float cool_slope = props->Cool_gamma_effective - 1.f;
const float temperature_Cool =
props->Cool_temperature_norm *
pow(rho_phys * props->Cool_density_threshold_inv, cool_slope);
temperature = max(temperature, temperature_Cool);
return temperature;
* @brief Compute the temperature from the entropy floor for a given #part
* Calculate the EoS temperature, the particle is not updated.
* This is the temperature exactly corresponding to the imposed EoS shape.
* It only matches the entropy returned by the entropy_floor() function
* for a neutral gas with primoridal abundance.
* @param p The #part.
* @param cosmo The cosmological model.
* @param props The properties of the entropy floor.
float entropy_floor_temperature(const struct part *p,
const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const struct entropy_floor_properties *props) {
/* Comoving density in internal units */
const float rho_com = hydro_get_comoving_density(p);
/* Physical density in internal units */
const float rho_phys = hydro_get_physical_density(p, cosmo);
return entropy_floor_gas_temperature(rho_phys, rho_com, cosmo, props);
* @brief Initialise the entropy floor by reading the parameters and converting
* to internal units.
* The input temperatures and number densities are converted to entropy and
* density assuming a neutral gas of primoridal abundance.
* @param params The YAML parameter file.
* @param us The system of units used internally.
* @param phys_const The physical constants.
* @param hydro_props The propoerties of the hydro scheme.
* @param props The entropy floor properties to fill.
void entropy_floor_init(struct entropy_floor_properties *props,
const struct phys_const *phys_const,
const struct unit_system *us,
const struct hydro_props *hydro_props,
struct swift_params *params) {
/* Read the parameters in the units they are set */
props->Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3 = parser_get_param_float(
params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3");
props->Jeans_over_density_threshold = parser_get_param_float(
params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Jeans_over_density_threshold");
props->Jeans_temperature_norm_K = parser_get_param_float(
params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Jeans_temperature_norm_K");
props->Jeans_gamma_effective =
parser_get_param_float(params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Jeans_gamma_effective");
props->Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3 = parser_get_param_float(
params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3");
props->Cool_over_density_threshold = parser_get_param_float(
params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Cool_over_density_threshold");
props->Cool_temperature_norm_K = parser_get_param_float(
params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Cool_temperature_norm_K");
props->Cool_gamma_effective =
parser_get_param_float(params, "EAGLEEntropyFloor:Cool_gamma_effective");
/* Cross-check that the input makes sense */
if (props->Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3 >=
props->Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3) {
"Invalid values for the entrop floor density thresholds. The 'Jeans' "
"threshold (%e cm^-3) should be at a higher density than the 'Cool' "
"threshold (%e cm^-3)",
/* Initial Hydrogen abundance (mass fraction) */
const double X_H = hydro_props->hydrogen_mass_fraction;
/* Now convert to internal units assuming primodial Hydrogen abundance */
props->Jeans_temperature_norm =
props->Jeans_temperature_norm_K /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_TEMPERATURE);
props->Jeans_density_threshold =
props->Jeans_density_threshold_H_p_cm3 /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_NUMBER_DENSITY) *
phys_const->const_proton_mass / X_H;
props->Cool_temperature_norm =
props->Cool_temperature_norm_K /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_TEMPERATURE);
props->Cool_density_threshold =
props->Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3 /
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_NUMBER_DENSITY) *
phys_const->const_proton_mass / X_H;
/* We assume neutral gas */
const float mean_molecular_weight = hydro_props->mu_neutral;
/* Get the common terms */
props->Jeans_density_threshold_inv = 1.f / props->Jeans_density_threshold;
props->Cool_density_threshold_inv = 1.f / props->Cool_density_threshold;
/* P_norm = (k_B * T) / (m_p * mu) * rho_threshold */
props->Jeans_pressure_norm =
((phys_const->const_boltzmann_k * props->Jeans_temperature_norm) /
(phys_const->const_proton_mass * mean_molecular_weight)) *
props->Cool_pressure_norm =
((phys_const->const_boltzmann_k * props->Cool_temperature_norm) /
(phys_const->const_proton_mass * mean_molecular_weight)) *
* @brief Print the properties of the entropy floor to stdout.
* @param props The entropy floor properties.
void entropy_floor_print(const struct entropy_floor_properties *props) {
message("Entropy floor is 'EAGLE' with:");
message("Jeans limiter with slope n=%.3f at rho=%e (%e H/cm^3) and T=%.1f K",
props->Jeans_gamma_effective, props->Jeans_density_threshold,
message(" Cool limiter with slope n=%.3f at rho=%e (%e H/cm^3) and T=%.1f K",
props->Cool_gamma_effective, props->Cool_density_threshold,
props->Cool_density_threshold_H_p_cm3, props->Cool_temperature_norm);
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
* @brief Writes the current model of entropy floor to the file
* @param h_grp The HDF5 group in which to write
void entropy_floor_write_flavour(hid_t h_grp) {
io_write_attribute_s(h_grp, "Entropy floor", "EAGLE");
* @brief Write an entropy floor struct to the given FILE as a stream of bytes.
* @param props the struct
* @param stream the file stream
void entropy_floor_struct_dump(const struct entropy_floor_properties *props,
FILE *stream) {
restart_write_blocks((void *)props, sizeof(struct entropy_floor_properties),
1, stream, "entropy floor", "entropy floor properties");
* @brief Restore a entropy floor struct from the given FILE as a stream of
* bytes.
* @param props the struct
* @param stream the file stream
void entropy_floor_struct_restore(struct entropy_floor_properties *props,
FILE *stream) {
restart_read_blocks((void *)props, sizeof(struct entropy_floor_properties), 1,
stream, NULL, "entropy floor properties");