* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2017 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local includes. */
#include "parser.h"
#include "physical_constants.h"
#include "timeline.h"
#include "units.h"
* @brief Cosmological parameters
struct cosmology {
/*! Current expansion factor of the Universe */
double a;
/*! Inverse of the current expansion factor of the Universe */
double a_inv;
/*! Inverse square of the current expansion factor of the Universe */
double a2_inv;
/*! Inverse cube of the current expansion factor of the Universe */
double a3_inv;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for internal energy conversion to physical
double a_factor_internal_energy;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for pressure conversion to physical */
double a_factor_pressure;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for sound-speed conversion to physical */
double a_factor_sound_speed;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for relative velocities in visc. terms */
double a_factor_mu;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for epsilon term in the Balsara switch */
double a_factor_Balsara_eps;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for gravity accelerations */
double a_factor_grav_accel;
/*! Power of the scale-factor used for hydro accelerations */
double a_factor_hydro_accel;
/*! Current redshift */
double z;
/*! Hubble constant at the current redshift (in internal units) */
double H;
/*! The critical density at the current redshift (in internal physical units)
double critical_density;
/*! The critical density at redshift 0 (in internal physical units) */
double critical_density_0;
/*! The mean density at the current redshift (in internal physical units) */
double mean_density;
/*! The mean matter density at the current redshift (in internal physical
* units) */
double mean_density_Omega_m;
/*! The mean baryonic density at the current redshift (in internal physical
* units) */
double mean_density_Omega_b;
/*! Over-density for virialised haloes at the current redshift
* from the Bryan & Norman 1998 fit */
double overdensity_BN98;
/*! Conversion factor from internal time-step size to cosmological step */
double time_step_factor;
/*! Expansion rate at the current redshift (in internal units) */
double a_dot;
/*! Time (in internal units) since the Big Bang */
double time;
/*! Lookback time (in internal units) */
double lookback_time;
/*! Dark-energy equation of state at the current time */
double w;
/*! Scale-factor at the previous time-step */
double a_old;
/*! Redshift at the previous time-step */
double z_old;
/*------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*! Starting expansion factor */
double a_begin;
/*! Final expansion factor */
double a_end;
/*! Time (in internal units) since the Big Bang at the start */
double time_begin;
/*! Time (in internal units) since the Big Bang at the end */
double time_end;
/*! Conversion factor from integer time-line to \f$ d\log{a} \f$ */
double time_base;
/*! Inverse of conversion factor from integer time-line to \f$ d\log{a} \f$ */
double time_base_inv;
/*! Reduced Hubble constant (H0 / (100km/s/Mpc)) */
double h;
/*! Hubble constant at z = 0 (in internal units) */
double H0;
/*! Hubble time 1/H0 */
double Hubble_time;
/*! Cold Dark Matter density parameter */
double Omega_cdm;
/*! Baryon density parameter */
double Omega_b;
/*! Cosmological constant density parameter */
double Omega_lambda;
/*! Total radiation density parameter (photons and other relics) */
double Omega_r;
/*! CMB radiation density parameter (Omega_gamma) */
double Omega_g;
/*! Massive neutrino density parameter */
double Omega_nu;
/*! Massive neutrino density parameter at z=0 */
double Omega_nu_0;
/*! Ultra-relativistic species (e.g. massless neutrinos) density parameter */
double Omega_ur;
/*! Curvature density parameter */
double Omega_k;
/*! Dark-energy equation of state at z=0 */
double w_0;
/*! Dark-energy evolution parameter */
double w_a;
/*! CMB temperature at z = 0 implied by cosmology (internal units) */
double T_CMB_0;
/*! CMB temperature at z = 0 implied by cosmology (Kelvins) */
double T_CMB_0_K;
/*! Neutrino temperature at z = 0 (internal units) */
double T_nu_0;
/* Neutrino temperature at z = 0 (electron-volts) */
double T_nu_0_eV;
/*! Number of massive neutrino species */
int N_nu;
