* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2017 Matthieu Schaller (schaller@strw.leidenuniv.nl)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local includes. */
#include "cooling_tables.h"
#include "exp10.h"
#include "interpolate.h"
* @brief Compute ratio of mass fraction to solar mass fraction
* for each element carried by a given particle.
* The solar abundances are taken from the tables themselves.
* In this Quick Lyman-alpha model, we only care about H and He,
* which are taken from the code's constants.
* We also re-order the elements such that they match the order of the
* tables. This is [H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe].
* The solar abundances table (from the cooling struct) is arranged as
* [H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe].
* @param p Pointer to #part struct.
* @param cooling #cooling_function_data struct.
* @param ratio_solar (return) Array of ratios to solar abundances.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE static void abundance_ratio_to_solar(
const struct part *p, const struct cooling_function_data *cooling,
const struct phys_const *phys_const,
float ratio_solar[qla_eagle_cooling_N_abundances]) {
const float XH = 1. - phys_const->const_primordial_He_fraction;
const float XHe = phys_const->const_primordial_He_fraction;
ratio_solar[0] = XH * cooling->SolarAbundances_inv[0 /* H */];
ratio_solar[1] = XHe * cooling->SolarAbundances_inv[1 /* He */];
/* No metals... */
ratio_solar[2] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[3] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[4] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[5] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[6] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[7] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[8] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[9] = 0.f;
ratio_solar[10] = 0.f;
* @brief Computes the extra heat from Helium reionisation at a given redshift.
* We follow the implementation of Wiersma et al. 2009, MNRAS, 399, 574-600,
* section. 2. The calculation returns energy in CGS.
* Note that delta_z is negative.
* @param z The current redshift.
* @param delta_z The change in redhsift over the course of this time-step.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @return Helium reionization energy in CGS units.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE double
const double z, const double delta_z,
const struct cooling_function_data *cooling) {
if (delta_z > 0.f) error("Invalid value for delta_z. Should be negative.");
/* Recover the values we need */
const double z_centre = cooling->He_reion_z_centre;
const double z_sigma = cooling->He_reion_z_sigma;
const double heat_cgs = cooling->He_reion_heat_cgs;
double extra_heat = 0.;
/* Integral of the Gaussian between z and z - delta_z */
extra_heat += erf((z - delta_z - z_centre) / (M_SQRT2 * z_sigma));
extra_heat -= erf((z - z_centre) / (M_SQRT2 * z_sigma));
/* Multiply by the normalisation factor */
extra_heat *= heat_cgs * 0.5;
return extra_heat;
* @brief Computes the log_10 of the temperature corresponding to a given
* internal energy, hydrogen number density, Helium fraction and redshift.
* Note that the redshift is implicitly passed in via the currently loaded
* tables in the #cooling_function_data.
* For the low-z case, we interpolate the flattened 4D table 'u_to_temp' that
* is arranged in the following way:
* - 1st dim: redshift, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts
* - 2nd dim: Hydrogen density, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_density
* - 3rd dim: Helium fraction, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac
* - 4th dim: Internal energy, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature
* For the high-z case, we interpolate the flattened 3D table 'u_to_temp' that
* is arranged in the following way:
* - 1st dim: Hydrogen density, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_density
* - 2nd dim: Helium fraction, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac
* - 3rd dim: Internal energy, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature
* @param log_10_u_cgs Log base 10 of internal energy in cgs.
* @param redshift Current redshift.
* @param n_H_index Index along the Hydrogen density dimension.
* @param He_index Index along the Helium fraction dimension.
* @param d_n_H Offset between Hydrogen density and table[n_H_index].
* @param d_He Offset between helium fraction and table[He_index].
* @param cooling #cooling_function_data structure.
* @return log_10 of the temperature.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE double qla_eagle_convert_u_to_temp(
const double log_10_u_cgs, const float redshift, const int n_H_index,
const int He_index, const float d_n_H, const float d_He,
const struct cooling_function_data *cooling) {
/* Get index of u along the internal energy axis */
int u_index;
float d_u;
get_index_1d(cooling->Therm, qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature, log_10_u_cgs,
&u_index, &d_u);
/* Interpolate temperature table to return temperature for current
* internal energy (use 3D interpolation for high redshift table,
* otherwise 4D) */
float log_10_T;
if (redshift > cooling->Redshifts[qla_eagle_cooling_N_redshifts - 1]) {
log_10_T = interpolation_3d(cooling->table.temperature, /* */
n_H_index, He_index, u_index, /* */
d_n_H, d_He, d_u, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
} else {
log_10_T =
interpolation_4d(cooling->table.temperature, /* */
/*z_index=*/0, n_H_index, He_index, u_index, /* */
cooling->dz, d_n_H, d_He, d_u, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
/* Special case for temperatures below the start of the table */
if (u_index == 0 && d_u == 0.f) {
/* The temperature is multiplied by u / 10^T[0]
* where T[0] is the first entry in the table */
log_10_T += log_10_u_cgs - cooling->Temp[0];
return log_10_T;
* @brief Compute the Compton cooling rate from the CMB at a given
* redshift, electron abundance, temperature and Hydrogen density.
