#!/bin/bash # Generate the initial conditions if they are not present. if [ ! -e glassCube_32.hdf5 ] then echo "Fetching initial glass file for the Supernovae feedback example..." ./getGlass.sh fi if [ ! -e stellar_evolution.hdf5 ] then echo "Generating initial conditions for the 3D stellar evolution example..." python3 makeIC.py fi # Get the Yield tables if [ ! -e yieldtables ] then echo "Fetching Yield tables..." ./getEagleYieldTable.sh fi if [ ! -e photometry ] then echo "Fetching EAGLE photometry tables..." ../getEaglePhotometryTable.sh fi # Get the solutions if [ ! -e StellarEvolutionSolution ] then echo "Fetching solutions ..." ./getSolutions.sh fi ../../../swift --temperature --feedback --stars --hydro --cosmology --external-gravity --threads=4 stellar_evolution.yml -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_metal:0.08 -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_Hydrogen:0.71 -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_Helium:0.21 2>&1 | tee output_0p08.log python3 plot_box_evolution.py ../../../swift --temperature --feedback --stars --hydro --cosmology --external-gravity --threads=4 stellar_evolution.yml -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_metal:0.04 -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_Hydrogen:0.74 -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_Helium:0.23 2>&1 | tee output_0p04.log python3 plot_box_evolution.py ../../../swift --temperature --feedback --stars --hydro --cosmology --external-gravity --threads=4 stellar_evolution.yml -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_metal:0.01 2>&1 | tee output_0p01.log python3 plot_box_evolution.py ../../../swift --temperature --feedback --stars --hydro --cosmology --external-gravity --threads=4 stellar_evolution.yml -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_metal:0.001 2>&1 | tee output_0p001.log python3 plot_box_evolution.py ../../../swift --temperature --feedback --stars --hydro --cosmology --external-gravity --threads=4 stellar_evolution.yml -P EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_metal:0.0001 2>&1 | tee output_0p0001.log python3 plot_box_evolution.py