* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* @file src/cooling/grackle/cooling.c
* @brief Cooling using the GRACKLE 3.1.1 library.
/* Include header */
#include "cooling.h"
/* Some standard headers. */
/* The grackle library itself */
/* Local includes. */
#include "chemistry.h"
#include "cooling_io.h"
#include "entropy_floor.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "hydro.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "physical_constants.h"
#include "units.h"
/* need to rework (and check) code if changed */
#define GRACKLE_RANK 3
gr_float cooling_new_energy(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_properties,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, double dt,
double dt_therm);
gr_float cooling_time(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_properties,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp);
double cooling_get_physical_density(
const struct part* p, const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling);
* @brief Record the time when cooling was switched off for a particle.
* @param p #part data.
* @param xp Pointer to the #xpart data.
* @param time The time when the cooling was switched off.
INLINE void cooling_set_part_time_cooling_off(struct part* p, struct xpart* xp,
const double time) {
xp->cooling_data.time_last_event = time;
* @brief Common operations performed on the cooling function at a
* given time-step or redshift.
* @param phys_const The #phys_const.
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
* @param pressure_floor Properties of the pressure floor.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param s The #space containing all the particles.
* @param time The current system time
void cooling_update(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct pressure_floor_props* pressure_floor,
struct cooling_function_data* cooling, struct space* s,
const double time) {
/* set current time */
if (cooling->redshift == -1)
cooling->units.a_value = cosmo->a;
cooling->units.a_value = 1. / (1. + cooling->redshift);
* @brief Print the chemical network
* @param xp The #xpart to print
void cooling_print_fractions(const struct xpart* restrict xp) {
const struct cooling_xpart_data tmp = xp->cooling_data;
message("HI %g, HII %g, HeI %g, HeII %g, HeIII %g, e %g", tmp.HI_frac,
tmp.HII_frac, tmp.HeI_frac, tmp.HeII_frac, tmp.HeIII_frac,
message("HM %g, H2I %g, H2II %g", tmp.HM_frac, tmp.H2I_frac, tmp.H2II_frac);
message("DI %g, DII %g, HDI %g", tmp.DI_frac, tmp.DII_frac, tmp.HDI_frac);
message("Metal: %g", tmp.metal_frac);
* @brief Check if the difference of a given field is lower than limit
* @param xp First #xpart
* @param old Second #xpart
* @param field The field to check
* @param limit Difference limit
* @return 0 if diff > limit
#define cooling_check_field(xp, old, field, limit) \
({ \
float tmp = xp->cooling_data.field - old->cooling_data.field; \
tmp = fabs(tmp) / xp->cooling_data.field; \
if (tmp > limit) return 0; \
* @brief Check if difference between two particles is lower than a given value
* @param xp One of the #xpart
* @param old The other #xpart
* @param limit The difference limit
int cooling_converged(const struct xpart* restrict xp,
const struct xpart* restrict old, const float limit) {
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HI_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HII_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HeI_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HeII_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HeIII_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, e_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HM_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, H2I_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, H2II_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, DI_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, DII_frac, limit);
cooling_check_field(xp, old, HDI_frac, limit);
return 1;
* @brief Compute equilibrium fraction
* @param phys_const The #phys_const.
* @param us The #unit_system.
* @param hydro_properties The #hydro_props.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology
* @param cooling The properties of the cooling function.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the extended particle data.
void cooling_compute_equilibrium(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_properties,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp) {
* @brief Sets the cooling properties of the (x-)particles to a valid start
* state.
* @param phys_const The #phys_const.
* @param us The #unit_system.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology.
* @param cooling The properties of the cooling function.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the extended particle data.
void cooling_first_init_part(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp) {
xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy = 0.f;
xp->cooling_data.time_last_event = -cooling->thermal_time;
gr_float zero = 1.e-20;
/* NOTE: if the ratio with respect to hydrogen is given, use it. Instead,
* we assume neutral gas.
