* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Pedro Gonnet (pedro.gonnet@durham.ac.uk)
* Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* 2015 Peter W. Draper (p.w.draper@durham.ac.uk)
* Angus Lepper (angus.lepper@ed.ac.uk)
* 2016 John A. Regan (john.a.regan@durham.ac.uk)
* Tom Theuns (tom.theuns@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* MPI headers. */
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* Includes. */
#include "barrier.h"
#include "clocks.h"
#include "collectgroup.h"
#include "ic_info.h"
#include "lightcone/lightcone.h"
#include "lightcone/lightcone_array.h"
#include "mesh_gravity.h"
#include "output_options.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "partition.h"
#include "runner.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "tracers_triggers.h"
#include "units.h"
#include "velociraptor_interface.h"
struct black_holes_properties;
struct extra_io_properties;
struct external_potential;
struct forcing_terms;
* @brief The different policies the #engine can follow.
enum engine_policy {
engine_policy_none = 0,
engine_policy_rand = (1 << 0),
engine_policy_steal = (1 << 1),
engine_policy_keep = (1 << 2),
engine_policy_block = (1 << 3),
engine_policy_cputight = (1 << 4),
engine_policy_mpi = (1 << 5),
engine_policy_setaffinity = (1 << 6),
engine_policy_hydro = (1 << 7),
engine_policy_self_gravity = (1 << 8),
engine_policy_external_gravity = (1 << 9),
engine_policy_cosmology = (1 << 10),
engine_policy_drift_all = (1 << 11),
engine_policy_reconstruct_mpoles = (1 << 12),
engine_policy_temperature = (1 << 13),
engine_policy_cooling = (1 << 14),
engine_policy_stars = (1 << 15),
engine_policy_structure_finding = (1 << 16),
engine_policy_star_formation = (1 << 17),
engine_policy_feedback = (1 << 18),
engine_policy_black_holes = (1 << 19),
engine_policy_fof = (1 << 20),
engine_policy_timestep_limiter = (1 << 21),
engine_policy_timestep_sync = (1 << 22),
engine_policy_csds = (1 << 23),
engine_policy_line_of_sight = (1 << 24),
engine_policy_sinks = (1 << 25),
engine_policy_rt = (1 << 26),
engine_policy_power_spectra = (1 << 27),
engine_policy_grid = (1 << 28),
engine_policy_grid_hydro = (1 << 29),
#define engine_maxpolicy 30
extern const char *engine_policy_names[engine_maxpolicy + 1];
* @brief The different unusual events that can take place in a time-step.
enum engine_step_properties {
engine_step_prop_none = 0,
engine_step_prop_rebuild = (1 << 0),
engine_step_prop_redistribute = (1 << 1),
engine_step_prop_repartition = (1 << 2),
engine_step_prop_statistics = (1 << 3),
engine_step_prop_snapshot = (1 << 4),
engine_step_prop_restarts = (1 << 5),
engine_step_prop_stf = (1 << 6),
engine_step_prop_fof = (1 << 7),
engine_step_prop_mesh = (1 << 8),
engine_step_prop_power_spectra = (1 << 9),
engine_step_prop_done = (1 << 10),
/* Some constants */
#define engine_maxproxies 64
#define engine_tasksreweight 1
#define engine_parts_size_grow 1.05
#define engine_redistribute_alloc_margin_default 1.2
#define engine_rebuild_link_alloc_margin 1.2
#define engine_foreign_alloc_margin_default 1.05
#define engine_default_energy_file_name "statistics"
#define engine_default_timesteps_file_name "timesteps"
#define engine_default_rt_subcycles_file_name "rtsubcycles"
#define engine_max_parts_per_ghost_default 1000
#define engine_max_sparts_per_ghost_default 1000
#define engine_max_parts_per_cooling_default 10000
#define engine_star_resort_task_depth_default 2
#define engine_tasks_per_cell_margin 1.2
#define engine_default_stf_subdir_per_output "."
#define engine_default_snapshot_subdir "."