* Uses an analytic formula.
* @param cooling The #cooling_function_data used in the run.
* @param redshift The current redshift.
* @param n_H_cgs The Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param temperature The temperature.
* @param electron_abundance The electron abundance.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE double qla_eagle_Compton_cooling_rate(
const struct cooling_function_data *cooling, const double redshift,
const double n_H_cgs, const double temperature,
const double electron_abundance) {
const double zp1 = 1. + redshift;
const double zp1p2 = zp1 * zp1;
const double zp1p4 = zp1p2 * zp1p2;
/* CMB temperature at this redshift */
const double T_CMB = cooling->T_CMB_0 * zp1;
/* Compton cooling rate */
return cooling->compton_rate_cgs * (temperature - T_CMB) * zp1p4 *
electron_abundance / n_H_cgs;
* @brief Computes the cooling rate corresponding to a given internal energy,
* hydrogen number density, Helium fraction, redshift and metallicity from
* all the possible channels.
* 1) Metal-free cooling:
* We interpolate the flattened 4D table 'H_and_He_net_heating' that is
* arranged in the following way:
* - 1st dim: redshift, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts
* - 2nd dim: Hydrogen density, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_density
* - 3rd dim: Helium fraction, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac
* - 4th dim: Internal energy, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature
* 2) Electron abundance
* We compute the electron abundance by interpolating the flattened 4d table
* 'H_and_He_electron_abundance' that is arranged in the following way:
* - 1st dim: redshift, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts
* - 2nd dim: Hydrogen density, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_density
* - 3rd dim: Helium fraction, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac
* - 4th dim: Internal energy, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature
* 3) Compton cooling is applied via the analytic formula.
* 4) Solar electron abudance
* We compute the solar electron abundance by interpolating the flattened 3d
* table 'solar_electron_abundance' that is arranged in the following way:
* - 1st dim: redshift, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts
* - 2nd dim: Hydrogen density, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_density
* - 3rd dim: Internal energy, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature
* 5) Metal-line cooling
* For each tracked element we interpolate the flattened 4D table
* 'table_metals_net_heating' that is arrange in the following way:
* - 1st dim: element, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal
* - 2nd dim: redshift, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts
* - 3rd dim: Hydrogen density, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_density
* - 4th dim: Internal energy, length = qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature
* Note that this is a fake 4D interpolation as we do not interpolate
* along the 1st dimension. We just do this once per element.
* Since only the temperature changes when cooling a given particle,
* the redshift, hydrogen number density and helium fraction indices
* and offsets passed in.
* If the argument element_lambda is non-NULL, the routine also
* returns the cooling rate per element in the array.
* @param log10_u_cgs Log base 10 of internal energy per unit mass in CGS units.
* @param redshift The current redshift
* @param n_H_cgs The Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param solar_ratio Array of ratios of particle metal abundances
* to solar metal abundances
* @param n_H_index Particle hydrogen number density index
* @param d_n_H Particle hydrogen number density offset
* @param He_index Particle helium fraction index
* @param d_He Particle helium fraction offset
* @param cooling Cooling data structure
* @param element_lambda (return) Cooling rate from each element
* @return The cooling rate
INLINE static double qla_eagle_metal_cooling_rate(
const double log10_u_cgs, const double redshift, const double n_H_cgs,
const float solar_ratio[qla_eagle_cooling_N_abundances],
const int n_H_index, const float d_n_H, const int He_index,
const float d_He, const struct cooling_function_data *cooling,
double *element_lambda) {
/* Temperature */
const double log_10_T = qla_eagle_convert_u_to_temp(
log10_u_cgs, redshift, n_H_index, He_index, d_n_H, d_He, cooling);
/* Get index along temperature dimension of the tables */
int T_index;
float d_T;
get_index_1d(cooling->Temp, qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature, log_10_T,
&T_index, &d_T);
/* Metal-free cooling */
double Lambda_free;
if (redshift > cooling->Redshifts[qla_eagle_cooling_N_redshifts - 1]) {
/* If we're using the high redshift tables then we don't interpolate
* in redshift */
Lambda_free = interpolation_3d(cooling->table.H_plus_He_heating, /* */
n_H_index, He_index, T_index, /* */
d_n_H, d_He, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
} else {
/* Using normal tables, have to interpolate in redshift */
Lambda_free =
interpolation_4d(cooling->table.H_plus_He_heating, /* */
/*z_index=*/0, n_H_index, He_index, T_index, /* */
cooling->dz, d_n_H, d_He, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