* A better determination of the abundances can be done in
* cooling_post_init_part */
/* Compute nH (formally divided by the gas density and assuming the proton
* mass to be one) */
double nH = 1.0;
if (grackle_data != NULL) {
nH = grackle_data->HydrogenFractionByMass;
/* Compute nHe (formally divided by the gas density and assuming the proton
* mass to be one) */
double nHe = 0.0;
if (grackle_data != NULL) {
nHe = (1.f - grackle_data->HydrogenFractionByMass) / 4.f;
/* Electron density */
double ne = zero;
/* Sum of mass fraction (to test its consistency) */
double Xtot = 0.f;
/* primordial chemistry >= 1 */
/* Hydrogen I */
if (cooling->initial_nHII_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f)
xp->cooling_data.HI_frac = nH * (1.f - cooling->initial_nHII_to_nH_ratio);
xp->cooling_data.HI_frac = nH;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HI_frac;
/* Hydrogen II */
if (cooling->initial_nHII_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nHII = nH * cooling->initial_nHII_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.HII_frac = nHII;
ne += nHII;
} else
xp->cooling_data.HII_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HII_frac;
/* Helium I */
if (cooling->initial_nHeI_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nHeI = nH * cooling->initial_nHeI_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.HeI_frac = nHeI * 4.f;
} else
xp->cooling_data.HeI_frac = nHe * 4.f;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HeI_frac;
/* Helium II */
if (cooling->initial_nHeII_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nHeII = nH * cooling->initial_nHeII_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.HeII_frac = nHeII * 4.f;
ne += nHeII;
} else
xp->cooling_data.HeII_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HeII_frac;
/* Helium III */
if (cooling->initial_nHeIII_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nHeIII = nH * cooling->initial_nHeIII_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.HeIII_frac = nHeIII * 4.f;
ne += 2.f * nHeIII;
} else
xp->cooling_data.HeIII_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HeIII_frac;
/* electron mass fraction (multiplied by the proton mass (Grackle convention)
xp->cooling_data.e_frac = ne;
#endif // MODE >= 1
/* primordial chemistry >= 2 */
/* Hydrogen- */
if (cooling->initial_nHM_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nHM = nH * cooling->initial_nHM_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.HM_frac = nHM;
ne -= nHM;
} else
xp->cooling_data.HM_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HM_frac;
/* H2I */
if (cooling->initial_nH2I_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nH2I = nH * cooling->initial_nH2I_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.H2I_frac = nH2I * 2.f;
} else
xp->cooling_data.H2I_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.H2I_frac;
/* H2II */
if (cooling->initial_nH2II_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nH2II = nH * cooling->initial_nH2II_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.H2II_frac = nH2II * 2.f;
ne += nH2II;
} else
xp->cooling_data.H2II_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.H2II_frac;
/* electron mass fraction (multiplied by the proton mass (Grackle convention)
xp->cooling_data.e_frac = ne;
#endif // MODE >= 2
/* primordial chemistry >= 3 */
/* Deuterium I */
if (cooling->initial_nDI_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nDI = nH * cooling->initial_nDI_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.DI_frac = nDI * 2.f;
} else {
if (grackle_data != NULL) {
xp->cooling_data.DI_frac = grackle_data->DeuteriumToHydrogenRatio *
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.DI_frac;
/* Deuterium II */
if (cooling->initial_nDII_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nDII = nH * cooling->initial_nDII_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.DII_frac = nDII * 2.f;
ne += nDII;
} else
xp->cooling_data.DII_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.DII_frac;
/* HD I */
if (cooling->initial_nHDI_to_nH_ratio >= 0.f) {
double nHDI = nH * cooling->initial_nHDI_to_nH_ratio;
xp->cooling_data.HDI_frac = nHDI * 3.f;
} else
xp->cooling_data.HDI_frac = zero;
Xtot += xp->cooling_data.HDI_frac;
/* electron mass fraction (multiplied by the proton mass (Grackle convention)
xp->cooling_data.e_frac = ne;
if (fabs(Xtot - 1.0) > 1e-3)
error("Got total mass fraction of gas = %.6g", Xtot);
#endif // MODE >= 3
* @brief Sets the cooling properties of the (x-)particles to a valid start
* state. The function requires the density to be defined and thus must
* be called after its computation.
* @param phys_const The #phys_const.
* @param us The #unit_system.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology.
* @param cooling The properties of the cooling function.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the extended particle data.
void cooling_post_init_part(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp) {
// const float rho = hydro_get_physical_density(p, cosmo);
// const float energy = hydro_get_physical_internal_energy(p, xp, cosmo);
// message("rho = %g energy = %g",rho,energy);
/* The function below currently does nothing. Will have to be updated. */
cooling_compute_equilibrium(phys_const, us, hydro_props, cosmo, cooling, p,
* @brief Returns the total radiated energy by this particle.
