/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of SWIFT. * Copyright (c) 2018 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl) * Stefan Arridge (stefan.arridge@durham.ac.uk) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SWIFT_COOLING_CONST_LAMBDA_H #define SWIFT_COOLING_CONST_LAMBDA_H /** * @file src/cooling/const_lambda/cooling.h * @brief Routines related to the "constant lambda" cooling function. * * This model assumes a constant cooling rate Lambda irrespective of redshift * or density. */ /* Config parameters. */ #include /* Some standard headers. */ #include #include /* Local includes. */ #include "cooling_properties.h" #include "cosmology.h" #include "entropy_floor.h" #include "error.h" #include "hydro.h" #include "parser.h" #include "part.h" #include "physical_constants.h" #include "units.h" /** * @brief Common operations performed on the cooling function at a * given time-step or redshift. * * @param cosmo The current cosmological model. * @param pressure_floor The properties of the pressure floor. * @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run. * @param s The #space containing all the particles. * @param time The current system time */ INLINE static void cooling_update( const struct phys_const* phys_const, const struct cosmology* cosmo, const struct pressure_floor_props* pressure_floor, struct cooling_function_data* cooling, struct space* s, const double time) { // Add content if required. } /** * @brief Calculates du/dt in CGS units for a particle. * * The cooling rate is \f$\frac{du}{dt} = -\frac{\Lambda}{n_H^2} * \frac{n_H^2}{\rho} \f$, where \f$ \frac{\Lambda}{n_H^2} \f$ is a constant in * this model (lambda_nH2_cgs in #cooling_function_data). * The returned value is in physical [erg * g^-1 * s^-1]. * * @param cosmo The current cosmological model. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run. * @param p Pointer to the particle data. * @return The change in energy per unit mass due to cooling for this particle * in cgs units [erg * g^-1 * s^-1]. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double cooling_rate_cgs( const struct cosmology* cosmo, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct cooling_function_data* cooling, const struct part* p) { /* Get particle density [g * cm^-3] */ const double rho = hydro_get_physical_density(p, cosmo); const double rho_cgs = rho * cooling->conv_factor_density_to_cgs; /* Get Hydrogen mass fraction */ const double X_H = hydro_props->hydrogen_mass_fraction; /* Hydrogen number density (X_H * rho / m_p) [cm^-3] */ const double n_H_cgs = X_H * rho_cgs * cooling->proton_mass_cgs_inv; /* Calculate du_dt ((Lambda / n_H^2) * n_H^2 / rho) */ const double du_dt_cgs = -cooling->lambda_nH2_cgs * n_H_cgs * n_H_cgs / rho_cgs; return du_dt_cgs; } /** * @brief Apply the cooling function to a particle. * * @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units. * @param us The internal system of units. * @param cosmo The current cosmological model. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param floor_props Properties of the entropy floor. * @param pressure_floor The properties of the pressure floor. * @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run. * @param p Pointer to the particle data. * @param xp Pointer to the particle' extended data. * @param dt The time-step of this particle. * @param dt_therm The time-step operator used for thermal quantities. * @param time Time since Big Bang (or start of the simulation) in internal * units. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cooling_cool_part( const struct phys_const* phys_const, const struct unit_system* us, const struct cosmology* cosmo, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct entropy_floor_properties* floor_props, const struct pressure_floor_props* pressure_floor, const struct cooling_function_data* cooling, struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, const float dt, const float dt_therm, const double time) { /* Nothing to do here? */ if (dt == 0.) return; /* Current energy (in internal units) */ const float u_old_com = hydro_get_comoving_internal_energy(p, xp); /* Y' = RHS of the comoving equation for du/dt that will be integrated forward in time using dt_therm */ const float hydro_du_dt_com = hydro_get_comoving_internal_energy_dt(p); /* Calculate cooling du_dt (in cgs units) */ const double cooling_du_dt_cgs = cooling_rate_cgs(cosmo, hydro_props, cooling, p); /* Convert to internal units */ const float cooling_du_dt_physical = cooling_du_dt_cgs * cooling->conv_factor_energy_rate_from_cgs; /* Add cosmological term to get Y_cooling' */ const float cooling_du_dt = cooling_du_dt_physical * cosmo->a * cosmo->a / cosmo->a_factor_internal_energy; /* Y_total' */ float total_du_dt = hydro_du_dt_com + cooling_du_dt; /* We now need to check that we are not going to go below any of the limits */ /* Limit imposed by the entropy floor (comoving) * (Recall entropy is the same in physical and comoving frames) */ const float A_floor_com = entropy_floor(p, cosmo, floor_props); const float rho_com = hydro_get_comoving_density(p); const float u_floor_com = gas_internal_energy_from_entropy(rho_com, A_floor_com); /* Absolute minimum */ const float u_minimal_com = hydro_props->minimal_internal_energy / cosmo->a_factor_internal_energy; /* Largest of both limits */ const float u_limit_com = max(u_minimal_com, u_floor_com); /* First, check whether we may end up below the minimal energy after * this step 1/2 kick + another 1/2 kick that could potentially be for * a time-step twice as big. We hence check for 1.5 delta_t. */ if (u_old_com + total_du_dt * 1.5 * dt_therm < u_limit_com) { total_du_dt = (u_limit_com - u_old_com) / (1.5f * dt_therm); } /* Second, check whether the energy used in the prediction could get negative. * We need to check for the 1/2 dt kick followed by a full time-step drift * that could potentially be for a time-step twice as big. We hence check * for 2.5 delta_t but this time against 0 energy not the minimum */ if (u_old_com + total_du_dt * 2.5 * dt_therm < 0.) { total_du_dt = -u_old_com / ((2.5f + 0.0001f) * dt_therm); } if (cooling->rapid_cooling) { const float u_new_com = u_old_com + total_du_dt * dt_therm; const float u_new_phys = u_new_com * cosmo->a_factor_internal_energy; hydro_set_physical_internal_energy(p, xp, cosmo, u_new_phys); hydro_set_drifted_physical_internal_energy(p, cosmo, pressure_floor, u_new_phys); hydro_set_physical_internal_energy_dt(p, cosmo, 0.); } else { /* Update the internal energy time derivative */ hydro_set_comoving_internal_energy_dt(p, total_du_dt); } const float actual_cooling_du_dt = total_du_dt - hydro_du_dt_com; const float actual_cooling_du_dt_physical = actual_cooling_du_dt / cosmo->a / cosmo->a * cosmo->a_factor_internal_energy; /* Store the radiated energy (assuming dt will not change) */ xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy += -hydro_get_mass(p) * actual_cooling_du_dt_physical * dt; } /** * @brief Computes the time-step due to cooling for this particle. * * We compute a time-step \f$ \alpha \frac{u}{du/dt} \f$ in physical * coordinates. \f$\alpha\f$ is a parameter of the cooling function. * * @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run. * @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units. * @param cosmo The current cosmological model. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param us The internal system of units. * @param p Pointer to the particle data. * @param xp Pointer to the extended data of the particle. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float cooling_timestep( const struct cooling_function_data* restrict cooling, const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const, const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo, const struct unit_system* restrict us, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct part* restrict p, const struct xpart* restrict xp) { /* Start with the case where there is no limit */ if (cooling->cooling_tstep_mult == FLT_MAX) return FLT_MAX; /* Get current internal energy and cooling rate */ const float u = hydro_get_physical_internal_energy(p, xp, cosmo); const double cooling_du_dt_cgs = cooling_rate_cgs(cosmo, hydro_props, cooling, p); /* Convert to internal units */ const float cooling_du_dt = cooling_du_dt_cgs * cooling->conv_factor_energy_rate_from_cgs / cosmo->a_factor_internal_energy; /* If we are close to (or below) the limit, we ignore the condition */ if (u < 1.01f * hydro_props->minimal_internal_energy || cooling_du_dt == 0.f) return FLT_MAX; else return cooling->cooling_tstep_mult * u / fabsf(cooling_du_dt); } /** * @brief Compute the electron pressure of a #part based on the cooling * function. * * Does not exist in this model. We return 0. * * @param phys_const #phys_const data structure. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param us The internal system of units. * @param cosmo #cosmology data structure. * @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct. * @param p #part data. * @param xp Pointer to the #xpart data. