* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* This object's header. */
#include "engine.h"
/* Local headers. */
#include "active.h"
#include "lightcone/lightcone_array.h"
#include "star_formation_logger.h"
#include "timeline.h"
* @brief Data collected from the cells at the end of a time-step
struct end_of_step_data {
size_t updated, g_updated, s_updated, sink_updated, b_updated;
size_t inhibited, g_inhibited, s_inhibited, sink_inhibited, b_inhibited;
integertime_t ti_hydro_end_min, ti_hydro_beg_max;
integertime_t ti_rt_end_min, ti_rt_beg_max;
integertime_t ti_gravity_end_min, ti_gravity_beg_max;
integertime_t ti_stars_end_min, ti_stars_beg_max;
integertime_t ti_sinks_end_min, ti_sinks_beg_max;
integertime_t ti_black_holes_end_min, ti_black_holes_beg_max;
struct engine *e;
struct star_formation_history sfh;
float runtime;
int flush_lightcone_maps;
double deadtime;
float csds_file_size_gb;
* @brief Mapping function to collect the data from the end of the step
* This function will call a recursive function on all the top-level cells
* to collect the information we are after.
* @param map_data The list of cells with tasks on this node.
* @param num_elements The number of elements in the list this thread will work
* on.
* @param extra_data The #engine.
void engine_collect_end_of_step_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements,
void *extra_data) {
struct end_of_step_data *data = (struct end_of_step_data *)extra_data;
const struct engine *e = data->e;
struct space *s = e->s;
int *local_cells = (int *)map_data;
struct star_formation_history *sfh_top = &data->sfh;
/* Local collectible */
size_t updated = 0, g_updated = 0, s_updated = 0, sink_updated = 0,
b_updated = 0;
integertime_t ti_hydro_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, ti_hydro_beg_max = 0;
integertime_t ti_rt_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, ti_rt_beg_max = 0;
integertime_t ti_gravity_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, ti_gravity_beg_max = 0;
integertime_t ti_stars_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, ti_stars_beg_max = 0;
integertime_t ti_sinks_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, ti_sinks_beg_max = 0;
integertime_t ti_black_holes_end_min = max_nr_timesteps,
ti_black_holes_beg_max = 0;
/* Local Star formation history properties */
struct star_formation_history sfh_updated;
/* Initialize the star formation structs for this engine to zero */
for (int ind = 0; ind < num_elements; ind++) {
struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[local_cells[ind]];
if (c->hydro.count > 0 || c->grav.count > 0 || c->stars.count > 0 ||
c->black_holes.count > 0 || c->sinks.count > 0) {
/* Aggregate data */
if (c->hydro.ti_end_min > e->ti_current)
ti_hydro_end_min = min(ti_hydro_end_min, c->hydro.ti_end_min);
ti_hydro_beg_max = max(ti_hydro_beg_max, c->hydro.ti_beg_max);
if (c->rt.ti_rt_end_min > e->ti_current)
ti_rt_end_min = min(c->rt.ti_rt_end_min, ti_rt_end_min);
ti_rt_beg_max = max(c->rt.ti_rt_beg_max, ti_rt_beg_max);
if (c->grav.ti_end_min > e->ti_current)
ti_gravity_end_min = min(ti_gravity_end_min, c->grav.ti_end_min);
ti_gravity_beg_max = max(ti_gravity_beg_max, c->grav.ti_beg_max);
if (c->stars.ti_end_min > e->ti_current)
ti_stars_end_min = min(ti_stars_end_min, c->stars.ti_end_min);
ti_stars_beg_max = max(ti_stars_beg_max, c->stars.ti_beg_max);
if (c->sinks.ti_end_min > e->ti_current)
ti_sinks_end_min = min(ti_sinks_end_min, c->sinks.ti_end_min);
ti_sinks_beg_max = max(ti_sinks_beg_max, c->sinks.ti_beg_max);
if (c->black_holes.ti_end_min > e->ti_current)
ti_black_holes_end_min =
min(ti_black_holes_end_min, c->black_holes.ti_end_min);
ti_black_holes_beg_max =
max(ti_black_holes_beg_max, c->black_holes.ti_beg_max);
updated += c->hydro.updated;
g_updated += c->grav.updated;
s_updated += c->stars.updated;
sink_updated += c->sinks.updated;
b_updated += c->black_holes.updated;
/* Check if the cell was inactive and in that case reorder the SFH */
if (!cell_is_starting_hydro(c, e)) {
/* Get the star formation history from the current cell and store it in
* the star formation history struct */
star_formation_logger_add(&sfh_updated, &c->stars.sfh);
/* Collected, so clear for next time. */
c->hydro.updated = 0;
c->grav.updated = 0;
c->stars.updated = 0;
c->sinks.updated = 0;
c->black_holes.updated = 0;
/* Let's write back to the global data.
