Initital conditions for the Santa-Barbara cluster comparison project. These have been regenerated from the orinigal Frenk et al. 1999 paper. The cosmology is Omega_m = 1, Omega_b = 0.1, h = 0.5 and sigma_8 = 0.9. The ICs are 256^3 particles in a 64^3 Mpc^3 volume. This is about 10x higher resolution than in the original paper. The ICs have been created for Gadget and the positions and box size are hence expressed in h-full units (e.g. box size of 32 / h Mpc). Similarly, the peculiar velocitites contain an extra sqrt(a) factor. We will use SWIFT to cancel the h- and a-factors from the ICs. Gas particles will be generated at startup. MD5 check-sum of the ICS: ba9ab4f00a70d39fa601a4a59984b343 SantaBarbara.hdf5 You can use the script to also run a basic 3D FoF with VELOCIraptor on your output data. You will need to set the VELOCIRAPTOR_PATH environment variable to tell us where the stf-gas binary lives.