/* If we're testing cooling rate contributions write to array */
if (element_lambda != NULL) {
element_lambda[0] = Lambda_free;
/* Electron abundance */
double H_plus_He_electron_abundance;
if (redshift > cooling->Redshifts[qla_eagle_cooling_N_redshifts - 1]) {
H_plus_He_electron_abundance =
interpolation_3d(cooling->table.H_plus_He_electron_abundance, /* */
n_H_index, He_index, T_index, /* */
d_n_H, d_He, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
} else {
H_plus_He_electron_abundance =
interpolation_4d(cooling->table.H_plus_He_electron_abundance, /* */
/*z_index=*/0, n_H_index, He_index, T_index, /* */
cooling->dz, d_n_H, d_He, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_He_frac, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
/* Compton cooling */
double Lambda_Compton = 0.;
/* Do we need to add the inverse Compton cooling? */
/* It is *not* stored in the tables before re-ionisation */
if ((redshift > cooling->Redshifts[qla_eagle_cooling_N_redshifts - 1]) ||
(redshift > cooling->H_reion_z)) {
const double T = exp10(log_10_T);
/* Note the minus sign */
Lambda_Compton -= qla_eagle_Compton_cooling_rate(
cooling, redshift, n_H_cgs, T, H_plus_He_electron_abundance);
/* If we're testing cooling rate contributions write to array */
if (element_lambda != NULL) {
element_lambda[1] = Lambda_Compton;
/* Solar electron abundance */
double solar_electron_abundance;
if (redshift > cooling->Redshifts[qla_eagle_cooling_N_redshifts - 1]) {
/* If we're using the high redshift tables then we don't interpolate
* in redshift */
solar_electron_abundance =
interpolation_2d(cooling->table.electron_abundance, /* */
n_H_index, T_index, /* */
d_n_H, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
} else {
/* Using normal tables, have to interpolate in redshift */
solar_electron_abundance =
interpolation_3d(cooling->table.electron_abundance, /* */
/*z_index=*/0, n_H_index, T_index, /* */
cooling->dz, d_n_H, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
const double electron_abundance_ratio =
H_plus_He_electron_abundance / solar_electron_abundance;
/* Metal-line cooling */
/* for each element the cooling rate is multiplied by the ratio of H, He
* electron abundance to solar electron abundance then by the ratio of the
* particle metal abundance to solar metal abundance. */
double lambda_metal[qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal + 2] = {0.};
if (redshift > cooling->Redshifts[qla_eagle_cooling_N_redshifts - 1]) {
/* Loop over the metals (ignore H and He) */
for (int elem = 2; elem < qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal + 2; elem++) {
if (solar_ratio[elem] > 0.) {
/* Note that we do not interpolate along the x-axis
* (element dimension) */
lambda_metal[elem] =
interpolation_3d_no_x(cooling->table.metal_heating, /* */
elem - 2, n_H_index, T_index, /* */
/*delta_elem=*/0.f, d_n_H, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
lambda_metal[elem] *= electron_abundance_ratio;
lambda_metal[elem] *= solar_ratio[elem];
} else {
/* Loop over the metals (ignore H and He) */
for (int elem = 2; elem < qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal + 2; elem++) {
if (solar_ratio[elem] > 0.) {
/* Note that we do not interpolate along the x-axis
* (element dimension) */
lambda_metal[elem] = interpolation_4d_no_x(
cooling->table.metal_heating, /* */
elem - 2, /*z_index=*/0, n_H_index, T_index, /* */
/*delta_elem=*/0.f, cooling->dz, d_n_H, d_T, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_loaded_redshifts, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_density, /* */
qla_eagle_cooling_N_temperature); /* */
lambda_metal[elem] *= electron_abundance_ratio;
lambda_metal[elem] *= solar_ratio[elem];
// message("lambda[%d]=%e", elem, lambda_metal[elem]);
if (element_lambda != NULL) {
for (int elem = 2; elem < qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal + 2; ++elem) {
element_lambda[elem] = lambda_metal[elem];
/* Sum up all the contributions */
double Lambda_net = Lambda_free + Lambda_Compton;
for (int elem = 2; elem < qla_eagle_cooling_N_metal + 2; ++elem) {
Lambda_net += lambda_metal[elem];
return Lambda_net;
* @brief Wrapper function used to calculate cooling rate.
* Table indices and offsets for redshift, hydrogen number density and
* helium fraction are passed it so as to compute them only once per particle.
* @param log10_u_cgs Log base 10 of internal energy per unit mass in CGS units.
* @param redshift The current redshift.
* @param n_H_cgs Hydrogen number density in CGS units.
* @param abundance_ratio Ratio of element abundance to solar.
* @param n_H_index Particle hydrogen number density index
* @param d_n_H Particle hydrogen number density offset
* @param He_index Particle helium fraction index
* @param d_He Particle helium fraction offset
* @param cooling #cooling_function_data structure
* @return The cooling rate
INLINE static double qla_eagle_cooling_rate(
const double log10_u_cgs, const double redshift, const double n_H_cgs,
const float abundance_ratio[qla_eagle_cooling_N_abundances],
const int n_H_index, const float d_n_H, const int He_index,
const float d_He, const struct cooling_function_data *cooling) {
return qla_eagle_metal_cooling_rate(
log10_u_cgs, redshift, n_H_cgs, abundance_ratio, n_H_index, d_n_H,
He_index, d_He, cooling, /* element_lambda=*/NULL);