* We use the space lock to garanty single access*/
if (lock_lock(&s->lock) == 0) {
data->updated += updated;
data->g_updated += g_updated;
data->s_updated += s_updated;
data->sink_updated += sink_updated;
data->b_updated += b_updated;
/* Add the SFH information from this engine to the global data */
star_formation_logger_add(sfh_top, &sfh_updated);
if (ti_hydro_end_min > e->ti_current)
data->ti_hydro_end_min = min(ti_hydro_end_min, data->ti_hydro_end_min);
data->ti_hydro_beg_max = max(ti_hydro_beg_max, data->ti_hydro_beg_max);
if (ti_rt_end_min > e->ti_current)
data->ti_rt_end_min = min(ti_rt_end_min, data->ti_rt_end_min);
data->ti_rt_beg_max = max(ti_rt_beg_max, data->ti_rt_beg_max);
if (ti_gravity_end_min > e->ti_current)
data->ti_gravity_end_min =
min(ti_gravity_end_min, data->ti_gravity_end_min);
data->ti_gravity_beg_max =
max(ti_gravity_beg_max, data->ti_gravity_beg_max);
if (ti_stars_end_min > e->ti_current)
data->ti_stars_end_min = min(ti_stars_end_min, data->ti_stars_end_min);
data->ti_stars_beg_max = max(ti_stars_beg_max, data->ti_stars_beg_max);
if (ti_sinks_end_min > e->ti_current)
data->ti_sinks_end_min = min(ti_sinks_end_min, data->ti_sinks_end_min);
data->ti_sinks_beg_max = max(ti_sinks_beg_max, data->ti_sinks_beg_max);
if (ti_black_holes_end_min > e->ti_current)
data->ti_black_holes_end_min =
min(ti_black_holes_end_min, data->ti_black_holes_end_min);
data->ti_black_holes_beg_max =
max(ti_black_holes_beg_max, data->ti_black_holes_beg_max);
if (lock_unlock(&s->lock) != 0) error("Failed to unlock the space");
* @brief Collects the next time-step and rebuild flag.
* The next time-step is determined by making each super-cell recurse to
* collect the minimal of ti_end and the number of updated particles. When in
* MPI mode this routines reduces these across all nodes and also collects the
* forcerebuild flag -- this is so that we only use a single collective MPI
* call per step for all these values.
* Note that the results are stored in e->collect_group1 struct not in the
* engine fields, unless apply is true. These can be applied field-by-field
* or all at once using collectgroup1_copy();
* @param e The #engine.
* @param apply whether to apply the results to the engine or just keep in the
* group1 struct.
void engine_collect_end_of_step(struct engine *e, int apply) {
const ticks tic = getticks();
struct space *s = e->s;
struct end_of_step_data data;
data.updated = 0, data.g_updated = 0, data.s_updated = 0, data.b_updated = 0;
data.sink_updated = 0;
data.ti_hydro_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, data.ti_hydro_beg_max = 0;
data.ti_rt_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, data.ti_rt_beg_max = 0;
data.ti_gravity_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, data.ti_gravity_beg_max = 0;
data.ti_stars_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, data.ti_stars_beg_max = 0;
data.ti_sinks_end_min = max_nr_timesteps, data.ti_sinks_beg_max = 0;
data.ti_black_holes_end_min = max_nr_timesteps,
data.ti_black_holes_beg_max = 0, data.e = e, data.csds_file_size_gb = 0;
#ifdef WITH_CSDS
/* Get the file size from the CSDS. */
if (e->policy & engine_policy_csds)
data.csds_file_size_gb =
/* Need to use a consistent check of the hours since we started. */
data.runtime = clocks_get_hours_since_start();
/* Get flag to determine if lightcone maps buffers should be flushed on this
* step */
data.flush_lightcone_maps =
data.deadtime = e->local_deadtime;
/* Initialize the total SFH of the simulation to zero */
/* Collect information from the local top-level cells */
threadpool_map(&e->threadpool, engine_collect_end_of_step_mapper,
s->local_cells_top, s->nr_local_cells, sizeof(int),
threadpool_auto_chunk_size, &data);
/* Get the number of inhibited particles from the space-wide counters
* since these have been updated atomically during the time-steps. */
data.inhibited = s->nr_inhibited_parts;
data.g_inhibited = s->nr_inhibited_gparts;
data.s_inhibited = s->nr_inhibited_sparts;
data.sink_inhibited = s->nr_inhibited_sinks;
data.b_inhibited = s->nr_inhibited_bparts;
/* Store these in the temporary collection group. */
&e->collect_group1, data.updated, data.g_updated, data.s_updated,
data.sink_updated, data.b_updated, data.inhibited, data.g_inhibited,
data.s_inhibited, data.sink_inhibited, data.b_inhibited,
data.ti_hydro_end_min, data.ti_hydro_beg_max, data.ti_rt_end_min,
data.ti_rt_beg_max, data.ti_gravity_end_min, data.ti_gravity_beg_max,
data.ti_stars_end_min, data.ti_stars_beg_max, data.ti_sinks_end_min,
data.ti_sinks_beg_max, data.ti_black_holes_end_min,
data.ti_black_holes_beg_max, e->forcerebuild, e->s->tot_cells,
e->sched.nr_tasks, (float)e->sched.nr_tasks / (float)e->s->tot_cells,
data.sfh, data.runtime, data.flush_lightcone_maps, data.deadtime,
/* Aggregate collective data from the different nodes for this step. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Check the above using the original MPI calls. */