* @brief The rank of the engine as a global variable (for messages).
extern int engine_rank;
* @brief The current step as a global variable (for messages).
extern int engine_current_step;
/* Data structure for the engine. */
struct engine {
/* Number of task threads on which to run. */
int nr_threads;
/* Number of threadpool threads on which to run. */
int nr_pool_threads;
/* The space with which the runner is associated. */
struct space *s;
/* The runner's threads. */
struct runner *runners;
/* The running policy. */
int policy;
/* The task scheduler. */
struct scheduler sched;
/* Common threadpool for all the engine's tasks. */
struct threadpool threadpool;
/* The minimum and maximum allowed dt */
double dt_min, dt_max;
/* Maximum time-step allowed by the RMS condition in cosmology runs. */
double dt_max_RMS_displacement;
/* Dimensionless factor for the RMS time-step condition. */
double max_RMS_displacement_factor;
/* When computing the max RMS dt, should only the gas particles
* be considered as the baryon component? */
int max_RMS_dt_use_only_gas;
/* Time of the simulation beginning */
double time_begin;
/* Time of the simulation end */
double time_end;
/* The previous system time. */
double time_old;
integertime_t ti_old;
/* The current system time. */
double time;
integertime_t ti_current;
/* The earliest time any particle may still need to be drifted from */
integertime_t ti_earliest_undrifted;
/* The highest active bin at this time */
timebin_t max_active_bin;
/* The lowest active bin at this time */
timebin_t min_active_bin;
/* RT sub-cycling counterparts for timestepping vars */
integertime_t ti_current_subcycle;
timebin_t max_active_bin_subcycle;
timebin_t min_active_bin_subcycle;
/* Maximal number of radiative transfer sub-cycles per hydro step */
int max_nr_rt_subcycles;
/* Time step */
double time_step;
/* Time base */
double time_base;
double time_base_inv;
/* Minimal hydro ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_hydro_end_min;
/* Maximal hydro ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_hydro_end_max;
/* Maximal hydro ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_hydro_beg_max;
/* Minimal rt ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_rt_end_min;
/* Maximal rt ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_rt_beg_max;
/* Minimal gravity ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_gravity_end_min;
/* Maximal gravity ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_gravity_end_max;
/* Maximal gravity ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_gravity_beg_max;
/* Minimal stars ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_stars_end_min;
/* Maximal stars ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_stars_end_max;
/* Maximal stars ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_stars_beg_max;
/* Minimal black holes ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_black_holes_end_min;
/* Maximal black holes ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_black_holes_end_max;
/* Maximal black holes ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_black_holes_beg_max;
/* Minimal sinks ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_sinks_end_min;
/* Maximal sinks ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_sinks_end_max;
/* Maximal sinks ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_sinks_beg_max;
/* Minimal overall ti_end for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_end_min;
/* Maximal overall ti_beg for the next time-step */
integertime_t ti_beg_max;
/* Number of particles updated in the previous step */
long long updates, g_updates, s_updates, b_updates, sink_updates, rt_updates;
/* Number of updates since the last rebuild */
long long updates_since_rebuild;
long long g_updates_since_rebuild;
long long s_updates_since_rebuild;
long long sink_updates_since_rebuild;
long long b_updates_since_rebuild;
/* Star formation logger information */
struct star_formation_history_accumulator sfh;
/* Properties of the previous step */
int step_props;
/* Total numbers of particles in the system. */
long long total_nr_parts;
long long total_nr_gparts;
long long total_nr_sparts;
long long total_nr_sinks;
long long total_nr_bparts;
long long total_nr_DM_background_gparts;
long long total_nr_neutrino_gparts;
/* Total numbers of cells (top-level and sub-cells) in the system. */
long long total_nr_cells;
/* Total numbers of tasks in the system. */
long long total_nr_tasks;
/* The total number of inhibited particles in the system. */
long long nr_inhibited_parts;
long long nr_inhibited_gparts;
long long nr_inhibited_sparts;
long long nr_inhibited_sinks;
long long nr_inhibited_bparts;
/* Total number of particles removed from the system since the last rebuild */
long long count_inhibited_parts;
long long count_inhibited_gparts;
long long count_inhibited_sparts;
long long count_inhibited_bparts;
/* Maximal ID of the parts, *excluding* background particles
* (used for the generation of new IDs when splitting) */