/*! Number of ultra-relativistic species (excluding massive neutrinos) */
double N_ur;
/*! Effective number of relativistic species (including massive neutrinos) */
double N_eff;
/*! Mass of each massive neutrino species in electron-volts */
double *M_nu_eV;
/*! Degeneracy of each massive neutrino species */
double *deg_nu;
/*! Sum of massive neutrino degeneracies */
double deg_nu_tot;
/*! Log of starting expansion factor for neutrino interpolation tables */
double log_a_long_begin;
/*! Log of midpoint expansion factor for neutrino interpolation tables */
double log_a_long_mid;
/*! Log of ending expansion factor for neutrino interpolation tables */
double log_a_long_end;
/*! Log of starting expansion factor */
double log_a_begin;
/*! Log of final expansion factor */
double log_a_end;
/*! Speed of light (internal units) */
double const_speed_light_c;
/*! Drift factor interpolation table */
double *drift_fac_interp_table;
/*! Kick factor (gravity) interpolation table */
double *grav_kick_fac_interp_table;
/*! Kick factor (hydro) interpolation table */
double *hydro_kick_fac_interp_table;
/*! Kick factor (hydro correction) interpolation table (GIZMO-MFV only) */
double *hydro_kick_corr_interp_table;
/*! Time interpolation table */
double *time_interp_table;
/*! Scale factor interpolation table */
double *scale_factor_interp_table;
/*! Comoving distance interpolation table */
double *comoving_distance_interp_table;
/*! Comoving distance from present day (a=1) to a_end */
double comoving_distance_interp_table_offset;
/*! Comoving distance from a_start to a_end */
double comoving_distance_start_to_end;
/*! Comoving distance inverse interpolation table */
double *comoving_distance_inverse_interp_table;
/*! Massive neutrino density interpolation table at early times */
double *neutrino_density_early_table;
/*! Massive neutrino density interpolation table at late times */
double *neutrino_density_late_table;
/*! Time between Big Bang and first entry in the table */
double time_interp_table_offset;
/*! Time between Big Bang and last entry in the table */
double time_interp_table_max;
/*! Time at the present-day (a=1) */
double universe_age_at_present_day;
void cosmology_update(struct cosmology *c, const struct phys_const *phys_const,
integertime_t ti_current);
double cosmology_get_drift_factor(const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const integertime_t ti_start,
const integertime_t ti_end);
double cosmology_get_grav_kick_factor(const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const integertime_t ti_start,
const integertime_t ti_end);
double cosmology_get_hydro_kick_factor(const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const integertime_t ti_start,
const integertime_t ti_end);
double cosmology_get_therm_kick_factor(const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const integertime_t ti_start,
const integertime_t ti_end);
double cosmology_get_corr_kick_factor(const struct cosmology *cosmo,
const integertime_t ti_start,
const integertime_t ti_end);
double cosmology_get_delta_time(const struct cosmology *c,
const integertime_t ti_start,
const integertime_t ti_end);
double cosmology_get_neutrino_density(const struct cosmology *c, double a);
double cosmology_get_delta_time_from_scale_factors(const struct cosmology *c,
const double a_start,
const double a_end);
double cosmology_get_timebase(struct cosmology *c,
const integertime_t ti_current);
double cosmology_get_scale_factor(const struct cosmology *cosmo, double t);
double cosmology_get_comoving_distance(const struct cosmology *c,
const double a);
double cosmology_scale_factor_at_comoving_distance(const struct cosmology *c,
double r);
double cosmology_get_time_since_big_bang(const struct cosmology *c, double a);
void cosmology_init(struct swift_params *params, const struct unit_system *us,
const struct phys_const *phys_const, struct cosmology *c);
void cosmology_init_no_cosmo(struct cosmology *c);
void cosmology_print(const struct cosmology *c);
void cosmology_clean(struct cosmology *c);
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
void cosmology_write_model(hid_t h_grp, const struct cosmology *c);
/* Dump/restore. */
void cosmology_struct_dump(const struct cosmology *cosmology, FILE *stream);
void cosmology_struct_restore(int enabled, struct cosmology *cosmology,
FILE *stream);
#endif /* SWIFT_COSMOLOGY_H */