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double cooling_get_electron_pressure(const struct phys_const* phys_const, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct unit_system* us, const struct cosmology* cosmo, const struct cooling_function_data* cooling, const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) { return 0; } /** * @brief Compute the y-Compton contribution of a #part based on the cooling * function. * * Does not exist in this model. We return 0. * * @param phys_const #phys_const data structure. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param us The internal system of units. * @param cosmo #cosmology data structure. * @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct. * @param p #part data. * @param xp Pointer to the #xpart data. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static double cooling_get_ycompton( const struct phys_const* phys_const, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct unit_system* us, const struct cosmology* cosmo, const struct cooling_function_data* cooling, const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) { error("This cooling model does not compute Compton Y!"); return 0.; } /** * @brief Sets the cooling properties of the (x-)particles to a valid start * state. * * Nothing to do here. Just set the radiated energy counter to 0. * * @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units. * @param cooling The properties of the cooling function. * @param us The internal system of units. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param cosmo The current cosmological model. * @param p Pointer to the particle data. * @param xp Pointer to the extended particle data. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cooling_first_init_part( const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const, const struct unit_system* restrict us, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo, const struct cooling_function_data* restrict cooling, const struct part* restrict p, struct xpart* restrict xp) { xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy = 0.f; } /** * @brief Perform additional init on the cooling properties of the * (x-)particles that requires the density to be known. * * Nothing to do here. * * @param phys_const The physical constant in internal units. * @param us The unit system. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param cosmo The current cosmological model. * @param cooling The properties of the cooling function. * @param p Pointer to the particle data. * @param xp Pointer to the extended particle data. */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void cooling_post_init_part( const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const, const struct unit_system* restrict us, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo, const struct cooling_function_data* cooling, const struct part* restrict p, struct xpart* restrict xp) {} /** * @brief Compute the temperature of a #part based on the cooling function. * * @param phys_const #phys_const data structure. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param us The internal system of units. * @param cosmo #cosmology data structure. * @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct. * @param p #part data. * @param xp Pointer to the #xpart data. */ INLINE static float cooling_get_temperature( const struct phys_const* restrict phys_const, const struct hydro_props* restrict hydro_props, const struct unit_system* restrict us, const struct cosmology* restrict cosmo, const struct cooling_function_data* restrict cooling, const struct part* restrict p, const struct xpart* restrict xp) { /* Physical constants */ const double m_H = phys_const->const_proton_mass; const double k_B = phys_const->const_boltzmann_k; /* Gas properties */ const double T_transition = hydro_props->hydrogen_ionization_temperature; const double mu_neutral = hydro_props->mu_neutral; const double mu_ionised = hydro_props->mu_ionised; /* Particle temperature */ const double u = hydro_get_drifted_physical_internal_energy(p, cosmo); /* Temperature over mean molecular weight */ const double T_over_mu = hydro_gamma_minus_one * u * m_H / k_B; /* Are we above or below the HII -> HI transition? */ if (T_over_mu > (T_transition + 1.) / mu_ionised) return T_over_mu * mu_ionised; else if (T_over_mu < (T_transition - 1.) / mu_neutral) return T_over_mu * mu_neutral; else return T_transition; } /** * @brief Returns the subgrid temperature of a particle. * * This model has no subgrid quantity. We return an error. * * @param p The particle. * @param xp The extended particle data. */ INLINE static float cooling_get_subgrid_temperature(const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) { error("This cooling