Strömgen Sphere example in 3D ----------------------------- This directory contains two examples in one: - run a Strömgren sphere example, where a single central star ionizes the surrounding medium in a box. To run this example, use the provided `` script. This script will then make use of the `` and `` script. There are a few variations: - ``: single-frequency-bin static fixed temperature Stromgren Sphere with pure hydrogen. This script will make use of `` and ``, plotting the neutral fraction against an analytic solution. - ``: multifrequency static variable temperature Stromgren Sphere with pure hydrogen. This script will make use of `` and ``, comparing the neutral fraction and temperature with published solutions. - ``: multifrequency static variable temperature Stromgren Sphere with hydrogen (75%) and helium (25%). This script will make use of `` and ``, comparing the neutral fraction and temperature with published solutions. - run a propagation test of photons emitted from a single central source in an otherwise uniform box. To run this example, use the provided `` script. This script will then make use of the `` and `` script. Additional scripts: - ``: Plots a projection of the radiation quantities (energies, fluxes). NOTE: you might need to change the 'snapshot_base' variable at the top of the script depending on which solutions you want to plot. To use the GEAR RT model, compile with : for the propagation test and the "singlebin" test: --with-rt=GEAR_1 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-hydro=gizmo-mfv --with-riemann-solver=hllc --with-stars=GEAR --with-feedback=none --with-grackle=$GRACKLE_ROOT for the others: --with-rt=GEAR_3 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-hydro=gizmo-mfv --with-riemann-solver=hllc --with-stars=GEAR --with-feedback=none --with-grackle=$GRACKLE_ROOT Note that the tests which have reference solutions can't be reproduced by the GEAR RT scheme as-is, because they require the gas density to be fixed throughout the entire run. This can't be done for Gizmo-MFV hydrodynamics as easily as for other SPH schemes, where fixing the particle positions suffices to keep the density constant. If you want to fix the particle densities nonetheless, please consult the instructions provided in To use the SPHM1 RT model, compile with : for propagation test: --with-rt=SPHM1RT_4 --with-stars=basic --with-feedback=none --with-sundials=$SUNDIALS_ROOT for Stromgren3D test: --with-rt=SPHM1RT_4 --with-stars=basic --with-feedback=none --with-sundials=$SUNDIALS_ROOT for Stromgren3D test without dynamics (no acceleration and no velocity): --with-rt=SPHM1RT_4 --with-stars=basic --with-feedback=none --with-sundials=$SUNDIALS_ROOT --enable-boundary-particles=262145 --enable-fixed-boundary-particles=262145 SUNDIALS_ROOT is the root directory that contains the lib and include directories, e.g. on cosma: SUNDIALS_ROOT=/cosma/local/sundials/5.1.0/