Small LCDM cosmological simulation generated by C. Power. Cosmology is WMAP9 and the box is 100Mpc/h in size with 64^3 particles. We use a softening length of 1/25th of the mean inter-particle separation. The ICs have been generated to run with Gadget-2 so we need to switch on the options to cancel the h-factors and a-factors at reading time. We generate gas from the ICs using SWIFT's internal mechanism and set the temperature to the expected gas temperature at this redshift. The '' plots the temperature evolution of the gas in the simulated volume. This version uses an output list that has 'snapshots' and 'snipshots' as a useful example for this functionality. MD5 checksum of the ICs: 08736c3101fd738e22f5159f78e6022b small_cosmo_volume.hdf5