Small LCDM cosmological simulation generated by C. Power. Cosmology is WMAP9 and the box is 100Mpc/h in size with 64^3 particles. We use a softening length of 1/25th of the mean inter-particle separation. The ICs have been generated to run with Gadget-2 so we need to switch on the options to cancel the h-factors and a-factors at reading time. MD5 checksum of the ICs: 08736c3101fd738e22f5159f78e6022b small_cosmo_volume.hdf5 # How to run with CSDS To enable the CSDS, add --enable-csds --enable-python when configuring swift. In ``, update `velociraptor_path` to the location of velociraptor on your system. Then, use `./` and let's go!