# Intro This example is a modified version of the HomogeneousBox in SWIFT that allows to add sink particles to the box. By default, there is no gravity. The default level is 5 (N_particle = 2^(3*level)). It is quick. If you want to try the example with higher levels, we recommend using HPC facilities. *This example is mainly used for sink MPI debugging.* # Configure To run this example with GEAR model, ./configure --with-chemistry=GEAR_10 --with-cooling=grackle_0 --with-stars=GEAR --with-star-formation=GEAR --with-feedback=GEAR --with-sink=GEAR --with-kernel=wendland-C2 --with-grackle=path/to/grackle --enable-debug --enable-debugging-checks and then make -j # ICs The run.sh script calls `makeIC.py' script with default values. You can experiment by changing the ICs. Run `python3 makeIC.py --help` to get the list of parameters. # Run Type `run.sh` (or `n_ranks=4 mpi_run.sh`), and let's go! You can provide parameters to the running scripts, have a look inside them.