This is a trivial test case for the RT debug scheme: swift needs to be compiled with `--with-rt=debug`. The example generates initial conditions with uniformly distributed hydro particles and a smaller, also uniformly distributed, star particle box in the center such that the hydro particles close to the faces of the box have no star neighbours. Furthermore, the run is set up such that each time step all particles are active, and each time step an output is generated. This is necessary for the './' script to run successfully. The `./` script tests some general properties of the RT debug scheme, and any simulation run with this particular RT scheme should pass the tests therein. The `` contains IO routines for the debugging output that is used by the other scripts. The python scripts with the suffix `-GEAR` do the same as the other scripts, but are made to test the GEAR RT scheme. Debugging checks must be enabled in the run in order to create the appropriate outputs (`--enable-debugging-checks`). The scripts and parameter files for GEAR are written for 4 photon groups, so compile swift with `--with-rt=GEAR_4`. Tl;dr: - `./` only works for this example - `./` is made to work on any run with the RT debug scheme - `./` only works for this example with the GEAR scheme with debugging checks enabled - `./` is made to work on any run with the GEAR scheme and debugging checks enabled.