* @param xp The extended particle data
float cooling_get_radiated_energy(const struct xpart* xp) {
return xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy;
* @brief Prints the properties of the cooling model to stdout.
* @param cooling The properties of the cooling function.
void cooling_print_backend(const struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
if (engine_rank != 0) {
message("Cooling function is 'Grackle'.");
message("Using Grackle = %i", cooling->chemistry_data.use_grackle);
message("Chemical network = %i",
message("CloudyTable = %s", cooling->cloudy_table);
message("Redshift = %g", cooling->redshift);
message("UV background = %d", cooling->with_uv_background);
message("Metal cooling = %i", cooling->chemistry_data.metal_cooling);
message("Self Shielding = %i", cooling->self_shielding_method);
message("Maximal density = %e", cooling->cooling_density_max);
if (cooling->self_shielding_method == -1) {
message("Self Shelding density = %g", cooling->self_shielding_threshold);
message("Thermal time = %g", cooling->thermal_time);
message("Specific Heating Rates = %g", cooling->specific_heating_rates);
message("Volumetric Heating Rates = %g", cooling->volumetric_heating_rates);
message("grackle_chemistry_data.RT_heating_rate = %g",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.RT_HI_ionization_rate = %g",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.RT_HeI_ionization_rate = %g",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.RT_HeII_ionization_rate = %g",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.RT_H2_dissociation_rate = %g",
message("cooling.initial_nHII_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nHeI_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nHeII_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nHeIII_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nDI_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nDII_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nHM_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nH2I_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nH2II_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("cooling.initial_nHDI_to_nH_ratio= %g",
message("\tComoving = %i", cooling->units.comoving_coordinates);
message("\tLength = %g", cooling->units.length_units);
message("\tDensity = %g", cooling->units.density_units);
message("\tTime = %g", cooling->units.time_units);
message("\tScale Factor = %g (units: %g)", cooling->units.a_value,
message("Grackle parameters:");
message("grackle_chemistry_data.use_grackle = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.with_radiative_cooling %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.primordial_chemistry = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.three_body_rate = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.cmb_temperature_floor = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.cie_cooling = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.dust_chemistry = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.metal_cooling = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.UVbackground = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.CaseBRecombination = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.grackle_data_file = %s",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.use_radiative_transfer = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.use_volumetric_heating_rate = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.use_specific_heating_rate = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.self_shielding_method = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.HydrogenFractionByMass = %.3g",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.Gamma = %.6g", cooling->chemistry_data.Gamma);
message("grackle_chemistry_data.cie_cooling = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.three_body_rate = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.h2_on_dust = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.use_dust_density_field = %d",
message("grackle_chemistry_data.local_dust_to_gas_ratio = %.3g",
* @brief copy a #xpart to the grackle data
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part
* @param xp The #xpart
* @param rho Particle density
void cooling_copy_to_grackle1(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12]) {
/* HI */
species_densities[0] = xp->cooling_data.HI_frac * rho;
data->HI_density = &species_densities[0];
/* HII */
species_densities[1] = xp->cooling_data.HII_frac * rho;
data->HII_density = &species_densities[1];
/* HeI */
species_densities[2] = xp->cooling_data.HeI_frac * rho;
data->HeI_density = &species_densities[2];
/* HeII */
species_densities[3] = xp->cooling_data.HeII_frac * rho;
data->HeII_density = &species_densities[3];
/* HeIII */
species_densities[4] = xp->cooling_data.HeIII_frac * rho;
data->HeIII_density = &species_densities[4];
/* HeII */
species_densities[5] = xp->cooling_data.e_frac * rho;
data->e_density = &species_densities[5];
void cooling_copy_to_grackle1(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12]) {
data->HI_density = NULL;
data->HII_density = NULL;
data->HeI_density = NULL;
data->HeII_density = NULL;
data->HeIII_density = NULL;
data->e_density = NULL;
* @brief copy a #xpart to the grackle data
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part
* @param xp The #xpart
* @param rho Particle density
void cooling_copy_to_grackle2(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12]) {
/* HM */
species_densities[6] = xp->cooling_data.HM_frac * rho;
data->HM_density = &species_densities[6];
/* H2I */
species_densities[7] = xp->cooling_data.H2I_frac * rho;
data->H2I_density = &species_densities[7];
/* H2II */
species_densities[8] = xp->cooling_data.H2II_frac * rho;
data->H2II_density = &species_densities[8];
void cooling_copy_to_grackle2(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12]) {
data->HM_density = NULL;
data->H2I_density = NULL;
data->H2II_density = NULL;
* @brief copy a #xpart to the grackle data
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part
* @param xp The #xpart
* @param rho Particle density
void cooling_copy_to_grackle3(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12]) {
/* DI */
species_densities[9] = xp->cooling_data.DI_frac * rho;
data->DI_density = &species_densities[9];
/* DII */
species_densities[10] = xp->cooling_data.DII_frac * rho;
data->DII_density = &species_densities[10];
/* HDI */
species_densities[11] = xp->cooling_data.HDI_frac * rho;
data->HDI_density = &species_densities[11];
void cooling_copy_to_grackle3(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12]) {
data->DI_density = NULL;
data->DII_density = NULL;
data->HDI_density = NULL;
* @brief copy the grackle data to a #xpart
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart.
