* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* skip deprecation warnings. I cleaned old API calls. */
/* include grackle */
* @file src/cooling/grackle/cooling_properties.h
* @brief Empty infrastructure for the cases without cooling function
* @brief Properties of the cooling function.
struct cooling_function_data {
/*! Filename of the Cloudy Table */
char cloudy_table[200];
/*! Enable/Disable UV backgroud */
int with_uv_background;
/*! Chemistry network */
int primordial_chemistry;
/*! Set the three-body reaction rate (see grackle documentation) */
int H2_three_body_rate;
/*! Enable/disable H2 collision-induced emission cooling from Ripamonti & Abel
* (2004) */
int H2_cie_cooling;
/*! Flag to enable H2 formation on dust grains */
int H2_on_dust;
/*! The ratio of total dust mass to gas mass in the local Universe. */
double local_dust_to_gas_ratio;
/*! Enable/disable CMB temperature floor */
int cmb_temperature_floor;
/*! Redshift to use for the UV backgroud (-1 to use cosmological one) */
double redshift;
/*! unit system */
code_units units;
/*! grackle chemistry data */
chemistry_data chemistry_data;
/*! grackle chemistry data storage
* (needed for local function calls) */
chemistry_data_storage chemistry_rates;
/*! Enable/Disable metal cooling */
int with_metal_cooling;
/*! Arrays of ionization and heating rates are provided */
int use_radiative_transfer;
/*! Grackle RT_heating_rate (in IU) */
float RT_heating_rate;
/*! Grackle RT_HI_ionization_rate (in IU) */
float RT_HI_ionization_rate;
/*! Grackle RT_HeI_ionization_rate (in IU) */
float RT_HeI_ionization_rate;
/*! Grackle RT_HeII_ionization_rate (in IU) */
float RT_HeII_ionization_rate;
/*! Grackle RT_H2_dissociation_rate (in IU) */
float RT_H2_dissociation_rate;
/*! Volumetric heating rates */
float volumetric_heating_rates;
/*! Specific heating rates */
float specific_heating_rates;
/*! Hydrogen fraction by mass */
float HydrogenFractionByMass;
/*! initial nHII to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nHII_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nHeI to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nHeI_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nHeII to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nHeII_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nHeIII to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nHeIII_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nDI to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nDI_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nDII to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nDII_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nHM to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nHM_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nH2I to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nH2I_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nH2II to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nH2II_to_nH_ratio;
/*! initial nHDI to nH ratio (number density ratio) */
float initial_nHDI_to_nH_ratio;
/*! Self shielding method (1 -> 3 for grackle's ones, 0 for none and -1 for
* GEAR) */
int self_shielding_method;
/*! Self shielding threshold */
float self_shielding_threshold;
/*! convergence limit for first init */
float convergence_limit;
/*! number of step max for first init */
int max_step;
/*! over relaxation parameter */
float omega;
/*! Duration for switching off cooling after an event (e.g. supernovae) */
double thermal_time;
/*! Maximal allowed density for cooling (in internal units). */
double cooling_density_max;