* This file is part of SWIFT.
* Copyright (c) 2016 James Willis (jame.s.willis@durham.ac.uk)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
/* Config parameters. */
/* Local headers */
#include "align.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "sort_part.h"
#include "vector.h"
#define NUM_VEC_PROC 2
/* Cache struct to hold a local copy of a cells' particle
* properties required for density/force calculations.*/
struct cache {
/* Particle x position. */
float *restrict x SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle y position. */
float *restrict y SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle z position. */
float *restrict z SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle smoothing length. */
float *restrict h SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle mass. */
float *restrict m SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle x velocity. */
float *restrict vx SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle y velocity. */
float *restrict vy SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle z velocity. */
float *restrict vz SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Maximum index into neighbouring cell for particles that are in range. */
int *restrict max_index SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle density. */
float *restrict rho SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle smoothing length gradient. */
float *restrict grad_h SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Pressure over density squared. */
float *restrict pOrho2 SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Balsara switch. */
float *restrict balsara SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Particle sound speed. */
float *restrict soundspeed SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGN;
/* Cache size. */
int count;
/* Secondary cache struct to hold a list of interactions between two
* particles.*/
struct c2_cache {
/* Separation between two particles squared. */
/* x separation between two particles. */
/* y separation between two particles. */
/* z separation between two particles. */
/* Mass of particle pj. */
/* x velocity of particle pj. */
/* y velocity of particle pj. */
/* z velocity of particle pj. */
* @brief Allocate memory and initialise cache.
* @param c The cache.
* @param count Number of particles to allocate space for.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE void cache_init(struct cache *c,
size_t count) {
/* Align cache on correct byte boundary and pad cache size to be a multiple of
* the vector size and include 2 vector lengths for remainder operations. */
size_t pad = 2 * VEC_SIZE, rem = count % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem > 0) pad += VEC_SIZE - rem;
size_t sizeBytes = (count + pad) * sizeof(float);
size_t sizeIntBytes = (count + pad) * sizeof(int);
int error = 0;
/* Free memory if cache has already been allocated. */
if (c->count > 0) {
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->max_index, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT,
error += posix_memalign((void **)&c->rho, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error +=
posix_memalign((void **)&c->grad_h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error +=
posix_memalign((void **)&c->pOrho2, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error +=
posix_memalign((void **)&c->balsara, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
error +=
posix_memalign((void **)&c->soundspeed, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT, sizeBytes);
if (error != 0)
error("Couldn't allocate cache, no. of particles: %d", (int)count);
c->count = count;
* @brief Populate cache by reading in the particles in unsorted order.
* @param ci The #cell.
* @param ci_cache The cache.
* @return uninhibited_count The no. of uninhibited particles.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE int cache_read_particles(
const struct cell *restrict const ci,
struct cache *restrict const ci_cache) {
#if defined(GADGET2_SPH)
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, h, ci_cache->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, m, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vx, ci_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vy, ci_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vz, ci_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
const int count = ci->hydro.count;
const struct part *restrict parts = ci->hydro.parts;
const double loc[3] = {ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2]};
const double max_dx = ci->hydro.dx_max_part;
const float pos_padded[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
const float h_padded = ci->hydro.h_max / 4.;
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame so single precision can be
* used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Pad inhibited particles. */
if (parts[i].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
h[i] = h_padded;
x[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[0] - loc[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[1] - loc[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[2] - loc[2]);
h[i] = parts[i].h;
m[i] = parts[i].mass;
vx[i] = parts[i].v[0];
vy[i] = parts[i].v[1];
vz[i] = parts[i].v[2];
/* Pad cache if the no. of particles is not a multiple of double the vector
* length. */
int count_align = count;
const int rem = count % (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE);
if (rem != 0) {
count_align += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE) - rem;
/* Set positions to something outside of the range of any particle */
for (int i = count; i < count_align; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
return count_align;
error("Can't call the cache reading function with this flavour of SPH!");
return 0;
* @brief Populate cache by reading in the particles in unsorted order for
* doself_subset.