* @param rho The particle density.
void cooling_copy_from_grackle1(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho) {
/* HI */
xp->cooling_data.HI_frac = *data->HI_density / rho;
/* HII */
xp->cooling_data.HII_frac = *data->HII_density / rho;
/* HeI */
xp->cooling_data.HeI_frac = *data->HeI_density / rho;
/* HeII */
xp->cooling_data.HeII_frac = *data->HeII_density / rho;
/* HeIII */
xp->cooling_data.HeIII_frac = *data->HeIII_density / rho;
/* e */
xp->cooling_data.e_frac = *data->e_density / rho;
void cooling_copy_from_grackle1(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho) {}
* @brief copy the grackle data to a #xpart.
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart.
* @param rho The particle density.
void cooling_copy_from_grackle2(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho) {
/* HM */
xp->cooling_data.HM_frac = *data->HM_density / rho;
/* H2I */
xp->cooling_data.H2I_frac = *data->H2I_density / rho;
/* H2II */
xp->cooling_data.H2II_frac = *data->H2II_density / rho;
void cooling_copy_from_grackle2(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho) {}
* @brief copy the grackle data to a #xpart
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart.
* @param rho The particle density.
void cooling_copy_from_grackle3(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho) {
/* DI */
xp->cooling_data.DI_frac = *data->DI_density / rho;
/* DII */
xp->cooling_data.DII_frac = *data->DII_density / rho;
/* HDI */
xp->cooling_data.HDI_frac = *data->HDI_density / rho;
void cooling_copy_from_grackle3(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho) {}
* @brief copy a #xpart to the grackle data
* Warning this function creates some variable, therefore the grackle call
* should be in a block that still has the variables.
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart.
* @param rho The particle density.
void cooling_copy_to_grackle(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
gr_float species_densities[12],
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct phys_const* phys_const) {
const float time_units = cooling->units.time_units;
cooling_copy_to_grackle1(data, p, xp, rho, species_densities);
cooling_copy_to_grackle2(data, p, xp, rho, species_densities);
cooling_copy_to_grackle3(data, p, xp, rho, species_densities);
if (cooling->chemistry_data.use_volumetric_heating_rate) {
gr_float* volumetric_heating_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*volumetric_heating_rate = cooling->volumetric_heating_rates;
data->volumetric_heating_rate = volumetric_heating_rate;
if (cooling->chemistry_data.use_specific_heating_rate) {
gr_float* specific_heating_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*specific_heating_rate = cooling->specific_heating_rates;
data->specific_heating_rate = specific_heating_rate;
if (cooling->chemistry_data.use_radiative_transfer) {
/* heating rate */
gr_float* RT_heating_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*RT_heating_rate = cooling->RT_heating_rate;
/* Note to self:
* If cooling->RT_heating_rate is computed properly, i.e. using
* the HI density, and then being HI density dependent, we need
* to divide it as follow. If it is assumed to be already normed
* as it is so when providing it via some parameters, we keep it
* unchanged.