long long max_parts_id;
/* Total mass in the simulation */
double total_mass;
/* Conversion factor between microscopic neutrino mass (eV) and gpart mass */
double neutrino_mass_conversion_factor;
/* The internal system of units */
const struct unit_system *internal_units;
/* Snapshot information */
double a_first_snapshot;
double time_first_snapshot;
double delta_time_snapshot;
/* Output_List for the snapshots */
struct output_list *output_list_snapshots;
/* Integer time of the next snapshot */
integertime_t ti_next_snapshot;
char snapshot_base_name[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
char snapshot_subdir[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
char snapshot_dump_command[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
int snapshot_subsample[swift_type_count];
float snapshot_subsample_fraction[swift_type_count];
int snapshot_run_on_dump;
int snapshot_distributed;
int snapshot_lustre_OST_count;
int snapshot_compression;
int snapshot_invoke_stf;
int snapshot_invoke_fof;
int snapshot_invoke_ps;
struct unit_system *snapshot_units;
int snapshot_use_delta_from_edge;
double snapshot_delta_from_edge;
int snapshot_output_count;
/* Snapshot recording trigger mechanism counters */
double snapshot_recording_triggers_part[num_snapshot_triggers_part];
double snapshot_recording_triggers_desired_part[num_snapshot_triggers_part];
int snapshot_recording_triggers_started_part[num_snapshot_triggers_part];
double snapshot_recording_triggers_spart[num_snapshot_triggers_spart];
double snapshot_recording_triggers_desired_spart[num_snapshot_triggers_spart];
int snapshot_recording_triggers_started_spart[num_snapshot_triggers_spart];
double snapshot_recording_triggers_bpart[num_snapshot_triggers_bpart];
double snapshot_recording_triggers_desired_bpart[num_snapshot_triggers_bpart];
int snapshot_recording_triggers_started_bpart[num_snapshot_triggers_bpart];
/* Metadata from the ICs */
struct ic_info *ics_metadata;
/* Structure finding information */
double a_first_stf_output;
double time_first_stf_output;
double delta_time_stf;
/* Output_List for the structure finding */
struct output_list *output_list_stf;
/* Integer time of the next stf output */
integertime_t ti_next_stf;
char stf_config_file_name[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
char stf_base_name[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
char stf_subdir_per_output[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
int stf_output_count;
/* FoF black holes seeding information */
double a_first_fof_call;
double time_first_fof_call;
double delta_time_fof;
/* Integer time of the next FoF black holes seeding call */
integertime_t ti_next_fof;
/* FOF information */
int run_fof;
int dump_catalogue_when_seeding;
/* power spectrum information */
double a_first_ps_output;
double time_first_ps_output;
double delta_time_ps;
int ps_output_count;
/* Output_List for the power spectrum */
struct output_list *output_list_ps;
/* Integer time of the next ps output */
integertime_t ti_next_ps;
/* Statistics information */
double a_first_statistics;
double time_first_statistics;
double delta_time_statistics;
/* Output_List for the stats */
struct output_list *output_list_stats;
/* Integer time of the next statistics dump */
integertime_t ti_next_stats;
/* File handle for the statistics */
FILE *file_stats;
/* File handle for the timesteps information */
FILE *file_timesteps;
/* File handle for the Radiative Transfer sub-cycling information */
FILE *file_rt_subcycles;
/* File handle for the SFH logger file */
FILE *sfh_logger;
/* The current step number. */
int step;
/* Data for the threads' barrier. */
swift_barrier_t wait_barrier;
swift_barrier_t run_barrier;
/* ID of the node this engine lives on. */
int nr_nodes, nodeID;
/* Proxies for the other nodes in this simulation. */
struct proxy *proxies;
int nr_proxies, *proxy_ind;
/* Tic/toc at the start/end of a step. */
ticks tic_step, toc_step;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/* CPU times that the tasks used in the last step. */
double usertime_last_step;
double systime_last_step;
/* Step of last repartition. */
int last_repartition;
/* Use synchronous redistributes. */
int syncredist;
/* Wallclock time of the last time-step */
float wallclock_time;
/* Are we in the process of restaring a simulation? */
int restarting;
/* Force the engine to rebuild? */
int forcerebuild;
/* Force the engine to repartition ? */
int forcerepart;
struct repartition *reparttype;
/* The Continuous Simulation Data Stream (CSDS) */
struct csds_writer *csds;
/* How many steps have we done with the same set of tasks? */
int tasks_age;
/* Linked list for cell-task association. */
struct link *links;
size_t nr_links, size_links;
/* Average number of tasks per cell. Used to estimate the sizes
* of the various task arrays. Also the maximum from all ranks. */
float tasks_per_cell;
float tasks_per_cell_max;
/* Average number of links per tasks. This number is used before