* @param ci The #cell.
* @param ci_cache The cache.
* @return uninhibited_count The no. of uninhibited particles.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE int cache_read_particles_subset_self(
const struct cell *restrict const ci,
struct cache *restrict const ci_cache) {
#if defined(GADGET2_SPH)
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, m, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vx, ci_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vy, ci_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vz, ci_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
const int count = ci->hydro.count;
const struct part *restrict parts = ci->hydro.parts;
const double loc[3] = {ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2]};
const double max_dx = ci->hydro.dx_max_part;
const float pos_padded[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame so single precision can be
* used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Pad inhibited particles. */
if (parts[i].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
x[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[0] - loc[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[1] - loc[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[2] - loc[2]);
m[i] = parts[i].mass;
vx[i] = parts[i].v[0];
vy[i] = parts[i].v[1];
vz[i] = parts[i].v[2];
/* Pad cache if the no. of particles is not a multiple of double the vector
* length. */
int count_align = count;
const int rem = count % (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE);
if (rem != 0) {
count_align += (NUM_VEC_PROC * VEC_SIZE) - rem;
/* Set positions to something outside of the range of any particle */
for (int i = count; i < count_align; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
return count_align;
error("Can't call the cache reading function with this flavour of SPH!");
return 0;
* @brief Populate cache by only reading particles that are within range of
* each other within the adjoining cell. Also read the particles into the cache
* in sorted order.
* @param ci The i #cell.
* @param ci_cache The #cache for cell ci.
* @param sort_i The array of sorted particle indices for cell ci.
* @param first_pi The first particle in cell ci that is in range.
* @param last_pi The last particle in cell ci that is in range.
* @param loc The cell location to remove from the particle positions.
* @param flipped Flag to check whether the cells have been flipped or not.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE void cache_read_particles_subset_pair(
const struct cell *restrict const ci, struct cache *restrict const ci_cache,
const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i, int *first_pi, int *last_pi,
const double *loc, const int flipped) {
#if defined(GADGET2_SPH)
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, m, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vx, ci_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vy, ci_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vz, ci_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
const struct part *restrict parts = ci->hydro.parts;
/* The cell is on the right so read the particles
* into the cache from the start of the cell. */
if (!flipped) {
const int rem = (*last_pi + 1) % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
const int pad = VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Increase last_pi if there are particles in the cell left to read. */
if (*last_pi + pad < ci->hydro.count) *last_pi += pad;
const double max_dx = ci->hydro.dx_max_part;
const float pos_padded[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame so single precision can be
* used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < *last_pi; i++) {
const int idx = sort_i[i].i;
/* Put inhibited particles out of range. */
if (parts[idx].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
x[i] = (float)(parts[idx].x[0] - loc[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts[idx].x[1] - loc[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts[idx].x[2] - loc[2]);
m[i] = parts[idx].mass;
vx[i] = parts[idx].v[0];
vy[i] = parts[idx].v[1];
vz[i] = parts[idx].v[2];
/* Pad cache with fake particles that exist outside the cell so will not
* interact. We use values of the same magnitude (but negative!) as the real
* particles to avoid overflow problems. */
for (int i = *last_pi; i < *last_pi + VEC_SIZE; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
/* The cell is on the left so read the particles
* into the cache from the end of the cell. */
else {
const int rem = (ci->hydro.count - *first_pi) % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
const int pad = VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Decrease first_pi if there are particles in the cell left to read. */
if (*first_pi - pad >= 0) *first_pi -= pad;
const int ci_cache_count = ci->hydro.count - *first_pi;
const double max_dx = ci->hydro.dx_max_part;
const float pos_padded[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame so single precision can be
* used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < ci_cache_count; i++) {
const int idx = sort_i[i + *first_pi].i;
/* Put inhibited particles out of range. */
if (parts[idx].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
x[i] = (float)(parts[idx].x[0] - loc[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts[idx].x[1] - loc[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts[idx].x[2] - loc[2]);
m[i] = parts[idx].mass;
vx[i] = parts[idx].v[0];
vy[i] = parts[idx].v[1];
vz[i] = parts[idx].v[2];
/* Pad cache with fake particles that exist outside the cell so will not
* interact. We use values of the same magnitude (but negative!) as the real
* particles to avoid overflow problems. */
for (int i = ci->hydro.count - *first_pi;
i < ci->hydro.count - *first_pi + VEC_SIZE; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
* @brief Populate cache for force interactions by reading in the particles in
* unsorted order.