/* Grackle wants heating rate in units of / nHI_cgs */
// const double nHI_cgs = species_densities[0]
// / phys_const->const_proton_mass
// / pow(length_units,3);
//*RT_heating_rate /= nHI_cgs;
data->RT_heating_rate = RT_heating_rate;
/* HI ionization rate */
gr_float* RT_HI_ionization_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*RT_HI_ionization_rate = cooling->RT_HI_ionization_rate;
/* Grackle wants it in 1/internal_time_units */
*RT_HI_ionization_rate /= (1. / time_units);
data->RT_HI_ionization_rate = RT_HI_ionization_rate;
/* HeI ionization rate */
gr_float* RT_HeI_ionization_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*RT_HeI_ionization_rate = cooling->RT_HeI_ionization_rate;
/* Grackle wants it in 1/internal_time_units */
*RT_HeI_ionization_rate /= (1. / time_units);
data->RT_HeI_ionization_rate = RT_HeI_ionization_rate;
/* HeII ionization rate */
gr_float* RT_HeII_ionization_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*RT_HeII_ionization_rate = cooling->RT_HeII_ionization_rate;
/* Grackle wants it in 1/internal_time_units */
*RT_HeII_ionization_rate /= (1. / time_units);
data->RT_HeII_ionization_rate = RT_HeII_ionization_rate;
/* H2 ionization rate */
gr_float* RT_H2_dissociation_rate = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*RT_H2_dissociation_rate = cooling->RT_H2_dissociation_rate;
/* Grackle wants it in 1/internal_time_units */
*RT_H2_dissociation_rate /= (1. / time_units);
data->RT_H2_dissociation_rate = RT_H2_dissociation_rate;
} else {
data->volumetric_heating_rate = NULL;
data->specific_heating_rate = NULL;
data->RT_heating_rate = NULL;
data->RT_HI_ionization_rate = NULL;
data->RT_HeI_ionization_rate = NULL;
data->RT_HeII_ionization_rate = NULL;
data->RT_H2_dissociation_rate = NULL;
gr_float* metal_density = (gr_float*)malloc(sizeof(gr_float));
*metal_density = chemistry_get_total_metal_mass_fraction_for_cooling(p) * rho;
data->metal_density = metal_density;
* @brief copy a #xpart to the grackle data
* Warning this function creates some variable, therefore the grackle call
* should be in a block that still has the variables.
* @param data The grackle_field_data structure from grackle.
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart.
* @param rho The particle density.
void cooling_copy_from_grackle(grackle_field_data* data, const struct part* p,
struct xpart* xp, gr_float rho,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
cooling_copy_from_grackle1(data, p, xp, rho);
cooling_copy_from_grackle2(data, p, xp, rho);
cooling_copy_from_grackle3(data, p, xp, rho);
if (cooling->chemistry_data.use_volumetric_heating_rate)
if (cooling->chemistry_data.use_specific_heating_rate)
if (cooling->chemistry_data.use_radiative_transfer) {
* @brief Apply the self shielding (if needed) by turning on/off the UV
* background.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param chemistry The chemistry_data structure from grackle.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology.
void cooling_apply_self_shielding(
const struct cooling_function_data* restrict cooling,
chemistry_data* restrict chemistry, const struct part* restrict p,
const struct cosmology* cosmo) {
/* Are we using self shielding or UV background? */
if (!cooling->with_uv_background || cooling->self_shielding_method >= 0) {
/* Are we in a self shielding regime? */
const float rho = hydro_get_physical_density(p, cosmo);
if (rho > cooling->self_shielding_threshold) {
chemistry->UVbackground = 0;
} else {
chemistry->UVbackground = 1;
* @brief Compute the energy of a particle after dt and update the particle
* chemistry data
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the particle extra data
* @param dt The time-step of this particle.
* @param dt_therm The time-step operator used for thermal quantities.