model does not use subgrid quantities!"); return -1.f; } /** * @brief Returns the subgrid density of a particle. * * This model has no subgrid quantity. We return an error. * * @param p The particle. * @param xp The extended particle data. */ INLINE static float cooling_get_subgrid_density(const struct part* p, const struct xpart* xp) { error("This cooling model does not use subgrid quantities!"); return -1.f; } /** * @brief Returns the total radiated energy by this particle. * * @param xp The extended particle data */ __attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static float cooling_get_radiated_energy( const struct xpart* restrict xp) { return xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy; } /** * @brief Split the coolong content of a particle into n pieces * * @param p The #part. * @param xp The #xpart. * @param n The number of pieces to split into. */ static INLINE void cooling_split_part(struct part* p, struct xpart* xp, double n) { xp->cooling_data.radiated_energy /= n; } /** * @brief Initialises the cooling properties. * * @param parameter_file The parsed parameter file. * @param us The current internal system of units. * @param phys_const The physical constants in internal units. * @param hydro_props The properties of the hydro scheme. * @param cooling The cooling properties to initialize */ static INLINE void cooling_init_backend(struct swift_params* parameter_file, const struct unit_system* us, const struct phys_const* phys_const, const struct hydro_props* hydro_props, struct cooling_function_data* cooling) { /* Read in the cooling parameters */ cooling->lambda_nH2_cgs = parser_get_param_double(parameter_file, "LambdaCooling:lambda_nH2_cgs"); cooling->cooling_tstep_mult = parser_get_opt_param_float( parameter_file, "LambdaCooling:cooling_tstep_mult", FLT_MAX); cooling->rapid_cooling = parser_get_opt_param_int( parameter_file, "LambdaCooling:rapid_cooling", 0); /* Some useful conversion values */ cooling->conv_factor_density_to_cgs = units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_DENSITY); cooling->conv_factor_energy_rate_from_cgs = units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_TIME) / units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_ENERGY_PER_UNIT_MASS); /* Useful constants */ cooling->proton_mass_cgs_inv = 1. / (phys_const->const_proton_mass * units_cgs_conversion_factor(us, UNIT_CONV_MASS)); } /** * @brief Restore cooling tables (if applicable) after * restart * * Nothing to do here * * @param cooling the cooling_function_data structure * @param cosmo cosmology structure */ static INLINE void cooling_restore_tables(struct cooling_function_data* cooling, const struct cosmology* cosmo) {} /** * @brief Prints the properties of the cooling model to stdout. * * @param cooling The properties of the cooling function. */ static INLINE void cooling_print_backend( const struct cooling_function_data* cooling) { message( "Cooling function is 'Constant lambda' with Lambda/n_H^2=%g [erg * s^-1 " "* " "cm^3]", cooling->lambda_nH2_cgs); message("Lambda/n_H^2=%g [internal units]", cooling->lambda_nH2_cgs * cooling->conv_factor_energy_rate_from_cgs); if (cooling->cooling_tstep_mult == FLT_MAX) message("Cooling function time-step size is unlimited"); else message("Cooling function time-step size limited to %f of u/(du/dt)", cooling->cooling_tstep_mult); if (cooling->rapid_cooling) { message("Using rapid cooling"); } else { message("Using normal cooling"); } } /** * @brief Clean-up the memory allocated for the cooling routines * * @param cooling the cooling data structure. */ static INLINE void cooling_clean(struct cooling_function_data* cooling) {} /** * @brief Write a cooling struct to the given FILE as a stream of bytes. * * Nothing to do beyond writing the structure from the stream. * * @param cooling the struct * @param stream the file stream */ static INLINE void cooling_struct_dump( const struct cooling_function_data* cooling, FILE* stream) { restart_write_blocks((void*)cooling, sizeof(struct cooling_function_data), 1, stream, "cooling", "cooling function"); } /** * @brief Restore a hydro_props struct from the given FILE as a stream of * bytes. * * Nothing to do beyond reading the structure from the stream. * * @param cooling the struct * @param stream the file stream * @param cosmo #cosmology structure */ static INLINE void cooling_struct_restore(struct cooling_function_data* cooling, FILE* stream, const struct cosmology* cosmo) { restart_read_blocks((void*)cooling, sizeof(struct cooling_function_data), 1, stream, NULL, "cooling function"); } #endif /* SWIFT_COOLING_CONST_LAMBDA_H */