integertime_t in_i[2], out_i[2];
in_i[0] = 0;
in_i[1] = 0;
out_i[0] = data.ti_hydro_end_min;
out_i[1] = data.ti_gravity_end_min;
if (MPI_Allreduce(out_i, in_i, 2, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_MIN,
error("Failed to aggregate ti_end_min.");
if (in_i[0] != (long long)e->collect_group1.ti_hydro_end_min)
error("Failed to get same ti_hydro_end_min, is %lld, should be %lld",
in_i[0], e->collect_group1.ti_hydro_end_min);
if (in_i[1] != (long long)e->collect_group1.ti_gravity_end_min)
error("Failed to get same ti_gravity_end_min, is %lld, should be %lld",
in_i[1], e->collect_group1.ti_gravity_end_min);
long long in_ll[4], out_ll[4];
out_ll[0] = data.updated;
out_ll[1] = data.g_updated;
out_ll[2] = data.s_updated;
out_ll[3] = data.b_updated;
if (MPI_Allreduce(out_ll, in_ll, 4, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM,
error("Failed to aggregate particle counts.");
if (in_ll[0] != (long long)e->collect_group1.updated)
error("Failed to get same updated, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[0],
if (in_ll[1] != (long long)e->collect_group1.g_updated)
error("Failed to get same g_updated, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[1],
if (in_ll[2] != (long long)e->collect_group1.s_updated)
error("Failed to get same s_updated, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[2],
if (in_ll[3] != (long long)e->collect_group1.b_updated)
error("Failed to get same b_updated, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[3],
out_ll[0] = data.inhibited;
out_ll[1] = data.g_inhibited;
out_ll[2] = data.s_inhibited;
out_ll[3] = data.b_inhibited;
if (MPI_Allreduce(out_ll, in_ll, 4, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM,
error("Failed to aggregate particle counts.");
if (in_ll[0] != (long long)e->collect_group1.inhibited)
error("Failed to get same inhibited, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[0],
if (in_ll[1] != (long long)e->collect_group1.g_inhibited)
error("Failed to get same g_inhibited, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[1],
if (in_ll[2] != (long long)e->collect_group1.s_inhibited)
error("Failed to get same s_inhibited, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[2],
if (in_ll[3] != (long long)e->collect_group1.b_inhibited)
error("Failed to get same b_inhibited, is %lld, should be %lld", in_ll[3],
int buff = 0;
if (MPI_Allreduce(&e->forcerebuild, &buff, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX,
error("Failed to aggregate the rebuild flag across nodes.");
if (!!buff != !!e->collect_group1.forcerebuild)
"Failed to get same rebuild flag from all nodes, is %d,"
"should be %d",
buff, e->collect_group1.forcerebuild);
/* Apply to the engine, if requested. */
if (apply) collectgroup1_apply(&e->collect_group1, e);
if (e->verbose)
message("took %.3f %s.", clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic),
* @brief Mapping function to collect the data from the end of the sub-cycle
* @param map_data The list of cells with tasks on this node.
* @param num_elements The number of elements in the list this thread will work
* on.
* @param extra_data The #engine.
void engine_collect_end_of_sub_cycle_mapper(void *map_data, int num_elements,
void *extra_data) {
struct engine *e = (struct engine *)extra_data;
struct space *s = e->s;
int *local_cells = (int *)map_data;
/* Local collectible */
long long rt_updated = 0LL;
for (int ind = 0; ind < num_elements; ind++) {
struct cell *c = &s->cells_top[local_cells[ind]];
if (c->hydro.count > 0) {
/* Aggregate data */
rt_updated += c->rt.updated;
/* Collected, so clear for next time. */
c->rt.updated = 0;
/* write back to the global data. */
atomic_add(&e->rt_updates, rt_updated);
* @brief Collects additional data at the end of a subcycle.
* This function does not collect any data relevant to the
* time-steps or time integration.
* @param e The #engine.
void engine_collect_end_of_sub_cycle(struct engine *e) {
const ticks tic = getticks();
struct space *s = e->s;
/* Collect information from the local top-level cells */
threadpool_map(&e->threadpool, engine_collect_end_of_sub_cycle_mapper,
s->local_cells_top, s->nr_local_cells, sizeof(int),
threadpool_auto_chunk_size, e);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Aggregate collective data from the different nodes for this step. */
int test;
long long rt_updates_tot = 0ll;
test = MPI_Reduce(&e->rt_updates, &rt_updates_tot, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM,
if (test != MPI_SUCCESS) error("MPI reduce failed");
double global_deadtime = 0.;
test = MPI_Reduce(&e->local_deadtime, &global_deadtime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
if (test != MPI_SUCCESS) error("MPI reduce failed");
/* Overwrite only on rank 0. */
if (e->nodeID == 0) {
e->rt_updates = rt_updates_tot;
e->global_deadtime = global_deadtime;
e->global_deadtime = e->local_deadtime;
if (e->verbose)
message("took %.3f %s.", clocks_from_ticks(getticks() - tic),