import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") from pylab import * import h5py import os.path import numpy as np import glob # Number of snapshots and elements newest_snap_name = max(glob.glob("stellar_evolution_*.hdf5"), key=os.path.getctime) n_snapshots = ( int(newest_snap_name.replace("stellar_evolution_", "").replace(".hdf5", "")) + 1 ) n_elements = 9 # Plot parameters params = { "axes.labelsize": 10, "axes.titlesize": 10, "font.size": 9, "legend.fontsize": 9, "xtick.labelsize": 10, "ytick.labelsize": 10, "text.usetex": True, "figure.figsize": (3.15, 3.15), "figure.subplot.left": 0.3, "figure.subplot.right": 0.99, "figure.subplot.bottom": 0.18, "": 0.92, "figure.subplot.wspace": 0.21, "figure.subplot.hspace": 0.19, "lines.markersize": 6, "lines.linewidth": 2.0, } rcParams.update(params) # Read the simulation data sim = h5py.File("stellar_evolution_0000.hdf5", "r") boxSize = sim["/Header"].attrs["BoxSize"][0] scheme = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Scheme"][0] kernel = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Kernel function"][0] neighbours = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Kernel target N_ngb"][0] eta = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Kernel eta"][0] alpha = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Alpha viscosity"][0] H_mass_fraction = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Hydrogen mass fraction"][0] H_transition_temp = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs[ "Hydrogen ionization transition temperature" ][0] T_initial = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Initial temperature"][0] T_minimal = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Minimal temperature"][0] git = sim["Code"].attrs["Git Revision"] star_initial_mass = sim["/PartType4/Masses"][0] # Cosmological parameters H_0 = sim["/Cosmology"].attrs["H0 [internal units]"][0] gas_gamma = sim["/HydroScheme"].attrs["Adiabatic index"][0] # Units unit_length_in_cgs = sim["/Units"].attrs["Unit length in cgs (U_L)"] unit_mass_in_cgs = sim["/Units"].attrs["Unit mass in cgs (U_M)"] unit_time_in_cgs = sim["/Units"].attrs["Unit time in cgs (U_t)"] unit_vel_in_cgs = unit_length_in_cgs / unit_time_in_cgs unit_energy_in_cgs = unit_mass_in_cgs * unit_vel_in_cgs * unit_vel_in_cgs unit_length_in_si = 0.01 * unit_length_in_cgs unit_mass_in_si = 0.001 * unit_mass_in_cgs unit_time_in_si = unit_time_in_cgs # Find out how many particles (gas and star) we have n_parts = sim["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_Total"][0] n_sparts = sim["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_Total"][4] # Declare arrays for data masses = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) star_masses = zeros((n_sparts, n_snapshots)) mass_from_AGB = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) metal_mass_frac_from_AGB = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) mass_from_SNII = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) metal_mass_frac_from_SNII = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) mass_from_SNIa = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) metal_mass_frac_from_SNIa = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) iron_mass_frac_from_SNIa = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) metallicity = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) abundances = zeros((n_parts, n_elements, n_snapshots)) internal_energy = zeros((n_parts, n_snapshots)) coord_parts = zeros((n_parts, 3)) velocity_parts = zeros((n_parts, 3, n_snapshots)) coord_sparts = zeros(3) time = zeros(n_snapshots) # Read fields we are checking from snapshots for i in range(n_snapshots): sim = h5py.File("stellar_evolution_%04d.hdf5" % i, "r") print("reading snapshot " + str(i)) abundances[:, :, i] = sim["/PartType0/ElementMassFractions"] metallicity[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/Metallicities"] masses[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/Masses"] star_masses[:, i] = sim["/PartType4/Masses"] mass_from_AGB[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/TotalMassFromAGB"] metal_mass_frac_from_AGB[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/MetalMassFracFromAGB"] mass_from_SNII[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/TotalMassFromSNII"] metal_mass_frac_from_SNII[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/MetalMassFracFromSNII"] mass_from_SNIa[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/TotalMassFromSNIa"] metal_mass_frac_from_SNIa[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/MetalMassFracFromSNIa"] iron_mass_frac_from_SNIa[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/IronMassFracFromSNIa"] internal_energy[:, i] = sim["/PartType0/InternalEnergies"] velocity_parts[:, :, i] = sim["/PartType0/Velocities"] time[i] = sim["/Header"].attrs["Time"][0] # Define ejecta factor ejecta_factor = 1.0e-2 ejecta_factor_metallicity = 1.0 - 2.0 / n_elements ejecta_factor_abundances = 1.0 / n_elements ejected_mass = star_initial_mass energy_per_SNe = 1.0e51 / unit_energy_in_cgs # Check that the total amount of enrichment is as expected. # Define tolerance eps = 0.01 # Total mass total_part_mass = np.sum(masses, axis=0) if ( abs( (total_part_mass[n_snapshots - 