* @param ci The #cell.
* @param ci_cache The cache.
* @return uninhibited_count The no. of uninhibited particles.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE int cache_read_force_particles(
const struct cell *restrict const ci,
struct cache *restrict const ci_cache) {
#if defined(GADGET2_SPH)
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, h, ci_cache->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, m, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vx, ci_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vy, ci_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vz, ci_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, rho, ci_cache->rho, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, grad_h, ci_cache->grad_h,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, pOrho2, ci_cache->pOrho2,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, balsara, ci_cache->balsara,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, soundspeed, ci_cache->soundspeed,
const int count = ci->hydro.count;
const struct part *restrict parts = ci->hydro.parts;
const double loc[3] = {ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2]};
const double max_dx = ci->hydro.dx_max_part;
const float pos_padded[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
const float h_padded = ci->hydro.h_max / 4.;
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame so single precision can be
* used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Skip inhibited particles. */
if (parts[i].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
h[i] = h_padded;
rho[i] = 1.f;
grad_h[i] = 1.f;
pOrho2[i] = 1.f;
balsara[i] = 1.f;
soundspeed[i] = 1.f;
x[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[0] - loc[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[1] - loc[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts[i].x[2] - loc[2]);
h[i] = parts[i].h;
m[i] = parts[i].mass;
vx[i] = parts[i].v[0];
vy[i] = parts[i].v[1];
vz[i] = parts[i].v[2];
rho[i] = parts[i].rho;
grad_h[i] = parts[i].force.f;
pOrho2[i] = parts[i].force.P_over_rho2;
balsara[i] = parts[i].force.balsara;
soundspeed[i] = parts[i].force.soundspeed;
/* Pad cache if there is a serial remainder. */
int count_align = count;
const int rem = count % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
count_align += VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Set positions to the same as particle pi so when the r2 > 0 mask is
* applied these extra contributions are masked out.*/
for (int i = count; i < count_align; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded[0];
y[i] = pos_padded[1];
z[i] = pos_padded[2];
h[i] = h_padded;
rho[i] = 1.f;
grad_h[i] = 1.f;
pOrho2[i] = 1.f;
balsara[i] = 1.f;
soundspeed[i] = 1.f;
return count_align;
error("Can't call the cache reading function with this flavour of SPH!");
return 0;
* @brief Populate caches by only reading particles that are within range of
* each other within the adjoining cell.Also read the particles into the cache
* in sorted order.
* @param ci The i #cell.
* @param cj The j #cell.
* @param ci_cache The #cache for cell ci.
* @param cj_cache The #cache for cell cj.
* @param sort_i The array of sorted particle indices for cell ci.
* @param sort_j The array of sorted particle indices for cell ci.
* @param shift The amount to shift the particle positions to account for BCs
* @param first_pi The first particle in cell ci that is in range.
* @param last_pj The last particle in cell cj that is in range.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE void cache_read_two_partial_cells_sorted(
const struct cell *restrict const ci, const struct cell *restrict const cj,
struct cache *restrict const ci_cache,
struct cache *restrict const cj_cache,
const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i,
const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j,
const double *restrict const shift, int *first_pi, int *last_pj) {
/* Make the number of particles to be read a multiple of the vector size.