* @return du / dt
gr_float cooling_new_energy(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, double dt,
double dt_therm) {
/* set current time */
code_units units = cooling->units;
chemistry_data chemistry_grackle = cooling->chemistry_data;
chemistry_data_storage rates_grackle = cooling->chemistry_rates;
/* initialize data */
grackle_field_data data;
/* set values */
/* grid */
int grid_dimension[GRACKLE_RANK] = {GRACKLE_NPART, 1, 1};
int grid_start[GRACKLE_RANK] = {0, 0, 0};
int grid_end[GRACKLE_RANK] = {GRACKLE_NPART - 1, 0, 0};
data.grid_dx = 0.;
data.grid_rank = GRACKLE_RANK;
data.grid_dimension = grid_dimension;
data.grid_start = grid_start;
data.grid_end = grid_end;
/* general particle data */
gr_float density = cooling_get_physical_density(p, cosmo, cooling);
gr_float energy = hydro_get_physical_internal_energy(p, xp, cosmo) +
dt_therm * hydro_get_physical_internal_energy_dt(p, cosmo);
energy = max(energy, hydro_props->minimal_internal_energy);
/* keep this array here so you can point to and from it in
* copy to/from grackle */
gr_float species_densities[12];
/* initialize density */
data.density = &density;
/* initialize energy */
data.internal_energy = &energy;
/* grackle 3.0 doc: "Currently not used" */
data.x_velocity = NULL;
data.y_velocity = NULL;
data.z_velocity = NULL;
/* copy to grackle structure */
cooling_copy_to_grackle(&data, p, xp, density, species_densities, cooling,
/* Apply the self shielding if requested */
cooling_apply_self_shielding(cooling, &chemistry_grackle, p, cosmo);
/* solve chemistry */
if (local_solve_chemistry(&chemistry_grackle, &rates_grackle, &units, &data,
dt) == 0) {
error("Error in solve_chemistry.");
/* copy from grackle data to particle */
cooling_copy_from_grackle(&data, p, xp, density, cooling);
return energy;
* @brief Compute the cooling time
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the particle extra data
* @return cooling time
gr_float cooling_time(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, struct xpart* xp) {
/* set current time */
code_units units = cooling->units;
/* initialize data */
grackle_field_data data;
chemistry_data chemistry_grackle = cooling->chemistry_data;
chemistry_data_storage rates_grackle = cooling->chemistry_rates;
/* set values */
/* grid */
int grid_dimension[GRACKLE_RANK] = {GRACKLE_NPART, 1, 1};
int grid_start[GRACKLE_RANK] = {0, 0, 0};
int grid_end[GRACKLE_RANK] = {GRACKLE_NPART - 1, 0, 0};
data.grid_rank = GRACKLE_RANK;
data.grid_dimension = grid_dimension;
data.grid_start = grid_start;
data.grid_end = grid_end;
/* general particle data */
gr_float density = cooling_get_physical_density(p, cosmo, cooling);
gr_float energy = hydro_get_physical_internal_energy(p, xp, cosmo);
energy = max(energy, hydro_props->minimal_internal_energy);
/* initialize density */
data.density = &density;
/* initialize energy */
data.internal_energy = &energy;
/* grackle 3.0 doc: "Currently not used" */
data.x_velocity = NULL;
data.y_velocity = NULL;
data.z_velocity = NULL;
gr_float species_densities[12];
/* copy data from particle to grackle data */
cooling_copy_to_grackle(&data, p, xp, density, species_densities, cooling,
/* Apply the self shielding if requested */
cooling_apply_self_shielding(cooling, &chemistry_grackle, p, cosmo);
/* Compute cooling time */
gr_float cooling_time;
if (local_calculate_cooling_time(&chemistry_grackle, &rates_grackle, &units,
&data, &cooling_time) == 0) {
error("Error in calculate_cooling_time.");
/* copy from grackle data to particle */
cooling_copy_from_grackle(&data, p, xp, density, cooling);
/* compute rate */
return cooling_time;
* @brief Apply the cooling function to a particle.
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param cosmo The current cosmological model.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param floor_props Properties of the entropy floor.
* @param pressure_floor Properties of the pressure floor.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the particle' extended data.
* @param dt The time-step of this particle.
* @param dt_therm The time-step operator used for thermal quantities.
* @param time The current time (since the Big Bang or start of the run) in
* internal units.
void cooling_cool_part(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct entropy_floor_properties* floor_props,
const struct pressure_floor_props* pressure_floor,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, const double dt,
const double dt_therm, const double time) {
/* Nothing to do here? */
if (dt == 0.) return;
/* Current energy */
const float u_old = hydro_get_physical_internal_energy(p, xp, cosmo);
/* Energy after the adiabatic cooling */
float u_ad_before =
u_old + dt_therm * hydro_get_physical_internal_energy_dt(p, cosmo);
/* We now need to check that we are not going to go below any of the limits */
const double u_minimal = hydro_props->minimal_internal_energy;
if (u_ad_before < u_minimal) {
u_ad_before = u_minimal;
const float du_dt = (u_ad_before - u_old) / dt_therm;
hydro_set_physical_internal_energy_dt(p, cosmo, du_dt);
/* Calculate energy after dt */
gr_float u_new = 0;
/* Is the cooling turn off */
if (time - xp->cooling_data.time_last_event < cooling->thermal_time) {
u_new = u_ad_before;
} else {
u_new = cooling_new_energy(phys_const, us, cosmo, hydro_props, cooling, p,
xp, dt, dt_therm);
/* Get the change in internal energy due to hydro forces */
float hydro_du_dt = hydro_get_physical_internal_energy_dt(p, cosmo);
/* We now need to check that we are not going to go below any of the limits */
u_new = max(u_new, u_minimal);
/* Calculate the cooling rate */
float cool_du_dt = (u_new - u_ad_before) / dt_therm;
float du_dt = cool_du_dt + hydro_du_dt;
/* Update the internal energy time derivative */
hydro_set_physical_internal_energy_dt(p, cosmo, du_dt);
/* Store the radiated energy */
xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy -= hydro_get_mass(p) * cool_du_dt * dt_therm;
* @brief Compute the temperature of a #part based on the cooling function.