the creation of communication tasks so needs to be large enough. */
float links_per_tasks;
/* Are we talkative ? */
int verbose;
/* Physical constants definition */
const struct phys_const *physical_constants;
/* The cosmological model */
struct cosmology *cosmology;
/* Properties of the hydro scheme */
struct hydro_props *hydro_properties;
/* Properties of the entropy floor */
const struct entropy_floor_properties *entropy_floor;
/* Properties of the star model */
struct stars_props *stars_properties;
/* Properties of the black hole model */
const struct black_holes_props *black_holes_properties;
/* Properties of the sink model */
const struct sink_props *sink_properties;
/* Properties of the neutrino model */
const struct neutrino_props *neutrino_properties;
/* The linear neutrino response */
struct neutrino_response *neutrino_response;
/* Properties of the self-gravity scheme */
struct gravity_props *gravity_properties;
/* The mesh used for long-range gravity forces */
struct pm_mesh *mesh;
/* Properties and pointers for the power spectrum */
struct power_spectrum_data *power_data;
/* Properties of external gravitational potential */
const struct external_potential *external_potential;
/* Properties of the hydrodynamics forcing terms */
const struct forcing_terms *forcing_terms;
/* Properties of the cooling scheme */
struct cooling_function_data *cooling_func;
/* Properties of the starformation law */
const struct star_formation *star_formation;
/* Properties of the sellar feedback model */
struct feedback_props *feedback_props;
/* Properties of the pressure floor scheme */
struct pressure_floor_props *pressure_floor_props;
/* Properties of the radiative transfer model */
struct rt_props *rt_props;
/* Properties of the chemistry model */
const struct chemistry_global_data *chemistry;
/* Properties used to compute the extra i/o fields */
struct extra_io_properties *io_extra_props;
/*! The FOF properties data. */
struct fof_props *fof_properties;
/* The (parsed) parameter file */
struct swift_params *parameter_file;
/* The output selection options */
struct output_options *output_options;
/* Temporary struct to hold a group of deferable properties (in MPI mode
* these are reduced together, but may not be required just yet). */
struct collectgroup1 collect_group1;
/* Whether to dump restart files. */
int restart_dump;
/* Whether to save previous generation of restart files. */
int restart_save;
/* Whether to dump restart files after the last step. */
int restart_onexit;
/* Number of Lustre OSTs on the system to use as rank-based striping offset */
int restart_lustre_OST_count;
/* Do we free the foreign data before writing restart files? */
int free_foreign_when_dumping_restart;
/* Do we free the foreign data before rebuilding the tree? */
int free_foreign_when_rebuilding;
/* Name of the restart file directory. */
const char *restart_dir;
/* Name of the restart file. */
const char *restart_file;
/* Flag whether we should resubmit on this step? */
int resubmit;
/* Do we want to run the resubmission command once a run reaches the time
* limit? */
int resubmit_after_max_hours;
/* What command should we run to resubmit at the end? */
char resubmit_command[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
/* How often to check for the stop file and dump restarts and exit the
* application. */
int restart_stop_steps;
/* Get the maximal wall-clock time of this run */
float restart_max_hours_runtime;
/* Ticks between restart dumps. */
ticks restart_dt;
/* Time after which next dump will occur. */
ticks restart_next;
/* Maximum number of tasks needed for restarting. */
int restart_max_tasks;
/* The globally agreed runtime, in hours. */
float runtime;
/* The locally accumulated deadtime. */
double local_deadtime;
/* The globally accumulated deadtime. */
double global_deadtime;
/* Time-integration mesh kick to apply to the particle velocities for
* snapshots */
float dt_kick_grav_mesh_for_io;
/* Label of the run */
char run_name[PARSER_MAX_LINE_SIZE];
/* Has there been an stf this timestep? */
char stf_this_timestep;
/* Line of sight properties. */
struct los_props *los_properties;
/* Line of sight properties. */
struct lightcone_array_props *lightcone_array_properties;
/* Line of sight outputs information. */
struct output_list *output_list_los;
double a_first_los;
double time_first_los;
double delta_time_los;
integertime_t ti_next_los;
int los_output_count;
/* Lightcone information */
int flush_lightcone_maps;
/* Run brute force checks only on steps when all gparts active? */
int force_checks_only_all_active;
/* Run brute force checks only during snapshot timesteps? */
int force_checks_only_at_snapshots;
/* Are all gparts active this timestep? */
int all_gparts_active;
/* Flag to tell brute force checks a snapshot was recently written. */
int force_checks_snapshot_flag;
/* Function prototypes, engine.c. */
void engine_addlink(struct engine *e, struct link **l, struct task *t);
void engine_barrier(struct engine *e);
void engine_compute_next_snapshot_time(struct engine *e, const int restart);