* This eliminates serial remainder loops where possible when populating the
* cache. */
/* Is the number of particles to read a multiple of the vector size? */
int rem = (ci->hydro.count - *first_pi) % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
int pad = VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Decrease first_pi if there are particles in the cell left to read. */
if (*first_pi - pad >= 0) *first_pi -= pad;
rem = (*last_pj + 1) % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
int pad = VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Increase last_pj if there are particles in the cell left to read. */
if (*last_pj + pad < cj->hydro.count) *last_pj += pad;
/* Get some local pointers */
const int first_pi_align = *first_pi;
const int last_pj_align = *last_pj;
const struct part *restrict parts_i = ci->hydro.parts;
const struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts;
/* Shift particles to the local frame and account for boundary conditions.*/
const double total_ci_shift[3] = {
cj->loc[0] + shift[0], cj->loc[1] + shift[1], cj->loc[2] + shift[2]};
const double total_cj_shift[3] = {cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1], cj->loc[2]};
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, h, ci_cache->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, m, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vx, ci_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vy, ci_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vz, ci_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
int ci_cache_count = ci->hydro.count - first_pi_align;
const double max_dx = max(ci->hydro.dx_max_part, cj->hydro.dx_max_part);
const float pos_padded_i[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
const float h_padded_i = ci->hydro.h_max / 4.;
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame (ci frame) so single
* precision can be used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < ci_cache_count; i++) {
const int idx = sort_i[i + first_pi_align].i;
/* Put inhibited particles out of range. */
if (parts_i[idx].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded_i[0];
y[i] = pos_padded_i[1];
z[i] = pos_padded_i[2];
h[i] = h_padded_i;
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
x[i] = (float)(parts_i[idx].x[0] - total_ci_shift[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts_i[idx].x[1] - total_ci_shift[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts_i[idx].x[2] - total_ci_shift[2]);
h[i] = parts_i[idx].h;
vx[i] = parts_i[idx].v[0];
vy[i] = parts_i[idx].v[1];
vz[i] = parts_i[idx].v[2];
#ifdef GADGET2_SPH
m[i] = parts_i[idx].mass;
const float shift_threshold_x =
2. * ci->width[0] +
2. * max(ci->hydro.dx_max_part, cj->hydro.dx_max_part);
const float shift_threshold_y =
2. * ci->width[1] +
2. * max(ci->hydro.dx_max_part, cj->hydro.dx_max_part);
const float shift_threshold_z =
2. * ci->width[2] +
2. * max(ci->hydro.dx_max_part, cj->hydro.dx_max_part);
/* Make sure that particle positions have been shifted correctly. */
for (int i = 0; i < ci_cache_count; i++) {
if (x[i] > shift_threshold_x || x[i] < -shift_threshold_x)
"Error: ci->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf],cj->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf] Particle %d x pos "
"is not within "
"[-4*ci->width*(1 + 2*space_maxreldx), 4*ci->width*(1 + "
"2*space_maxreldx)]. x=%f, ci->width[0]=%f",
ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2], cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1],
cj->loc[2], i, x[i], ci->width[0]);
if (y[i] > shift_threshold_y || y[i] < -shift_threshold_y)
"Error: ci->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf], cj->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf] Particle %d y pos "
"is not within "
"[-4*ci->width*(1 + 2*space_maxreldx), 4*ci->width*(1 + "
"2*space_maxreldx)]. y=%f, ci->width[1]=%f",
ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2], cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1],
cj->loc[2], i, y[i], ci->width[1]);
if (z[i] > shift_threshold_z || z[i] < -shift_threshold_z)
"Error: ci->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf], cj->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf] Particle %d z pos "
"is not within "
"[-4*ci->width*(1 + 2*space_maxreldx), 4*ci->width*(1 + "
"2*space_maxreldx)]. z=%f, ci->width[2]=%f",
ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2], cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1],
cj->loc[2], i, z[i], ci->width[2]);
/* Pad cache with fake particles that exist outside the cell so will not
* interact. We use values of the same magnitude (but negative!) as the real
* particles to avoid overflow problems. */
for (int i = ci->hydro.count - first_pi_align;
i < ci->hydro.count - first_pi_align + VEC_SIZE; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded_i[0];
y[i] = pos_padded_i[1];
z[i] = pos_padded_i[2];
h[i] = h_padded_i;
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, xj, cj_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, yj, cj_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, zj, cj_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, hj, cj_cache->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, mj, cj_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vxj, cj_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vyj, cj_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vzj, cj_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
const float pos_padded_j[3] = {-(2. * cj->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * cj->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * cj->width[2] + max_dx)};
const float h_padded_j = cj->hydro.h_max / 4.;
for (int i = 0; i <= last_pj_align; i++) {
const int idx = sort_j[i].i;
/* Put inhibited particles out of range. */
if (parts_j[idx].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
xj[i] = pos_padded_j[0];
yj[i] = pos_padded_j[1];
zj[i] = pos_padded_j[2];
hj[i] = h_padded_j;
mj[i] = 1.f;
vxj[i] = 1.f;
vyj[i] = 1.f;
vzj[i] = 1.f;
xj[i] = (float)(parts_j[idx].x[0] - total_cj_shift[0]);
yj[i] = (float)(parts_j[idx].x[1] - total_cj_shift[1]);
zj[i] = (float)(parts_j[idx].x[2] - total_cj_shift[2]);
hj[i] = parts_j[idx].h;
vxj[i] = parts_j[idx].v[0];
vyj[i] = parts_j[idx].v[1];
vzj[i] = parts_j[idx].v[2];
#ifdef GADGET2_SPH
mj[i] = parts_j[idx].mass;
/* Make sure that particle positions have been shifted correctly. */
for (int i = 0; i <= last_pj_align; i++) {
if (xj[i] > shift_threshold_x || xj[i] < -shift_threshold_x)
"Error: ci->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf], cj->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf] Particle %d xj "
"pos is not within "
"[-4*ci->width*(1 + 2*space_maxreldx), 4*ci->width*(1 + "
"2*space_maxreldx)]. xj=%f, ci->width[0]=%f",
ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2], cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1],
cj->loc[2], i, xj[i], ci->width[0]);
if (yj[i] > shift_threshold_y || yj[i] < -shift_threshold_y)
"Error: ci->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf], cj->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf] Particle %d yj "
"pos is not within "
"[-4*ci->width*(1 + 2*space_maxreldx), 4*ci->width*(1 + "
"2*space_maxreldx)]. yj=%f, ci->width[1]=%f",
ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2], cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1],
cj->loc[2], i, yj[i], ci->width[1]);
if (zj[i] > shift_threshold_z || zj[i] < -shift_threshold_z)
"Error: ci->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf], cj->loc[%lf,%lf,%lf] Particle %d zj "
"pos is not within "
"[-4*ci->width*(1 + 2*space_maxreldx), 4*ci->width*(1 + "
"2*space_maxreldx)]. zj=%f, ci->width[2]=%f",
ci->loc[0], ci->loc[1], ci->loc[2], cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1],
cj->loc[2], i, zj[i], ci->width[2]);
/* Pad cache with fake particles that exist outside the cell so will not
* interact. We use values of the same magnitude (but negative!) as the real
* particles to avoid overflow problems. */
for (int i = last_pj_align + 1; i < last_pj_align + 1 + VEC_SIZE; i++) {
xj[i] = pos_padded_j[0];
yj[i] = pos_padded_j[1];
zj[i] = pos_padded_j[2];
hj[i] = h_padded_j;
mj[i] = 1.f;
vxj[i] = 1.f;
vyj[i] = 1.f;
vzj[i] = 1.f;
* @brief Populate caches by only reading particles that are within range of
* each other within the adjoining cell.Also read the particles into the cache
* in sorted order.
* @param ci The i #cell.
* @param cj The j #cell.
* @param ci_cache The #cache for cell ci.
* @param cj_cache The #cache for cell cj.
* @param sort_i The array of sorted particle indices for cell ci.
* @param sort_j The array of sorted particle indices for cell ci.