1] - total_part_mass[0]) / total_part_mass[0] - ejected_mass / total_part_mass[0] ) * total_part_mass[0] / ejected_mass < eps ): print("total mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "mass increase " + str(total_part_mass[n_snapshots - 1] / total_part_mass[0]) + " expected " + str(1.0 + ejected_mass / total_part_mass[0]) ) # Check that mass is conserved (i.e. total star mass decreases by same amount as total gas mass increases) total_spart_mass = np.sum(star_masses, axis=0) if ( abs( (total_part_mass[n_snapshots - 1] + total_spart_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) / (total_part_mass[0] + total_spart_mass[0]) - 1.0 ) < eps ** 3 ): print("total mass conserved") else: print( "initial part, spart mass " + str(total_part_mass[0]) + " " + str(total_spart_mass[0]) + " final mass " + str(total_part_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) + " " + str(total_spart_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) ) # Total metal mass from AGB total_metal_mass_AGB = np.sum(np.multiply(metal_mass_frac_from_AGB, masses), axis=0) expected_metal_mass_AGB = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_metal_mass_AGB[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_metal_mass_AGB) / expected_metal_mass_AGB < eps ): print("total AGB metal mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total AGB metal mass " + str(total_metal_mass_AGB[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_metal_mass_AGB) ) # Total mass from AGB total_AGB_mass = np.sum(mass_from_AGB, axis=0) expected_AGB_mass = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if abs(total_AGB_mass[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_AGB_mass) / expected_AGB_mass < eps: print("total AGB mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total AGB mass " + str(total_AGB_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_AGB_mass) ) # Total metal mass from SNII total_metal_mass_SNII = np.sum(np.multiply(metal_mass_frac_from_SNII, masses), axis=0) expected_metal_mass_SNII = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_metal_mass_SNII[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_metal_mass_SNII) / expected_metal_mass_SNII < eps ): print("total SNII metal mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total SNII metal mass " + str(total_metal_mass_SNII[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_metal_mass_SNII) ) # Total mass from SNII total_SNII_mass = np.sum(mass_from_SNII, axis=0) expected_SNII_mass = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_SNII_mass[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_SNII_mass) / expected_SNII_mass < eps ): print("total SNII mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total SNII mass " + str(total_SNII_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_SNII_mass) ) # Total metal mass from SNIa total_metal_mass_SNIa = np.sum(np.multiply(metal_mass_frac_from_SNIa, masses), axis=0) expected_metal_mass_SNIa = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_metal_mass_SNIa[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_metal_mass_SNIa) / expected_metal_mass_SNIa < eps ): print("total SNIa metal mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total SNIa metal mass " + str(total_metal_mass_SNIa[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_metal_mass_SNIa) ) # Total iron mass from SNIa total_iron_mass_SNIa = np.sum(np.multiply(iron_mass_frac_from_SNIa, masses), axis=0) expected_iron_mass_SNIa = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_iron_mass_SNIa[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_iron_mass_SNIa) / expected_iron_mass_SNIa < eps ): print("total SNIa iron mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total SNIa iron mass " + str(total_iron_mass_SNIa[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_iron_mass_SNIa) ) # Total mass from SNIa total_SNIa_mass = np.sum(mass_from_SNIa, axis=0) expected_SNIa_mass = ejecta_factor * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_SNIa_mass[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_SNIa_mass) / expected_SNIa_mass < eps ): print("total SNIa mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total SNIa mass " + str(total_SNIa_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_SNIa_mass) ) # Total metal mass total_metal_mass = np.sum(np.multiply(metallicity, masses), axis=0) expected_metal_mass = ejecta_factor_metallicity * ejected_mass if ( abs(total_metal_mass[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_metal_mass) / expected_metal_mass < eps ): print("total metal mass released consistent with expectation") else: print( "total metal mass " + str(total_metal_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_metal_mass) ) # Total mass for each element expected_element_mass = ejecta_factor_abundances * ejected_mass for i in range(n_elements): total_element_mass = np.sum(np.multiply(abundances[:, i, :], masses), axis=0) if ( abs(total_element_mass[n_snapshots - 1] - expected_element_mass) / expected_element_mass < eps ): print( "total element mass released consistent with expectation for element " + str(i) ) else: print( "total element mass " + str(total_element_mass[n_snapshots - 1]) + " expected " + str(expected_element_mass) + " for element " + str(i) )