* @param phys_const #phys_const data structure.
* @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param cosmo #cosmology data structure.
* @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct.
* @param p #part data.
* @param xp Pointer to the #xpart data.
float cooling_get_temperature(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) {
// TODO use the grackle library
/* Physical constants */
const double m_H = phys_const->const_proton_mass;
const double k_B = phys_const->const_boltzmann_k;
/* Gas properties */
const double T_transition = hydro_props->hydrogen_ionization_temperature;
const double mu_neutral = hydro_props->mu_neutral;
const double mu_ionised = hydro_props->mu_ionised;
/* Particle temperature */
const double u = hydro_get_drifted_physical_internal_energy(p, cosmo);
/* Temperature over mean molecular weight */
const double T_over_mu = hydro_gamma_minus_one * u * m_H / k_B;
/* Are we above or below the HII -> HI transition? */
if (T_over_mu > (T_transition + 1.) / mu_ionised)
return T_over_mu * mu_ionised;
else if (T_over_mu < (T_transition - 1.) / mu_neutral)
return T_over_mu * mu_neutral;
return T_transition;
* @brief Compute the y-Compton contribution of a #part based on the cooling
* function.
* Does not exist in this model. We return 0.
* @param phys_const #phys_const data structure.
* @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param cosmo #cosmology data structure.
* @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct.
* @param p #part data.
* @param xp Pointer to the #xpart data.
double Cooling_get_ycompton(const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) {
return 0.;
* @brief Computes the cooling time-step.
* We return FLT_MAX so as to impose no limit on the time-step.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param cosmo The #cosmology.
* @param us The internal system of units.
* @param hydro_props The #hydro_props.
* @param p Pointer to the particle data.
* @param xp Pointer to the particle extra data
float cooling_timestep(const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) {
return FLT_MAX;
* @brief Split the coolong content of a particle into n pieces
* @param p The #part.
* @param xp The #xpart.
* @param n The number of pieces to split into.
void cooling_split_part(struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, double n) {
error("Loic: to be implemented");
* @brief Initialises the cooling unit system.
* @param us The current internal system of units.
* @param phys_const The #phys_const.
* @param cooling The cooling properties to initialize
void cooling_init_units(const struct unit_system* us,
const struct phys_const* phys_const,
struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
/* These are conversions from code units to cgs. */
/* first cosmo */
cooling->units.a_units = 1.0; // units for the expansion factor
cooling->units.a_value = 1.0;
/* We assume here all physical quantities to
be in proper coordinate (not comobile) */
cooling->units.comoving_coordinates = 0;
/* then units */
cooling->units.density_units =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_DENSITY);
cooling->units.length_units =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_LENGTH);
cooling->units.time_units = units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_TIME);
cooling->units.velocity_units =
units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_VELOCITY);
/* Self shielding */
if (cooling->self_shielding_method == -1) {
cooling->self_shielding_threshold *=
phys_const->const_proton_mass *
pow(units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_LENGTH), 3.);
* @brief Initialises Grackle.
* @param cooling The cooling properties to initialize
void cooling_init_grackle(struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
/* Enable verbose for grackle for rank 0 only. */
if (engine_rank == 0) {
grackle_verbose = 1;
chemistry_data* chemistry = &cooling->chemistry_data;
/* Create a chemistry object for parameters and rate data. */
if (set_default_chemistry_parameters(chemistry) == 0) {
error("Error in set_default_chemistry_parameters.");
// Set parameter values for chemistry.