* @param shift The amount to shift the particle positions to account for BCs
* @param first_pi The first particle in cell ci that is in range.
* @param last_pj The last particle in cell cj that is in range.
__attribute__((always_inline)) INLINE void
const struct cell *const ci, const struct cell *const cj,
struct cache *const ci_cache, struct cache *const cj_cache,
const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_i,
const struct sort_entry *restrict sort_j, const double *const shift,
int *first_pi, int *last_pj) {
/* Make the number of particles to be read a multiple of the vector size.
* This eliminates serial remainder loops where possible when populating the
* cache. */
/* Is the number of particles to read a multiple of the vector size? */
int rem = (ci->hydro.count - *first_pi) % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
int pad = VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Decrease first_pi if there are particles in the cell left to read. */
if (*first_pi - pad >= 0) *first_pi -= pad;
rem = (*last_pj + 1) % VEC_SIZE;
if (rem != 0) {
int pad = VEC_SIZE - rem;
/* Increase last_pj if there are particles in the cell left to read. */
if (*last_pj + pad < cj->hydro.count) *last_pj += pad;
/* Get some local pointers */
const int first_pi_align = *first_pi;
const int last_pj_align = *last_pj;
const struct part *restrict parts_i = ci->hydro.parts;
const struct part *restrict parts_j = cj->hydro.parts;
/* Shift particles to the local frame and account for boundary conditions.*/
const double total_ci_shift[3] = {
cj->loc[0] + shift[0], cj->loc[1] + shift[1], cj->loc[2] + shift[2]};
const double total_cj_shift[3] = {cj->loc[0], cj->loc[1], cj->loc[2]};
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, x, ci_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, y, ci_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, z, ci_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, h, ci_cache->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, m, ci_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vx, ci_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vy, ci_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vz, ci_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, rho, ci_cache->rho, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, grad_h, ci_cache->grad_h,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, pOrho2, ci_cache->pOrho2,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, balsara, ci_cache->balsara,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, soundspeed, ci_cache->soundspeed,
int ci_cache_count = ci->hydro.count - first_pi_align;
const double max_dx = max(ci->hydro.dx_max_part, cj->hydro.dx_max_part);
const float pos_padded_i[3] = {-(2. * ci->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * ci->width[2] + max_dx)};
const float h_padded_i = ci->hydro.h_max / 4.;
/* Shift the particles positions to a local frame (ci frame) so single
* precision can be used instead of double precision. */
for (int i = 0; i < ci_cache_count; i++) {
const int idx = sort_i[i + first_pi_align].i;
/* Put inhibited particles out of range. */
if (parts_i[idx].time_bin >= time_bin_inhibited) {
x[i] = pos_padded_i[0];
y[i] = pos_padded_i[1];
z[i] = pos_padded_i[2];
h[i] = h_padded_i;
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
rho[i] = 1.f;
grad_h[i] = 1.f;
pOrho2[i] = 1.f;
balsara[i] = 1.f;
soundspeed[i] = 1.f;
x[i] = (float)(parts_i[idx].x[0] - total_ci_shift[0]);
y[i] = (float)(parts_i[idx].x[1] - total_ci_shift[1]);
z[i] = (float)(parts_i[idx].x[2] - total_ci_shift[2]);
h[i] = parts_i[idx].h;
vx[i] = parts_i[idx].v[0];
vy[i] = parts_i[idx].v[1];