void engine_compute_next_stf_time(struct engine *e);
void engine_compute_next_fof_time(struct engine *e);
void engine_compute_next_statistics_time(struct engine *e);
void engine_compute_next_los_time(struct engine *e);
void engine_compute_next_ps_time(struct engine *e);
void engine_recompute_displacement_constraint(struct engine *e);
void engine_unskip(struct engine *e);
void engine_unskip_rt_sub_cycle(struct engine *e);
void engine_drift_all(struct engine *e, const int drift_mpoles);
void engine_drift_top_multipoles(struct engine *e);
void engine_reconstruct_multipoles(struct engine *e);
void engine_allocate_foreign_particles(struct engine *e, const int fof);
void engine_print_stats(struct engine *e);
void engine_io(struct engine *e);
void engine_io_check_snapshot_triggers(struct engine *e);
void engine_collect_end_of_step(struct engine *e, int apply);
void engine_collect_end_of_sub_cycle(struct engine *e);
void engine_dump_snapshot(struct engine *e, const int fof);
void engine_run_on_dump(struct engine *e);
void engine_init_output_lists(struct engine *e, struct swift_params *params,
const struct output_options *output_options);
void engine_init(
struct engine *e, struct space *s, struct swift_params *params,
struct output_options *output_options, long long Ngas, long long Ngparts,
long long Nsinks, long long Nstars, long long Nblackholes,
long long Nbackground_gparts, long long Nnuparts, int policy, int verbose,
const struct unit_system *internal_units,
const struct phys_const *physical_constants, struct cosmology *cosmo,
struct hydro_props *hydro,
const struct entropy_floor_properties *entropy_floor,
struct gravity_props *gravity, struct stars_props *stars,
const struct black_holes_props *black_holes, const struct sink_props *sinks,
const struct neutrino_props *neutrinos,
struct neutrino_response *neutrino_response,
struct feedback_props *feedback,
struct pressure_floor_props *pressure_floor, struct rt_props *rt,
struct pm_mesh *mesh, struct power_spectrum_data *pow_data,
const struct external_potential *potential,
const struct forcing_terms *forcing_terms,
struct cooling_function_data *cooling_func,
const struct star_formation *starform,
const struct chemistry_global_data *chemistry,
struct extra_io_properties *io_extra_props,
struct fof_props *fof_properties, struct los_props *los_properties,
struct lightcone_array_props *lightcone_array_properties,
struct ic_info *ics_metadata);
void engine_config(int restart, int fof, struct engine *e,
struct swift_params *params, int nr_nodes, int nodeID,
int nr_task_threads, int nr_pool_threads, int with_aff,
int verbose, const char *restart_dir,
const char *restart_file, struct repartition *reparttype);
void engine_launch(struct engine *e, const char *call);
int engine_prepare(struct engine *e);
void engine_run_rt_sub_cycles(struct engine *e);
void engine_init_particles(struct engine *e, int flag_entropy_ICs,
int clean_h_values);
int engine_step(struct engine *e);
void engine_split(struct engine *e, struct partition *initial_partition);
void engine_exchange_strays(struct engine *e, const size_t offset_parts,
const int *ind_part, size_t *Npart,
const size_t offset_gparts, const int *ind_gpart,
size_t *Ngpart, const size_t offset_sparts,
const int *ind_spart, size_t *Nspart,
const size_t offset_bparts, const int *ind_bpart,
size_t *Nbpart, const size_t offset_sinks,
const int *ind_sink, size_t *Nsink);
void engine_rebuild(struct engine *e, int redistributed, int clean_h_values);
void engine_repartition(struct engine *e);
void engine_repartition_trigger(struct engine *e);
void engine_makeproxies(struct engine *e);
void engine_redistribute(struct engine *e);
void engine_print_policy(struct engine *e);
int engine_is_done(struct engine *e);
void engine_pin(void);
void engine_unpin(void);
void engine_clean(struct engine *e, const int fof, const int restart);
int engine_estimate_nr_tasks(const struct engine *e);
void engine_print_task_counts(const struct engine *e);
void engine_fof(struct engine *e, const int dump_results,
const int dump_debug_results, const int seed_black_holes,
const int foreign_buffers_allocated);
void engine_activate_gpart_comms(struct engine *e);
void engine_activate_fof_attach_tasks(struct engine *e);
/* Function prototypes, engine_maketasks.c. */
void engine_maketasks(struct engine *e);
/* Function prototypes, engine_maketasks.c. */
void engine_make_fof_tasks(struct engine *e);
/* Function prototypes, engine_split_particles.c. */
void engine_split_gas_particles(struct engine *e);
void engine_init_split_gas_particles(struct engine *e);
cpu_set_t *engine_entry_affinity(void);
void engine_numa_policies(int rank, int verbose);
/* Struct dump/restore support. */
void engine_struct_dump(struct engine *e, FILE *stream);
void engine_struct_restore(struct engine *e, FILE *stream);
int engine_dump_restarts(struct engine *e, int drifted_all, int force);
/* dev/debug */
void engine_dump_diagnostic_data(struct engine *e);
#endif /* SWIFT_ENGINE_H */