nIFTy Cluster ============= Initial conditions ------------------ These initial conditions are reproduced, with permission, from the original authors. The initial conditions here contain baryons, and are the ones that were used in We have modified these initial conditions (initially Gadget binary) to work with SWIFT, which only accepts HDF5. There are scripts in this folder that download the required python modules and create the initial conditions from the Gadget style ones, should you have them available. Alternatively you can download the initial conditions from our webstorage with the script. About the simulation -------------------- This is a very deep zoom, with 4 levels of hierarchy. You should run SWIFT in multi-softening mode to complete this in reasonable time. Usually we would expect this to run in about a day on a single Skylake HPC node. Some boilerplate for running on a SLURM batch system is included in the `` script. Running structure finders ------------------------- We recommend running velociraptor with the following compilation options: ``` cmake .. -DVR_USE_GAS=ON -DVR_USE_HYDRO=OFF -DVR_ZOOM_SIM=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O3 -march=native" ```