vz[i] = parts_i[idx].v[2];
#ifdef GADGET2_SPH
m[i] = parts_i[idx].mass;
rho[i] = parts_i[idx].rho;
grad_h[i] = parts_i[idx].force.f;
pOrho2[i] = parts_i[idx].force.P_over_rho2;
balsara[i] = parts_i[idx].force.balsara;
soundspeed[i] = parts_i[idx].force.soundspeed;
/* Pad cache with fake particles that exist outside the cell so will not
* interact. We use values of the same magnitude (but negative!) as the real
* particles to avoid overflow problems. */
for (int i = ci->hydro.count - first_pi_align;
i < ci->hydro.count - first_pi_align + VEC_SIZE; i++) {
x[i] = pos_padded_i[0];
y[i] = pos_padded_i[1];
z[i] = pos_padded_i[2];
h[i] = h_padded_i;
m[i] = 1.f;
vx[i] = 1.f;
vy[i] = 1.f;
vz[i] = 1.f;
rho[i] = 1.f;
grad_h[i] = 1.f;
pOrho2[i] = 1.f;
balsara[i] = 1.f;
soundspeed[i] = 1.f;
/* Let the compiler know that the data is aligned and create pointers to the
* arrays inside the cache. */
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, xj, cj_cache->x, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, yj, cj_cache->y, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, zj, cj_cache->z, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, hj, cj_cache->h, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, mj, cj_cache->m, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vxj, cj_cache->vx, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vyj, cj_cache->vy, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, vzj, cj_cache->vz, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, rhoj, cj_cache->rho, SWIFT_CACHE_ALIGNMENT);
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, grad_hj, cj_cache->grad_h,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, pOrho2j, cj_cache->pOrho2,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, balsaraj, cj_cache->balsara,
swift_declare_aligned_ptr(float, soundspeedj, cj_cache->soundspeed,
const float pos_padded_j[3] = {-(2. * cj->width[0] + max_dx),
-(2. * cj->width[1] + max_dx),
-(2. * cj->width[2] + max_dx)};
const float h_padded_j = cj->hydro.h_max / 4.;
for (int i = 0; i <= last_pj_align; i++) {
const int idx = sort_j[i].i;
/* Put inhibited particles out of range. */
if (parts_j[idx].time_bin == time_bin_inhibited) {
xj[i] = pos_padded_j[0];
yj[i] = pos_padded_j[1];
zj[i] = pos_padded_j[2];
hj[i] = h_padded_j;
mj[i] = 1.f;
vxj[i] = 1.f;
vyj[i] = 1.f;
vzj[i] = 1.f;
rhoj[i] = 1.f;
grad_hj[i] = 1.f;
pOrho2j[i] = 1.f;
balsaraj[i] = 1.f;
soundspeedj[i] = 1.f;
xj[i] = (float)(parts_j[idx].x[0] - total_cj_shift[0]);
yj[i] = (float)(parts_j[idx].x[1] - total_cj_shift[1]);
zj[i] = (float)(parts_j[idx].x[2] - total_cj_shift[2]);
hj[i] = parts_j[idx].h;
vxj[i] = parts_j[idx].v[0];
vyj[i] = parts_j[idx].v[1];
vzj[i] = parts_j[idx].v[2];
#ifdef GADGET2_SPH
mj[i] = parts_j[idx].mass;
rhoj[i] = parts_j[idx].rho;
grad_hj[i] = parts_j[idx].force.f;
pOrho2j[i] = parts_j[idx].force.P_over_rho2;
balsaraj[i] = parts_j[idx].force.balsara;
soundspeedj[i] = parts_j[idx].force.soundspeed;
/* Pad cache with fake particles that exist outside the cell so will not
* interact. We use values of the same magnitude (but negative!) as the real
* particles to avoid overflow problems. */
for (int i = last_pj_align + 1; i < last_pj_align + 1 + VEC_SIZE; i++) {
xj[i] = pos_padded_j[0];
yj[i] = pos_padded_j[1];
zj[i] = pos_padded_j[2];
hj[i] = h_padded_j;
mj[i] = 1.f;
vxj[i] = 1.f;
vyj[i] = 1.f;
vzj[i] = 1.f;
rhoj[i] = 1.f;
grad_hj[i] = 1.f;
pOrho2j[i] = 1.f;
balsaraj[i] = 1.f;
soundspeedj[i] = 1.f;
* @brief Clean the memory allocated by a #cache object.
* @param c The #cache to clean.
static INLINE void cache_clean(struct cache *c) {
if (c->count > 0) {
c->count = 0;
#endif /* SWIFT_CACHE_H */