chemistry->use_grackle = 1;
chemistry->with_radiative_cooling = 1;
/* molecular network with H, He, D
From Cloudy table */
chemistry->primordial_chemistry = cooling->primordial_chemistry;
chemistry->metal_cooling = cooling->with_metal_cooling;
chemistry->UVbackground = cooling->with_uv_background;
chemistry->three_body_rate = cooling->H2_three_body_rate;
chemistry->cmb_temperature_floor = cooling->cmb_temperature_floor;
chemistry->cie_cooling = cooling->H2_cie_cooling;
chemistry->h2_on_dust = cooling->H2_on_dust;
chemistry->grackle_data_file = cooling->cloudy_table;
if (cooling->local_dust_to_gas_ratio > 0)
chemistry->local_dust_to_gas_ratio = cooling->local_dust_to_gas_ratio;
/* radiative transfer */
if (cooling->use_radiative_transfer)
"The parameter use_radiative_transfer cannot be set to 1 in Grackle "
"mode 0 !");
chemistry->use_radiative_transfer = cooling->use_radiative_transfer;
if (cooling->volumetric_heating_rates > 0)
chemistry->use_volumetric_heating_rate = 1;
if (cooling->specific_heating_rates > 0)
chemistry->use_specific_heating_rate = 1;
/* hydrogen fraction by mass */
chemistry->HydrogenFractionByMass = cooling->HydrogenFractionByMass;
/* use the Case B recombination rates */
chemistry->CaseBRecombination = 1;
if (cooling->specific_heating_rates > 0 &&
cooling->volumetric_heating_rates > 0)
"You should specified either the specific or the volumetric "
"heating rates, not both");
/* self shielding */
if (cooling->self_shielding_method <= 0)
chemistry->self_shielding_method = 0;
chemistry->self_shielding_method = cooling->self_shielding_method;
if (local_initialize_chemistry_data(&cooling->chemistry_data,
&cooling->units) == 0) {
error("Error in initialize_chemistry_data");
* @brief Initialises the cooling properties.
* @param parameter_file The parsed parameter file.
* @param us The current internal system of units.
* @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units.
* @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme.
* @param cooling The cooling properties to initialize
void cooling_init_backend(struct swift_params* parameter_file,
const struct unit_system* us,
const struct phys_const* phys_const,
const struct hydro_props* hydro_props,
struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
error("Grackle with multiple particles not implemented");
/* read parameters */
cooling_read_parameters(parameter_file, cooling, phys_const, us);
/* Set up the units system. */
cooling_init_units(us, phys_const, cooling);
/* Set up grackle */
* @brief Clean-up the memory allocated for the cooling routines
* @param cooling the cooling data structure.
void cooling_clean(struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
/* Clean up grackle data. This is a call to a grackle function */
* @brief Write a cooling struct to the given FILE as a stream of bytes.
* Nothing to do beyond writing the structure from the stream.
* @param cooling the struct
* @param stream the file stream
void cooling_struct_dump(const struct cooling_function_data* cooling,
FILE* stream) {
restart_write_blocks((void*)cooling, sizeof(struct cooling_function_data), 1,
stream, "cooling", "cooling function");
* @brief Restore a hydro_props struct from the given FILE as a stream of
* bytes.
* Nothing to do beyond reading the structure from the stream.
* @param cooling the struct
* @param stream the file stream
* @param cosmo #cosmology structure
void cooling_struct_restore(struct cooling_function_data* cooling, FILE* stream,
const struct cosmology* cosmo) {
restart_read_blocks((void*)cooling, sizeof(struct cooling_function_data), 1,
stream, NULL, "cooling function");
/* Set up grackle */
* @brief Get the density of the #part. If the density is bigger than
* cooling_density_max, then we floor the density to this value.
* This function ensures that we pass to grackle a density value that is not
* to big to ensure good working of grackle.
* Note: This function is called in cooling_time() and cooling_new_energy().
* @param p #part data.
* @param cosmo #cosmology data structure.
* @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct.
double cooling_get_physical_density(
const struct part* p, const struct cosmology* cosmo,
const struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {
const double part_density = hydro_get_physical_density(p, cosmo);
const double cooling_max_density = cooling->cooling_density_max;
if (cooling_max_density > 0.0 && part_density > cooling_max_density) {
"Gas particle %lld physical density (%e) is higher than the maximal "
"physical density set in the parameter files (%e).",
p->id, part_density, cooling_max_density);
/* Maximal density cooling is defined */
if (cooling_max_density > 0.0) {
return fminf(part_density, cooling_max_density);
/* else ( if cooling_max_density <= 0) we do not want to use a density
threshold, then return the part density. */
return part_density;